Small_Studios Painted Sculpts

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Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

I have been waiting for a great likeness of Tom Cruise for awhile. Now thanks to Serang and Zuno i finally got one! Just received this in the mail earlier. Now what to do with thinking a contract killer in a gray suit. :confused:


Wow, great HS where can I get one, if possible?
Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

Thanks guys for the feedback. I know things have been very very very slow moving on my end but things will be poppin really soon:yess:
Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

The William Davis paint up is super sick Josh. Can't wait to see what else you have in store.

The Truth is Out There...
Here is Sideshow's X-Files Smoking Man Sculpt. The cigarette was custom made and can be removed. Nice sculpt to paint up. Lots more coming!


Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

Wow, simply wow Josh!!! I don't think I realized how good that sculpt was until now. Phenomenal in every way. Btw, I am assuming my Dex arrived ok.
Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

Wow, simply wow Josh!!! I don't think I realized how good that sculpt was until now. Phenomenal in every way. Btw, I am assuming my Dex arrived ok.

Ooooo, Rainman's or Xeno's? Can't wait to see either one of those painted by Josh.
Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

Wow, simply wow Josh!!! I don't think I realized how good that sculpt was until now. Phenomenal in every way. Btw, I am assuming my Dex arrived ok.

Thanks. I always thought the sculpt had alot of character its just the factory paint always hides that. :slap Thats why i love the way HT does there production heads. Their paint compliments the sculpt perfectly every time. Also Dex arrived, PM coming your way.:hi5:
Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

Since we are at it Josh I wanted to check to see if you got Dane and my package?

I'm sure it's safe but wanted to check. Cheers my man.

Ray received and you did a excellent job. I ment to tell you that. Looks ace! It will be a pleasure to paint. Thanks again for doing that:hi5:
Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

Ray received and you did a excellent job. I ment to tell you that. Looks ace! It will be a pleasure to paint. Thanks again for doing that:hi5:


Ray is the man! :bow

I'll have someone standing by me with some smelling salts when I see that update, Josh.
Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

Thanks for that note Josh! Can;t wait to see what you do with both of those sculpts, as you know you were always my first choice to paint that but I'm glad you can do it with Dane's and we all can enjoy :D

Good to hear you're back in the saddle again... can;t wait to see more brilliant work.
Re: Small_Studios Figure Gallery

A before and after shot of Sideshow's Old Ben. One of my favorite likenesses from Trevor.



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