Yeah no thank you. They had their shot with both of them. They screwed the pooch. Those characters are done forever in live action. At least I hope so.Just make a clone wars movie whilst Hayden and Ewan are still available and watch the money roll in. So easy.
They're on loan from Black Rock. A company who's CEO publicly, in video discussed "forcing behavior" at all cost. A company worth $8 trillion.It boggles the mind to think that after Solo and TROS underperformed that Disney took a step back and said "whoa, we need to rethink theatrical Star Wars" only to fast forward to 2023, which turns out to be one of the most disastrous years in over a decade for Disney, one in which their priorities and methods are mercilessly mocked to universal amusement by South Park, and they settle on "Okay, let's just continue with the girl in the underperforming TROS and do EXACTLY what South Park mocked us for and that all of our other movies are bombing because of."
I feel like we're watching them publicly destroy themselves in real time. Truly fascinating.
Haven't you heard of "Rebel Moon" yet?!?Sadly though, the next big thing could take many years to develop and come to fruition... unless its a 'Star Wars' type movie (meaning massive hit not necessarily sci-fi) that just takes the world by storm and opens up a new genre or re-invents the current action/adventure/fantasy one.
Sums it up for me. Disney is in self destruct mode and can’t get out of their own way.
Disney would have easily entered the "uncool" phase during the 20teens where Marvel ran the world, except they had enough money to buy Marvel. And Star Wars. They have bought their way to headliner for a longer period than is cyclical.
However, in their hands, they have driven those IPs into the ground, and now, losing so much money will hamper their ability to buy "the next big thing". Sadly though, the next big thing could take many years to develop and come to fruition... unless its a 'Star Wars' type movie (meaning massive hit not necessarily sci-fi) that just takes the world by storm and opens up a new genre or re-invents the current action/adventure/fantasy one.
It's going to take something like a world war for any of this **** to change.
We're working on that.
What was it they say about change? It's good... right?
Sadly, your points about an adverse environment to true creativity are well taken. But the pendulum does swing back. This too shall pass. Another decade of this kind of nonsense and a huge renaissance will occur. It has to.
I have reached a place of total apathy. I've already sold off a good amount of SW merch I don't want and have a very, few pieces that remind me of my childhood, one that is actually a framed "New Hope" SW pillow case from my childhood bed, but little else. Even Mando was tanked in my eyes. What more can they do? What will it matter? I don't want to complain about it anymore. I don't want to know. We just got back from WDW and Galaxy's Edge is just some brown place with fake spaceships. Total and complete 'meh vibes abound.It boggles the mind to think that after Solo and TROS underperformed that Disney took a step back and said "whoa, we need to rethink theatrical Star Wars" only to fast forward to 2023, which turns out to be one of the most disastrous years in over a decade for Disney, one in which their priorities and methods are mercilessly mocked to universal amusement by South Park, and they settle on "Okay, let's just continue with the girl in the underperforming TROS and do EXACTLY what South Park mocked us for and that all of our other movies are bombing because of."
I feel like we're watching them publicly destroy themselves in real time. Truly fascinating.
I'm already struggling to find any enthusiasm for an industry I once absolutely loved... even if you're right, a decade is still a hell's lifetime away of suffering through this slew of endless sludge.![]()
Videogames? Looks like I'll be sitting the next craze out like I have with comic book movies.Yep, I'm totally there. I hope its not a decade's wait, but who knows. I think we all know the "next big thing" will likely be movies (in whatever format they become) based on video games. Like comic books before them, they are the guaranteed future for several generations immersed with them. They won't just be for "kids" for very much longer. They need to find their 'adult term' though, like comics found 'graphic novels'.