The Clown Prince of Crime
Super Freak
People will get tired of the serious/gritty style and they'll embrace the over the top Bond films with the crazy gadgets, humor and weird villains again. People always want something "different," and "fresh." Look at Batman, when the 89 Batman film came out, people trashed the 60's Batman because it was too campy, but years later the audience liked "Batman Forever" and that lead to Batman & Robin, which is the equivalent of 'Die Another Day," but then came the Nolan films and people trashed the previous films because they liked the serious, grounded in reality, Batman. Same happened to the Bond films with Skyfall being influence by the Nolan Batman films according to the director, Sam Mendez. However, now we're getting Batffleck and there are people trashing everything about the Nolan films because now they want a more comic book style Batman, not grounded in reality. The same will happen to Bond. They'll get a new actor who is more charismatic, charming and isn't as serious and Craig, and just like that people will say, finally "the classic" Bond is back with the humor and the cool gadgets...until those same people get tired of it