Solo: A Star Wars Story

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Do Team Khev members get a t-shirt and/or decoder ring? If so count me in! :D :lol

Khev is lucky my device is at home that I use for photo manips or else I would be posting a decoder ring with his head on it right about now. :lol

I remember the laughing as well.....

Anakin riding a cow....

Anakin’s hokey dialogue

I even remember them laughing at Yoda

(Whats with that anyway? Cant make a puppet look better than it did in the 80’s now? Are practical effect guys that bad now?)

There was alot of anger after TLJ....but not alot of laughs..
Whatever that means..

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....

That’s right even Yoda was laughed upon sheesh.
Yeah, there really just is no comparing the sequels to the prequels, as far as quality goes.

I understand that some may have issues with the story in the ST, but from a filmmaking standpoint, they are good, well acted and produced films. The same cannot be said for, oh, let's say, AOTC.

Let me know when my decoder ring is coming in the mail!

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
Thought this was a cool Solo-related image:

Oh what could’ve been in 99.

Yeah, there really just is no comparing the sequels to the prequels, as far as quality goes.

I understand that some may have issues with the story in the ST, but from a filmmaking standpoint, they are good, well acted and produced films. The same cannot be said for, oh, let's say, AOTC.

Let me know when my decoder ring is coming in the mail!

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

Years ago you hosted Khev’s Harmy screening during the PT wars. Now he begs you to help him in his struggle with the ST hate.

[FONT=&quot]I regret that I am unable to bring Khev’s decoder ring to you in person, but my responses to crows has fallen under review. [/FONT]
Years ago you hosted Khev’s Harmy screening during the PT wars. Now he begs you to help him in his struggle with the ST hate.

[FONT="][FONT=arial black][SIZE=2]I regret that I am unable to bring Khev’s decoder ring to you in person, but my responses to crows has fallen under review. [/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]


[QUOTE="jye4ever, post: 9811556, member: 4605"]Oh what could’ve been in 99.

You know I actually remember Ron Howard's name being mentioned as being on George's short list to direct one of the prequels on account of how well they worked together on Willow before George decided he'd rather direct them all himself. If only. And even though I have really cared much for any Ron Howard film since the 90's at least we finally got to see him helm an awesome SW prequel after all. :rock
Oh what could’ve been in 99.

Years ago you hosted Khev’s Harmy screening during the PT wars. Now he begs you to help him in his struggle with the ST hate.

[FONT=&quot]I regret that I am unable to bring Khev’s decoder ring to you in person, but my responses to crows has fallen under review. [/FONT]

Into exile I have gone, awaiting he who will bring balance to the forums

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk
Yeah, there really just is no comparing the sequels to the prequels, as far as quality goes.

I understand that some may have issues with the story in the ST, but from a filmmaking standpoint, they are good, well acted and produced films. The same cannot be said for, oh, let's say, AOTC.

Let me know when my decoder ring is coming in the mail!

Sent from my SM-G960U using Tapatalk

Agreed. I think the biggest reason the PT was so poorly executed is because George created them in a bubble. He wrote the screenplays, he directed them, and he had creative control over every aspect whereas the OT was a collaborative effort. There was no one there to reign George in to say, “are you sure putting **** and fart jokes in a Star Wars movie is a good idea?” There were other producers there like Rick McCallum but ultimately it was George’s company, George’s story, and George’s baby.

Other people helped write the script and direct the movies for the OT. George was busy building lucasfilm and didn’t have time to do make the movies though he had creative input and an overall outline for his story arc he wasn’t involved in the daily minutiae of the films themselves. Thus making much better movies overall. Or at least a more coherent story that is.
I remember the laughing as well.....

Anakin riding a cow....

Anakin’s hokey dialogue

I even remember them laughing at Yoda

(Whats with that anyway? Cant make a puppet look better than it did in the 80’s now? Are practical effect guys that bad now?)

There was alot of anger after TLJ....but not alot of laughs..
Whatever that means..

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....

I think it means that many fans left TLJ with legitimate subjective reasons for being upset at the direction the franchise was being taken, but without much objective criticism of the artistic merits of it as a general cinematic work.

If I had to summarize fan reaction to all SW films so far it'd go like this:

OT lovers: "That was so completely awesome!" :rock
OT haters: " Yeah, it kinda was . . . Ewoks were dumb though." :clap

PT haters: "What a horrendous pile of ****!? That was embarrassingly bad on so many levels!" :yuck
PT lovers: "Yeah, but . . . yeah. There were some cool moments, though . . . right?" :slap

ST lovers: "Star Wars is back! And not in that 'Wait, is this a SW spoof like Spaceballs?" kinda way!! :blissy
ST haters: "But it's not SW the way I want it. And they're injecting things that have no business being in SW!" :cuss

RO everyone: "Hey, that wasn't bad. Kinda dull in spots, but that Vader scene . . . **** YEAH! :)

Solo: . . . "Anyone seen this yet?"
You know I actually remember Ron Howard's name being mentioned as being on George's short list to direct one of the prequels on account of how well they worked together on Willow before George decided he'd rather direct them all himself.

I think George only "decided" that because none of his friends wanted the gig. He offered it to Spielberg too. So either they read the script for TPM and said "No way!" or they just didn't want to be second-guessing George the whole time.
I remember the laughing as well.....

Anakin riding a cow....

Anakin’s hokey dialogue

I even remember them laughing at Yoda

(Whats with that anyway? Cant make a puppet look better than it did in the 80’s now? Are practical effect guys that bad now?)

There was alot of anger after TLJ....but not alot of laughs..
Whatever that means..

Sent from the inside of a giant slug in outer space.....

While it's true that the PT is bad in a way the ST isn't, at least they didn't have Luke ****ing Skywalker played by Mark Hamill sitting next to that female Yoda and the shrunken-head-from-Beetlejuice Jedi babbling about balancing the farce. The whole thing you can view like some CGI animated series gone awry that has a moppet-haircut kid or whiny teen that you're supposed to believe eventually becomes Vader, midochlorine pool test kits and all.

And forgive the director of ANH for TPM the same way we forgave the director of Raiders for Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

It's when someone gets Mark Hamill himself to take a steaming dump on the OT's beloved hero, along with that hero's fans (and even the OT itself) - and where that's mostly the point of the whole exercise - that the conversation movies from hokey dialogue, bad acting and unconvincing puppets to something much more serious.
While it's true that the PT is bad in a way the ST isn't, at least they didn't have Luke ****ing Skywalker played by Mark Hamill sitting next to that female Yoda and the shrunken-head-from-Beetlejuice Jedi babbling about balancing the farce. The whole thing you can view like some CGI animated series gone awry that has a moppet-haircut kid or whiny teen that you're supposed to believe eventually becomes Vader, midochlorine pool test kits and all.

And forgive the director of ANH for TPM the same way we forgave the director of Raiders for Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

It's when someone gets Mark Hamill himself to take a steaming dump on the OT's beloved hero, along with that hero's fans (and even the OT itself) - and where that's mostly the point of the whole exercise - that the conversation movies from hokey dialogue, bad acting and unconvincing puppets to something much more serious.

But Vader was just as beloved (albeit in a totally different way). For some of us, what the PT did to Vader is worse than what TLJ did to Luke. You can disagree, and I'm sure you do, but it's never going to evolve into an objectively provable issue.

Reducing Vader (in my opinion) to a whiny, love-lost, and easily-manipulated figure was compounded by making his necessary turn against the ones he cared about most seem like it all happened for horribly-established and nonsensical reasons. That was unforgivable; it was too important of a story point. The rationale, as shown/presented in the PT, was insultingly flawed on intellectual and cinematic levels (again, only my opinion). A worthy story-telling justification is what a lot of us wanted/expected for the long-anticipated on-screen fall of Anakin Skywalker. We didn't get one; we got the opposite. As others have said, it was even laughable. Not just the dialogue, acting, and visuals of the PT; the story too. Therefore, that's why I could just as easily argue that the PT took "a steaming dump" on the OT's beloved/respected villain.

I'll spare you all of the justifications I've used before for Luke's shift in the story, but they're no less valid than the contrary objections. Some here have offered justifications for the Vader turn in the PT. They don't work for me, and I don't think the TLJ Luke justifications will ever work for you either, but TLJ wasn't the first (or worst, IMO) SW film to need justification for poorly-received story elements.

You're a great fan of Star Wars, TaliBane, and I admire that a lot. You want to preserve everything about it that made you a fan. TLJ betrayed you on those levels, so you resent it more than you do the PT. Some people (myself included) feel the reverse: the PT did more harm. Star Wars diluting Vader (heavily), and the saga becoming a point-and-laugh-at-it joke, was worse to me than what TLJ did.

Sometimes it can seem that anti-TLJ comments lose sight of the fact that fans found more egregious harm done to SW several years ago than anything Rian Johnson (and others) did to SW last year. For many of us, the PT was a low point that needed to be followed by something - anything! - less hokey, embarrassing, and poorly presented. That can lead people like me to blasting the PT all over again in order to provide perspective and context amidst the "TLJ destroyed Star Wars" comments. Mistakes have been made in the ST to be sure (some of them big ones), but I don't think any of the on-screen ones rise to unprecedented levels in the SW franchise.
But Vader was just as beloved (albeit in a totally different way). For some of us, what the PT did to Vader is worse than what TLJ did to Luke. You can disagree, and I'm sure you do, but it's never going to evolve into an objectively provable issue.

Reducing Vader (in my opinion) to a whiny, love-lost, and easily-manipulated figure was compounded by making his necessary turn against the ones he cared about most seem like it all happened for horribly-established and nonsensical reasons. That was unforgivable; it was too important of a story point. The rationale, as shown/presented in the PT, was insultingly flawed on intellectual and cinematic levels (again, only my opinion). A worthy story-telling justification is what a lot of us wanted/expected for the long-anticipated on-screen fall of Anakin Skywalker. We didn't get one; we got the opposite. As others have said, it was even laughable. Not just the dialogue, acting, and visuals of the PT; the story too. Therefore, that's why I could just as easily argue that the PT took "a steaming dump" on the OT's beloved/respected villain.

I'll spare you all of the justifications I've used before for Luke's shift in the story, but they're no less valid than the contrary objections. Some here have offered justifications for the Vader turn in the PT. They don't work for me, and I don't think the TLJ Luke justifications will ever work for you either, but TLJ wasn't the first (or worst, IMO) SW film to need justification for poorly-received story elements.

You're a great fan of Star Wars, TaliBane, and I admire that a lot. You want to preserve everything about it that made you a fan. TLJ betrayed you on those levels, so you resent it more than you do the PT. Some people (myself included) feel the reverse: the PT did more harm. Star Wars diluting Vader (heavily), and the saga becoming a point-and-laugh-at-it joke, was worse to me than what TLJ did.

Sometimes it can seem that anti-TLJ comments lose sight of the fact that fans found more egregious harm done to SW several years ago than anything Rian Johnson (and others) did to SW last year. For many of us, the PT was a low point that needed to be followed by something - anything! - less hokey, embarrassing, and poorly presented. That can lead people like me to blasting the PT all over again in order to provide perspective and context amidst the "TLJ destroyed Star Wars" comments. Mistakes have been made in the ST to be sure (some of them big ones), but I don't think any of the on-screen ones rise to unprecedented levels in the SW franchise.

Impressive, most impressive.
Epic games earned 300 million JUST FOR APRIL from Fortnite add on purchases.

If Disney wants to recoup what they lost on Solo they better release a Solo Battle Royale game lol
What Solo lost in revenue it gained in fan respect. ;)

Seriously it was pretty much the worst idea that anyone's ever had for a Star Wars movie ever (okay until George said that he intended the new trilogy to be a sequel to "Inside Out") and then somehow unbelievably pulled an awesome movie out of a hat, lol.

Hopefully the blu-ray has even more Maul and maybe a dash of Ben Quadinaros amiright. :rock


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