Small_Studios Painted Sculpts

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Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

I may do a monthly contest and post various pics if anyone can guess who the sculpt is i will give a discount on a repaint.

That sounds like a lot of fun. I'm going to go ahead and say it's an Indy PF. Am I right? Huh? Am I right?:winner

All joking aside, that is a beautiful piece Josh. It makes me even more excited than I thought possible to get my Harrison Ford project going with you.
Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

Great googily moogily - that Indy PF is just plain gorgeous! Awesomely brilliant work, Josh - I can't wait to get a few of my long-in-waiting sculpts painted by you!!
Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

Hi Josh, Great job on the Indiana Jones. Its the best looking Indy I've seen so far. I sent you a pm the other day...not sure if you received it.
Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

Thanks guys :duff Fun sculpt to paint but as mentioned Dr. Jones is rather labor intensive. Trev worked his magic on him but i have to say i think his upcoming TOD rivals this one.
Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

WOW Josh, when you posted that close-up of the 'skin-test', I never would have guessed it was for Jones. AMAZING, AMAZING work man. WOW. Love it! :bow
Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery



Damn! That is some fine stuff right there. I got that figure for my aunt for Christmas when it came out. Like all of them, the paint apps sucked. She's actually bringing it to me this weekend for a repaint. I'm very inspired by your paint up now to get started on hers. Amazing!:clap

The chest hair looks unbelievably believable.
Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

Damn! That is some fine stuff right there. I got that figure for my aunt for Christmas when it came out. Like all of them, the paint apps sucked. She's actually bringing it to me this weekend for a repaint. I'm very inspired by your paint up now to get started on hers. Amazing!:clap

The chest hair looks unbelievably believable.

Thanks Nathan. Im actually looking forward to seeing yours when your done with it. When i got Indy in hand he almost had a green/gray tone to his skin, really odd color. I dont know why anyone would be happy with that factory paint. I think you will have fun painting him but it does take some getting use just due to the sure size of the sculpt. :horror
Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

THANK YOU JOSH.:yess: I got my Zoe sculpt from you today, and like the other 3 she looks much better in hand than in photos. I'm takeing photos of the crew this weekend and will post them here and on Trevs site. Thanks again, I truely love the way this crew is turning out.:clap:clap

Old Grandpa
Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

THANK YOU JOSH.:yess: I got my Zoe sculpt from you today, and like the other 3 she looks much better in hand than in photos. I'm takeing photos of the crew this weekend and will post them here and on Trevs site. Thanks again, I truely love the way this crew is turning out.:clap:clap

Old Grandpa

Richard im def glad to hear that. I had a feeling you would like the way she turned out. :monkey3 Im looking forward to the crew pics when you post them. :peace
Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

Here are the group shots of the first 4 of the magnificent 9:




I really want to thank you Josh for the womderful job you've donne so far. These guys are GREAT:hi5:

Old Grandpa
Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

Here are some additional shots I took of pairings to give a closed look at the great work done by Trev and Josh:








Thanks again Josh.

Old Grandpa
Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

Richard i posted in the other thread as well but you really set the bar with those customs. Top notch quality all around. Im glad i could help you out with them. :1-1: Also thanks for posting those pics! Kaylee may be my favorite out of the crew so far.
Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

They look awesome, I'm afraid I'm not familiar with the story/movie :(

Get on it son!!! Firefly is seriously one of the best series in years... sadly it didn't make it past the first season. Either get it on Netflix, or buy the season on DVD (its easy to buy for cheap these days).

Awesome collection Old Grandpa, a very high bar has been set :duff

And great Indy PF repaint, some of your best work. Hope to see more PF repaints from you :rock
Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

Those are great, Josh! I have a couple of sets in progress myself, and again, you have set the bar pretty darned high (as usual!)
Great job on them all! :rock