Small_Studios Painted Sculpts

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Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

Alittle sneek preview of THE DUDE.



Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

Give him a white russian moustache in his beard hair! LOL Killer app Josh!
Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

Another killer piece! :rock

Only nit pick, I believe it is just the pic but he looks very slightly google eyed... But it only seems to be the white reflection of the flash in the eyes that irritates me.
Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

Give him a white russian moustache in his beard hair! LOL Killer app Josh!

:lol I had thought about that actually but didn't want to attempt it since the owner didn't mention anything about posing him with his white russian. Would have been a nice touch though.

Another killer piece! :rock

Only nit pick, I believe it is just the pic but he looks very slightly google eyed... But it only seems to be the white reflection of the flash in the eyes that irritates me.

Yeah i suppose the light reflection makes the eyes appear to be pushing outward slightly. Not the case in hand though. Usually the reflection is on the same side of the eye. Thats the one thing i liked about the sculpt was the roundness of the eyes which gives it that nice highlight/reflection.
Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

Absolutely amazing as usual Josh :thud: Did you paint up the chest piece as well?

Really hoping Indy is up soon, dying to see him come to life!
Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

Wow, freaking amazing work on the Dude.
I REALLY gotta get in line for your paintwork man! Incredible stuff!
Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

Wow, freaking amazing work on the Dude.
I REALLY gotta get in line for your paintwork man! Incredible stuff!

You really have to do. These pics dont do his work justice. The most scary part is that he still seems to improve his work... :horror

This is one year back... It was already perfect but somehow Joshs painting style is getting perfecter... :lol

I have been working through alot of sculpts but here is the most recent i finished up on.

Tony Stark


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Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

Absolutely amazing as usual Josh :thud: Did you paint up the chest piece as well?

Really hoping Indy is up soon, dying to see him come to life!

I do actually have his chest piece coming up. Its on the painting table now. Ill post pics of the head on the torso tomorrow. Not sure i ever wanted to see The Dudes man boobs. :lol
Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

You really have to do. These pics dont do his work justice. The most scary part is that he still seems to improve his work... :horror

This is one year back... It was already perfect but somehow Joshs painting style is getting perfecter... :lol

Wow! Thanks for posting the comparison shot.

Josh, your skin tones are looking unbelievably real. :thud:
Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

I can't even believe the realness of this paint app. The eyes, the beard, the skin tone. I am blown away by your work Josh. All I can say is Thanks You So so much for continuing to use your Jedi paint skills on all these sculpts. You really kick some serious @ss.
Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

I can't even believe the realness of this paint app. The eyes, the beard, the skin tone. I am blown away by your work Josh. All I can say is Thanks You So so much for continuing to use your Jedi paint skills on all these sculpts. You really kick some serious @ss.

Thanks my friend. Wait until you see him in person. :wink1: