Spider-Man: No Way Home (December 17th, 2021)

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I still don’t get how we got a
pre dead Osborn but a post Osborn dead Parker and I don’t care because the movie was a blast lol
More generally, I didn't understand why some of the characters materialized at the moment before their deaths while others didn't. But as with many things, I allow some dramatic license here.
The whole
police investigation and needing a lawyer thing was really dropped fast lol
That and the fact that Stark Industries lawyers were not all over Happy telling him what to do, who to talk to, he's got to fend for himself and sort it all out. No sign of Potts calling him either to ask what's going on.
I have never cried 3 x in a movie until now.

Not true ROTJ, Superman 3, Alien 3, Predator 2, Robocop 2 and TDKR I cried non stop lol

If you hate this movie you are truly dead inside lol
I still don’t get how we got a
pre dead Osborn but a post Osborn dead Parker and I don’t care because the movie was a blast lol

Andrews Spidey is also post-TASM2 and they basically say he’s been killing or grievously injuring people because he stopped pulling his punches

But maybe Tobey was like nah you aint putting no green dots all over my face.
Damn, that's great to hear.
I saw it with 2 others and we all thought it was great. Audience was clapping and cheering at multiple points. I typically don't do that but there were two moments where I got a huge smile and had to show my approval to the movie gods.

Also, not a spoiler really, but stay until the very end of the credits for a cool movie trailer.

Spoiler here:

Did anyone else get the sense of foreboding when Ned was told about Harry Osborne's turn and death? Felt for sure like a reference to Ned's arc as Hobgoblin in the comics.
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I saw it with 2 others and we all thought it was great. Audience was clapping and cheering at multiple points. I typically don't do that but there were two moments where I got a huge smile and had to show my approval to the movie gods.

Also, not a spoiler really, but stay until the very end of the credits for a cool movie trailer.

Spoiler here:

Did anyone else get the sense of foreboding when Ned was told about Harry Osborne's turn and death? Felt for sure like a reference to Ned's arc as Hobgoblin in the comics. [
I got that reference easily ..but the unique thing is now..it could still happen with another Ned from the multiverse which is probably why they decided to give this Ned magical capabilities instead. However there was a version of Hobgoblin in the comics that gained magical powers through a deal with Mephisto but of course at a price of physically becoming a monster and losing his humanity..so who knows what direction they might bring to Ned in the future
I still don’t get how we got a
pre dead Osborn but a post Osborn dead Parker and I don’t care because the movie was a blast lol
I assumed all the villains were variants of alternate Raimi and TASM universes given they all had kind of different designs and Tobey and Andrew were the versions from the classic/original universes where all those villains are dead so naturally they are older.
I assumed all the villains were variants of alternate Raimi and TASM universes given they all had kind of different designs and Tobey and Andrew were the versions from the classic/original universes where all those villains are dead so naturally they are older.
Because if they cure them and send them back… those movies don’t happen, or at least don’t happen the same…
It would have been nice if

Maguire Spider-Man


Holland's JJ and made a comment about him being obnoxious and beligerant in his universe as well.

but I guess you can't have every single little nod in a movie.
No sign of Potts calling him either to ask what's going on.
That’s because Pepper is at her cabin in the woods and has cut herself off from everything and everyone (save the weekly Door Dash deliveries) while she binges Bridgerton and the rest of her favorite streaming shows.
Because if they cure them and send them back… those movies don’t happen, or at least don’t happen the same…
That was another thing I was wondering about. First because it has overlap with the timeline issues from previous movies and Loki, and implications to the timestreams are something we now know a little more about.

But that may apply to some situations more than others. . .

If those villains were literally plucked from their realities at their times of death and are sent immediately back with no real chance to be saved and criminally or psychologically rehabilitated, it seems excessively cruel to cure them just to have them killed off. In fact, that's why most of the bad guys wanted Strange's box destroyed, right? Because they knew it was a death sentence to be sent back. But the spell at the end essentially did just that as best I understand it. So, Doc Ock goes back to being drowned, Goblin goes back to be impaled, etc.

Maybe I missed something?
Because if they cure them and send them back… those movies don’t happen, or at least don’t happen the same…
Well there's infinite universes and variants so I don't really care lol, in some of those universes I bet Tobey and Andrew die by the hand of their villains, I'm just glad they were able to bring them all back.
That was another thing I was wondering about. First because it has overlap with the timeline issues from previous movies and Loki, and implications to the timestreams are something we now know a little more about.

But that may apply to some situations more than others. . .

If those villains were literally plucked from their realities at their times of death and are sent immediately back with no real chance to be saved and criminally or psychologically rehabilitated, it seems excessively cruel to cure them just to have them killed off. In fact, that's why most of the bad guys wanted Strange's box destroyed, right? Because they knew it was a death sentence to be sent back. But the spell at the end essentially did just that as best I understand it. So, Doc Ock goes back to being drowned, Goblin goes back to be impaled, etc.

Maybe I missed something?
I think it rides on your suspension of disbelief, Doc said he was fighting Peter when he was plucked into the MCU so there's a chance Peter turned off his machine before it could do any real damage so Doc wouldn't have to drown himself to save the city, remember it takes place in an alternate universe not the one we saw in the Raimi film, Goblin would be sent back reformed so he would never try to impale Peter, avoiding his death in the process, Electro is a mistery to be honest, I think he died in TASM2 but in NWH he said he was becoming pure energey, maybe we might have seen him in a TASM 3 or the sinister six movie that never materialized.

Honestly the biggest plot hole in regards to the villains is how Electro got plucked into the MCU because either I wasn't paying attention or Electro had no idea who Peter was which would make it impossible for the first botched spell to have done anything to him.