What Solo lost in revenue it gained in fan respect.
Seriously it was pretty much the worst idea that anyone's ever had for a Star Wars movie ever (okay until George said that he intended the new trilogy to be a sequel to "Inside Out") and then somehow unbelievably pulled an awesome movie out of a hat, lol.
Hopefully the blu-ray has even more Maul and maybe a dash of Ben Quadinaros amiright.
Inside out!? Would Bing Bong have been a Jedi Master?What Solo lost in revenue it gained in fan respect.
Seriously it was pretty much the worst idea that anyone's ever had for a Star Wars movie ever (okay until George said that he intended the new trilogy to be a sequel to "Inside Out") and then somehow unbelievably pulled an awesome movie out of a hat, lol.
Hopefully the blu-ray has even more Maul and maybe a dash of Ben Quadinaros amiright.
Well there it is from Lucas himself:
I suggest you sit down first lol:
“[The next three ‘Star Wars’ films] were going to get into a microbiotic world,” he told Cameron. “There’s this world of creatures that operate differently than we do. I call them the Whills. And the Whills are the ones who actually control the universe. They feed off the Force.”
Elsewhere in the conversation, Lucas admitted, “Everybody hated it in ‘Phantom Menace’ [when] we started talking about midi-chlorians.” In terms of his storytelling, Lucas regarded individuals as “vehicles for the Whills to travel around in…And the conduit is the midi-chlorians. The midi-chlorians are the ones that communicate with the Whills. The Whills, in a general sense, they are the Force.”
Space Leia and Force Projections suddenly got a whole lot cooler, lol.
Leave it to George to remind us just how much worse the Saga could always be (and would be were he still in control.)
Space Leia and Force Projections suddenly got a whole lot cooler, lol.
Leave it to George to remind us just how much worse the Saga could always be (and would be were he still in control.)
I have always said the PT needed a lot of Lawrence Kasdan and ST needed a "little" George Lucas...
I got up this morning quickly realized that I live in a world where I accept a different actor playing Han Solo and then I went peacefully back to sleep.
The disbelief really can't be overstated on that.
I got up this morning quickly realized that I live in a world where I accept a different actor playing Han Solo and then I went peacefully back to sleep.
But still kinda want to know what horrors he had in mind.
This also can’t be overstated enough
“There’s this world of creatures that operate differently than we do. I call them the Whills. And the Whills are the ones who actually control the universe. They feed off the Force.”
And remember these ideas date back to the earliest drafts of the OT, so they were always there even if we didn't know it.
Not really. George Lucas from the Annotated Screenplays:
“Originally, I was trying to have the story be told by somebody else; there was somebody watching this whole story and recording it, somebody probably wiser than the mortal players in the actual events. I eventually dropped this idea, and the concept behind the Whills turned into the Force. But the Whills became part of this massive amount of notes, quotes, background information that I used for the scripts; the stories were actually taken from the ‘Journal of the Whills’.”
The "Whills" were always supposed to be these watchers/chroniclers of the Saga who literally put pen to paper and wrote "The Journal of the Whills." Supposedly the films would have been live-action adaptations of what they wrote. So the Whills were a detached third party and never meant to be little people inside the actual characters of the Saga driving them around like vehicles. FFS I can't believe I actually typed out that last sentence in a legitimate discussion about what George was literally planning on doing, lol.
All the more reason to be grateful that none of it ever got far enough to matter. But it would have made a 9-year-old kid "oops" his way to destroying a Trade Federation space station seem like a rational concept. And a slapstick goofball creature bumbling his way through armed battle droids . . . And Artoo oil slicks . . . And having a roadside diner be a Jedi go-to for strategic intel . . . And Threepio's head fused onto a functioning battle droid (and vice versa) . . . Yeah, okay I'll stop now.