You do realize I said Corgi right? None of what you listed is Corgi. I have the mini Spider-Man masks both comic and film from Master Replicas that were done under Corgi supervision for the most part and they are crap. The comic version was actually done out of felt and that was the plan for the 1:1 mask! The reason that eFX's Star Wars stuff is so phenomenal is because the core of Master Replicas jumped ship to form that company. I'm not arguing the quality of the old (feels weird calling 2005 old...) MR stuff but I promise you the "new" under Corgi would have been complete garbage.
Yeah I was disappointed when Corgi took over. Did they release anything under their new ownership that didn't suck?
Yeah eFx stuff is awesome but they're too slow. I'm glad they have the talent but maybe when the economy gets better they can start producing at a bigger level...