Small_Studios Painted Sculpts

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Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

(Foghorn Leghorn voice: That was a joke, son, a joke.) Actually, a compliment wrapped in a joke. When you add the LIFE to the sculpt...get it? Anyway, beautifully done. There's really something going on in the eyes.
Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

Quick update:
I have been at the drawing table rather then the regular painting table this past week. Im working on some portrait projects for a client. Getting back to sculpts this week. Should have more stuff posted by next week. :monkey3
Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

Quick update:
I have been at the drawing table rather then the regular painting table this past week. Im working on some portrait projects for a client. Getting back to sculpts this week. Should have more stuff posted by next week. :monkey3

Awesome :yess: Where can I see some of your canvas work, Josh?
Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

Thats so awesome Josh I'd love to see your 2d work.

I recently just picked up my paintbrush and pencils after a long 6 year gap from doing illustration... as an at director I found my disconcering eye and judgement evolved to a more refined level than my technical skill so I've been pretty aggravated with myself this last week or so...

but I'm an ____ bastard so i wont quit until im happy with what i'm doing.

I'm sure your 2D work is just as jaw dropping as your 3d work!
Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

Alittle break away from the norm. Here is one of the commission pieces im working on for a customer. Star Trek fans should recognize her. It is about 60% complete. Still have to add her lower half, background, and the Voyager ship in there.


Let me know what you guys think. Any input helps me make it better.

Ill be getting back to my regular scheduled programming very soon.:yess:
Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

Thanks Mag. Still alot more details to add. Should have it wrapped up soon and sent off. It's actually a nice change working on some fine art stuff. By the way you still enjoying your Joker.
Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

I never saw the Star Trek series but could instantly recognize that - well done!

:yess: Thats what i like to hear especially from someone not familiar with the series. She has a very unique face hard to duplicate. :thud:
Thanks for the feedback.
Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

Same here. No clue who she is, but its definitly ST. She looks great so far, I especially like the little details such as the lose strains aroubd the ear. Keep those things comming man, its really great seeing some different stuff (not that the "normal" stuff is boring but you know what I mean ;) )...


Are you doing those commissions on a regular basis?
Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

I'm flabbergasted people didn't watch ST: Voyager. It must be a different generations thing..
Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

I couldn't get into voyager. TNG was my thing. Janeway irritated me. Still, 7 of 9 kinda made up for that. Nice art Josh!
Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

I'm flabbergasted people didn't watch ST: Voyager. It must be a different generations thing..

I love ST, however only the original series. All the sequels and preuels were nothing for me. I always had the feeling they have used some B-actors and just try to provit from the ST franchise. Granted this is always the case but with ST it felt like the new stuff did not add anything to the old. The only new thing I liked was the movie.

Must be - I'd love to get into Star Trek no idea where to start though

Start watching the old movies. They were sometimes a little trashy but alltogether were pretty amazing. But we are not going to make any custom figs before 2013. :lol
Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

Lol yeah part of me is scared of getting into it because the thought of the cost of having a figure collection from it is terrifying!! Hsha thanks for the tip and check the nurse thread! I may have found the proof!