Sphero's Star Wars BB-8 Drone

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Anyone hear anything about the update for Android's voice feature?

I never thought about the fact that I'd like to film this little guy with my phone but that's how I'm operating it. Does it work or do anything on its own at all?
I ordered him yesterday morning before work on Sphero's website. Didn't realize I wasn't charged Tax or shipping. Reading the comments on facebook there w as a glitch in the system. They now have fixed it.. but I still wasn't charged extra. Got very lucky on that one!
Anyone hear anything about the update for Android's voice feature?

I never thought about the fact that I'd like to film this little guy with my phone but that's how I'm operating it. Does it work or do anything on its own at all?

Well he does patrol mode on his own, so long as you leave the app active. But no, if you don't have the app open it won't do anything. It he's in his dock and you press the button on the side he will flash and move his head a round for about 5 mins.

I think the problem is he doesn't pair to a device, the app just looks for him over bluetooth and connects so when you leave the app (either close or multitask to another) the connection drops out. Hoping there might be an update that pairs him so he can passively patrol once you start him from the app until you send a stop signal.
I'm going to operate him (finally downloaded the app this morning) with my phone and film him with my wife's phone--- but it's going to mean that some of you are going to have to find the right gal to try that procedure. :wink1:
I think the problem is he doesn't pair to a device, the app just looks for him over bluetooth and connects so when you leave the app (either close or multitask to another) the connection drops out.

The issue might be that there's no pathing logic within the bot itself and all of it has to be transmitted from the phone. If that's the case, no update will ever be able to fix that unless there's enough memory and processing power on the droid for it.
For those who have him.. how is the antenna's durability? I've been watching a lot of reviews and they have weirdly bent antennas. By that I mean it's not straight. What's it made out of?


See how the long antenna is not straight?
It's really flimsy. Just plastic there for show. My cat bit mine and gave it a kink that has since straightened out after some bending.
I got one of these yesterday, but with a corporate discount from a certain Mouse. $97! Half the price I would pay back home (£130, UK)
He is great fun!

To answer the question above, the antenna is pretty delicate, but it seems it could be straightened out again if bent. Mine is straight so far though and I am not gonna try it to see, coz it is tiny!
So is it just Rubber or is it plastic that it can snap right off? How is it difficult to make it straight again?
Has anyone tried to get BB-8 to peep out from behind the corner wall like in the trailer? In the sphero commercial they re-enacted that sequence, but I can't get BB-8 to tilt and look forward without rolling. I guess I can get my daughter to hide behind the wall and do it by hand. :lol
If you decorate it with colored tape to look a bit more like BB-8, it would definitely make an AWESOME eBay auction. Start the bidding at $500.