Broke and happy
Hurry and drink up. 

Hurry and drink up.![]()
Wow, there's just no hope for some people
I'm no massive Bond fan, but this is easily the best. Everything you would associate with Bond was in this film.
I wanted to be able to walk out at the end and say 'wow, now THAT was a movie.' And WOW. It really was.
A fantastic cinematic experience, and if people can't appreciate that, they need help
Maybe this is a case of a fan liking their idolised subject so much that they end up not being able to do anything than criticize.
Went to the Midnight IMAX screening and I have to say this ranks as one of the very best Bond films I have ever seen (it maybe the best in fact). Just absolutely new territory here with a villain the like's the which we've never seen (I thought he was bit like Sean Bean's villain from Goldeneye at first but Hell no--Silva is so much more captivating, charismatic and just down right nefarious) in a Bond film coupled with a story that delivers from minute one to the end credits. And what a story it is--emotional, haunting and ballsy. Hell, this is one of my favorite films of the year. It's just a great film all around and for all intents and purposes makes something old very, very new again. I cannot wait to see what comes next. And I got a helluva Skyfall movie poster to go along with it. 10/10
Saw it today. Apart from the M and Bond relationship it felt like a reboot to me, with little connection to the two previous films.
The 'surprises' were all telegraphed and quite obvious. Particularly thename reveal (reminded me of TDKR actually!). The end of the film (in the office) was a little too cheesy for me (reminded me of the Star Trek reboot, in that it is only at the end, when they are all on the bridge, that you think, "Oh yeah, this is a Star Trek film!").Moneypenny
The cinematography, while beautiful, did start to grate actually. There are only so many shots I want to see of characters looking out of car windows deep in thought. And so many carefully choreographed shots of Bond standing manfully looking into the distance etc. Killed the momentum at times. There were some gorgeous shots though.
I think they trod a fine line between emotional involvement and revealing too much Bond history. Bond has done perfectly fine up until now without having his personal history laid out, and I was worried that by revealing too much of his tragic past the film would demystify or emasculate him.
As it stands I think they managed not to do that, but I hope they don't revisit this aspect of Bond in subsequent films.When Albert Finney appeared I was concerned. When Indiana Jones's dad appeared in TLC it totally undermined Indy's masculinity and sang froid. The last thing Bond needs is a father-figure showing up.
Despite my reservations, I have to say that I really enjoyed it. The set pieces were certainly far better than I had expected from Mendes. It is definitely better than QofS, though of the Craig films I still prefer Casino Royale. I still don't think they've managed to top the first five min of Casino Royale, but this one came close.
Yeah, this movie was great. I'll post a real review later, when I get some more booze in me. Great addition to the Bond series.
I'm not a really big Bond fan, but this movie was great. I'm glad my friend made me go see it with him.
Saw it. Loved it. On par with Casino Royale. Maybe not better just just as good IMO. Cinematography was stunning.
Literally have no idea what tylerdurden, Tyer, Ash Housewares, and KrisSolo are talking about... I thought this was a great movie... And everyone in my cinema was making overwhelmingly positive comments (that I could hear) after the movie finished. Not to mention all of my friends/family on Facebook have been making positive comments about it, as well as nearly everybody I speak to about Skyfall face to face.
Obviously it's your respective opinions, but it's almost as if you were watching a completely different movie to the majority of the cinema-going population![]()
Have you seen it nam?
Saw it. Loved it. On par with Casino Royale. Maybe not better just just as good IMO. Cinematography was stunning.
Nice, I'm watching it Tuesday next week. Been waiting for a day where my wife is free!![]()
Saw it yesterday and thought it was one of the best Bond movies yet.
What's wrong with all those negative reviews in IMDB?![]()
Seen it for the second time last night. Definitely on par with CR for me. Craig cements himself as the greatest Bond so far imo.
They're riding the hipster douchewagon that says you automatically have to hate something that's good.![]()
I'm seeing this tonight.