Spider-Man: No Way Home (December 17th, 2021)

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That's all correct, but I'm mostly talking about the lost cases. If a guy's 5'5", bald at 22, with no money or connections to back him, and no particular talent anywhere, no amount of trying really hard is going to help him. Some folks are just born to lose.
So I agree that in this unfair world there is such a thing as a lost case, but what you're describing isn't a lost case in the context of being able to enjoy life.

I would argue that the most important thing anyone has is their health; talent and intellect are no guarantees for happiness, neither is physical beauty. I'm not discounting that those are powerful gifts but I've seen people implode who were more or less handed the world on a platter. I've seen people dealt all kinds of bad cards who responded with utter ferocity. They don't get to be Brad Pitt but they don't give a f*** because they build a meaningful life that transcends conventional limitations.

If they can isolate themselves enough to have a functional living, fill the void with some passing pleasure, and nowadays vent online with like-minded people, then things could be worse.

All pleasure is transient. All of it. Life is temporary and the biggest problem is the meaningless crap people place importance on. Every great spiritual tradition, every great philosophy, every major religion, agrees on this aspect of human nature. We chase illusions and make ourselves unhappy.

And I do think it's a presupposition failure to assume there is always a void that needs filling. That may be what advertisers would have us believe. Not everyone wants the same thing, but okay, maybe that's nitpicking.

"Not giving up" is a good quality when you're already good at something and no matter the odds you hone your craft to get to the next level. Sure, that other guy might have a better predisposition but maybe you'll edge him out by working more, or with some luck, or anything. But you need to be already good enough in that particular field. Talent and tenacity are both needed.
Hard work beats talent. Hard work + talent is often unstoppable. But what we're discussing here is an overall, global resilience, that allows people to move from repeated failure to eventual improvement, which also involves trying many different approaches.

I'm not advocating someone with no tolerance for stress persist in combat sports, for instance. When I trained younger fighters they walked in all the same, ready to show what they could do. Some of them weren't cut out for getting punched in the face. No shame at all in that -- it's unnatural and unpleasant. You figure it out, you move on.

I think some people need help, I think our current society has gone disastrously awry and makes it worse for young people who may be on shaky ground.

In life nothing is promised, failure comes to everyone. The challenge is how to train resilience and self-esteem into a generation of young men and women whose development has been distorted by a firehose of advertising, social media and pornography.

My master often says: "Men don't have to be beautiful, but they must be strong."

I would extend that to men and women. There's a fine line between healthy questioning and advocacy for a more egalitarian world, and continuously licking wounds raw until everyone is damaged all the time.

Anyway, this is wiiiillldllllyyyyy off-topic. We won't solve these problems in a Spider-Man thread.
So I agree that in this unfair world there is such a thing as a lost case, but what you're describing isn't a lost case in the context of being able to enjoy life.

I would argue that the most important thing anyone has is their health; talent and intellect are no guarantees for happiness, neither is physical beauty. I'm not discounting that those are powerful gifts but I've seen people implode who were more or less handed the world on a platter. I've seen people dealt all kinds of bad cards who responded with utter ferocity. They don't get to be Brad Pitt but they don't give a f*** because they build a meaningful life that transcends conventional limitations.

All pleasure is transient. All of it. Life is temporary and the biggest problem is the meaningless crap people place importance on. Every great spiritual tradition, every great philosophy, every major religion, agrees on this aspect of human nature. We chase illusions and make ourselves unhappy.

And I do think it's a presupposition failure to assume there is always a void that needs filling. That may be what advertisers would have us believe. Not everyone wants the same thing, but okay, maybe that's nitpicking.

Hard work beats talent. Hard work + talent is often unstoppable. But what we're discussing here is an overall, global resilience, that allows people to move from repeated failure to eventual improvement, which also involves trying many different approaches.

I'm not advocating someone with no tolerance for stress persist in combat sports, for instance. When I trained younger fighters they walked in all the same, ready to show what they could do. Some of them weren't cut out for getting punched in the face. No shame at all in that -- it's unnatural and unpleasant. You figure it out, you move on.

I think some people need help, I think our current society has gone disastrously awry and makes it worse for young people who may be on shaky ground.

In life nothing is promised, failure comes to everyone. The challenge is how to train resilience and self-esteem into a generation of young men and women whose development has been distorted by a firehose of advertising, social media and pornography.

My master often says: "Men don't have to be beautiful, but they must be strong."

I would extend that to men and women. There's a fine line between healthy questioning and advocacy for a more egalitarian world, and continuously licking wounds raw until everyone is damaged all the time.

Anyway, this is wiiiillldllllyyyyy off-topic. We won't solve these problems in a Spider-Man thread.
Great post
I feel that 75% of social media posts, are other posts they share from either Twitter or instagram cherry picking a controversial topic with a reply they like, get a **** ton of karma and rewards, then feel completely validated at the end of the day With their 17k or so comments lololol
There was a survey which said that about 80% of Tweets come from about 20% of users. It's an echo chamber. Remember, these places are filled with bots.

This is why i deleted my reddit account though And as of yesterday a lot of sub redditor’s mods were trying to shut down other sub Reddit’s that spread misinformation only to be slapped in the face by Reddit by playing the “freedom” of speech card on them, basically reading their comments melting down as they implode on their on bliss on why reddit wasn’t on their side because they seem to “polarize” them, wtfffff

I honestly don’t remember what he looked like but he was mid 40’s, mid 50’s possibly lolol, people don’t like to small talk anymore, such a shame, I think that was the intent, they seemed bothered they were being talked to in the first place but who can tell nowadays anymore, hence why i just stick to myself, not quitting at all, just not starting conversations unless spoken too
I deleted my Reddit acount years ago. I never used it much, I just kept track of some subreddits and had them subbed for easy access. Reddit's a giant echo chamber anyhow. Most places tend to become like that as time goes on, but Reddit's become a place stuck around the early 10s. It's heavily centralised anyhow, it's not some free forum.

So I agree that in this unfair world there is such a thing as a lost case, but what you're describing isn't a lost case in the context of being able to enjoy life.
Eh, sure, such a person will be able to fill his life with various frivolities, but I truly doubt he'll ever have a normal one in the way most people define it.

I would argue that the most important thing anyone has is their health; talent and intellect are no guarantees for happiness, neither is physical beauty. I'm not discounting that those are powerful gifts but I've seen people implode who were more or less handed the world on a platter. I've seen people dealt all kinds of bad cards who responded with utter ferocity. They don't get to be Brad Pitt but they don't give a f*** because they build a meaningful life that transcends conventional limitations.
Sure, just because you have it all doesn't mean you'll use it effectively. Or because you got the short end of the stick you'll never amount to anything. But I'm talking about extreme cases. I know a woman who's had both throat and lung cancer. She looks fine, she's healthy and smart, all that. She's cheerful too. But, she's got a giant hole in her throat. She can barely talk. She breathes through it. She has to blow it, the way we'd do our nose, to catch her breath. She eats and you see the food move. It's franky nauseating. She's all alone and chances are she'll remain alone. She doesn't have a job and lives by the handicaped retirement fund. It's not like she lost an arm, something that can be ignored with time. It's an active problem that will always be so. She got dealt a bad hand and chances are her life will continute as is. So the problem here isn't that she's not as beautiful as Belluci or that she wasn't born a Princess. It's that even something as common as a relationship is now denied to her. These are the cases I'm talking about. She got dealt with cancer, others are born with mental and physical issues and so on. Some people's destiny is to lose and no amount of struggling forward will change that. You need a fighting chance to fight.

All pleasure is transient. All of it. Life is temporary and the biggest problem is the meaningless crap people place importance on. Every great spiritual tradition, every great philosophy, every major religion, agrees on this aspect of human nature. We chase illusions and make ourselves unhappy.

And I do think it's a presupposition failure to assume there is always a void that needs filling. That may be what advertisers would have us believe. Not everyone wants the same thing, but okay, maybe that's nitpicking.
I'm not talking about pleasure, but about fulfilment. You can always find things to do to pass the time. The problem is spending that time on meaningful acts, some of which are out of reach for certain people. Same way as it's always been. Even the simple things in life, like having a family or a job you love, are not available to everyone and that's what it comes down to.

Hard work beats talent. Hard work + talent is often unstoppable. But what we're discussing here is an overall, global resilience, that allows people to move from repeated failure to eventual improvement, which also involves trying many different approaches.

I'm not advocating someone with no tolerance for stress persist in combat sports, for instance. When I trained younger fighters they walked in all the same, ready to show what they could do. Some of them weren't cut out for getting punched in the face. No shame at all in that -- it's unnatural and unpleasant. You figure it out, you move on.
I honestly don't know if hard work beats talent. It depends. If talent sleeps, hard work gets ahead. But if talent is put to use, then you're done. Some people run faster, sketch better, think faster. Some can't run to save their lives, can't sketch at all, and can't solve a single equation. Most people are somewhere in the middle. No matter how much I practice, I'll never beat Karpov in chess. He's got raw talent that he's practiced rigorously. If he never focused on it, and I worked on it 24/7, I might have been able to snag a few games. But the cold hard truth of the matter is that some people are simply better. In one, two or more categories. Does that make them better people? That depends on each individual. But acts and stats speak for themselves.

What I'm saying is that if you've always dreamed of becoming an actor, but you're so awful at it that after years you can't get a monologue out, maybe try your hand at screenwriting. You don't need to jump ship and go become a waiter, but you should be able to move around, even in the same sphere of work.

I think some people need help, I think our current society has gone disastrously awry and makes it worse for young people who may be on shaky ground.

In life nothing is promised, failure comes to everyone. The challenge is how to train resilience and self-esteem into a generation of young men and women whose development has been distorted by a firehose of advertising, social media and pornography.
Exactly. Like I said before, this is uncharted ground. The newer generations were ushered into a digital world whose repercussions nobody in our sphere saw coming.

My master often says: "Men don't have to be beautiful, but they must be strong."

I would extend that to men and women. There's a fine line between healthy questioning and advocacy for a more egalitarian world, and continuously licking wounds raw until everyone is damaged all the time.
Sure, they don't have to, but it helps. Height, face, fame, everything. Nobody will take a shorty seriously if he gets angry, thus he's not able to assert his place in the room. We've all seen such cases in our lives. I think the problem is less so that we bend over backwards to accommodate everyone, and more that we pretend to do that, while in reality we don't. Life goes on as always. The fat ugly guy is still alone, it's just that the post the beautiful fit girl made on social media about body positivity got likes, and the fat ugly girl got a drunk pity **** from the school stud.

Anyway, this is wiiiillldllllyyyyy off-topic. We won't solve these problems in a Spider-Man thread.

Back on track, have I ever told you guys how much I hate Iron Boy Jr. and wish he got beaten to death by Stormin' Norman?

This thread is going to help a lot of financially poor, friendless, KHV, ugly, bald at 22, 5'5" guys that just came to talk about Strange messing up the multiverse. Good job guys. :clap
I'm thankful someone recognises my efforts to help my fellow man. Truly, like Spider-Man, I am helping countless with my valuable insights into the human psyche. They should publish my blogposts in a book TBH. Thank you Clown, thank you for your recognition!

t. rich, popular, slayer, Adonis with a mane, 6'6" UltraMegaGigaChad ThunderCock
Murray's 6'2", he's got no problem scoring fems. Joaquin is the representative of Short Kings struggling and hustling. Gotta get that Grindset going.


Murray should be ashamed to wear that Clownface. SMH...


When she's 35, 5'2'' and overweight, but still wants a 6'2'' chad with six figures, and I don't mean action figures. :lol

Just got to find your place in the world. Expectations can certainly hinder your optimism. Stars with millions of dollars are/have been drug addicts and some have killed themselves. Junior Seau, macho male football linebacker, suicide. Kurt Cobain, infamous singer, suicide. Downey Jr., druggy, ass, criminal; found a way and has a family now. If it ain't working, try something else. We all know what's bad and what's good for you. Change is something new to learn.
The world is full of little Napoleon's
Brit Propaganda really ruined Nappy. He was average for his time.

When she's 35, 5'2'' and overweight, but still wants a 6'2'' chad with six figures, and I don't mean action figures. :lol

In that case just ask yourself "WWDDD". What Would Doctor DOOM Do?


Peak Sigma GrindSet right there!

Just got to find your place in the world. Expectations can certainly hinder your optimism. Stars with millions of dollars are/have been drug addicts and some have killed themselves. Junior Seau, macho male football linebacker, suicide. Kurt Cobain, infamous singer, suicide. Downey Jr., druggy, ass, criminal; found a way and has a family now. If it ain't working, try something else. We all know what's bad and what's good for you. Change is something new to learn.
Fair points, but problems vary and people are differently equiped to deal with them. You do have to keep fighting, my argument is that sometimes you have to accept you've lost.
Honestly don’t be like those 30 plus dudes on Reddit who give up cause they haven’t gotten laid or things didn’t go there way. Don’t be a defeatist.
Life is a marathon not a race. It’s full of ups and downs. I’m still finding my place at 30. It’s not always set out for you. It’s the drive and will to succeed.
I’ve seen countless ugly/short men with amazing looking women. And no they weren’t rich they just were confident with who they were and could make her laugh. Sometimes working on yourself helps cause it attracts people and positive energy towards you.

when you have a negative mindset and thought process you attract negative energy and wallow in a very comfortable state of self pity. I’ve been there and either you climb your way out or you stay there alone and afriad .
Honestly don’t be like those 30 plus dudes on Reddit who give up cause they haven’t gotten laid or things didn’t go there way. Don’t be a defeatist.
Life is a marathon not a race. It’s full of ups and downs. I’m still finding my place at 30. It’s not always set out for you. It’s the drive and will to succeed.
I’ve seen countless ugly/short men with amazing looking women. And no they weren’t rich they just were confident with who they were and could make her laugh. Sometimes working on yourself helps cause it attracts people and positive energy towards you.

when you have a negative mindset and thought process you attract negative energy and wallow in a very comfortable state of self pity. I’ve been there and either you climb your way out or you stay there alone and afriad .
I guess we have different experiences. Don't get me wrong, I've seen less-than-stellar folks make it. That's not really my point. Just that some people are destined to lose. I really believe that. Maybe not in a deterministic way, but still; not everybody wins. If you're a virgin, utter loser at 30, I doubt things will change, or that you'll be equipped to handle them. Chances pass us by. If we don't grab them, either because we were too scared, or inequipped or in some cases they were never presented to us, we will be kicked out of the race at some point. That's how I see things.
Speaking of which, anyone with their ear to the “marvel” ground knows any detailed spoilers about this movie or rumors?

those ”reddit” sub forums are full of wannabes with some good fan fiction lololol
I guess we have different experiences. Don't get me wrong, I've seen less-than-stellar folks make it. That's not really my point. Just that some people are destined to lose. I really believe that. Maybe not in a deterministic way, but still; not everybody wins. If you're a virgin, utter loser at 30, I doubt things will change, or that you'll be equipped to handle them. Chances pass us by. If we don't grab them, either because we were too scared, or inequipped or in some cases they were never presented to us, we will be kicked out of the race at some point. That's how I see things.
30 is still young. If you are 60 or 70 and don’t have your life in order it’s over but you can quickly change your life around at 30. People tend to think when you hit 30 you have everything in order but they are wrong you still have to learn. Most people just go through life a bit slower than others and find what they want later. Not everyone gets where they need be in there 20s . Half of celebrities didn’t reach stardom til about 40. But yea different situations I guess.

I don’t believe anyone is born to fail. If you adopt a defeatist mindset and negative attitude you will. But if you try hard and learn from your mistakes you will win. Many people have crawled out from the pit of despair.

amazing quote. The road to paradise starts in hell.

also people put virginity so high on the list. Sex is great but it’s not everything. It doesn’t change ur life like movies say. The only time sex is amazing is if your with someone you love. Imo lol
Speaking of which, anyone with their ear to the “marvel” ground knows any detailed spoilers about this movie or rumors?

those ”reddit” sub forums are full of wannabes with some good fan fiction lololol
Honestly I don’t believe these “ sources” anymore. Just people thinking they know something
Especially in the age of #Metoo you really can’t say anything to whatever gender because they pull out that incel card on you real quick, I was in target once and two college age girls were in front of me and some guy across the cashier was like “my daughter is going to that school” lolol i was the innocent by stander but he was soooo desperate trying to start a convo, once it got anywhere I heard them say to each other, “ugh, what a creep and weirdo” i was like well damn, aside from minding my business I pretended real hard to not even look their general direction, times have definetely changed. Lolololol

Yeah Reddit is bad the worst of the internet from all sides reside there, it’s worse than a hive mentality lololol, you should see their arguments on the XX Chromosome subreddit lmao.
I mean I find it pretty weird when strangers try to spark up conversations with me in public, nothing wrong with wanting to be left in peace :lol
@ironwez20 ...younger people (and 30 is quite young by today's standards) don't realize how much life -- and people -- can change. Both for better and worse. In my experience they 'know' it in an abstract sense at best, but some things are experiential. You literally have to be there.

This is part of where a defeatist mindset comes from. You know there's a country on the other side of the ocean, sure. But you haven't yet crossed that ocean to see how big that country actually is.

And you're right that sex is great and all, but access to it is not how the value of life should be measured. One of the single most poisonous fallacies I've ever seen. But it's a profound drive that's tied to a great many things, so not to be underestimated.
30 is still young. If you are 60 or 70 and don’t have your life in order it’s over but you can quickly change your life around at 30. People tend to think when you hit 30 you have everything in order but they are wrong you still have to learn. Most people just go through life a bit slower than others and find what they want later. Not everyone gets where they need be in there 20s . Half of celebrities didn’t reach stardom til about 40. But yea different situations I guess.
The world moves too fast these days. I do genuinely think that at 30 any chance of a "grand" life has passed you by. You can still try and have a "normal" one, maybe you'll make it, maybe you won't. But everything moves too fast. I've lamented lost chances many a times in my life, and they've never graced me with their presence again. Sometimes, if you don't grab them, they're gone forever.

I don’t believe anyone is born to fail.
I disagree. Some kids are born, get cancer at 12 and they die. That's it. That's their life. No happy ending, no deus ex machina. You can say that they were born to fail. Life's unpredictable and the simple fact is that a lot of people never get to "live". They survive and then they die. I've seen too many like that to not believe that some people's "fate" is too fail. Some roll high numbers in every stat and have great lives, some struggle, and some roll dismal numbers and their life is a torment. It's not fair, but it is what it is.

It's a sad fact, but some people end up the rotting pig.


For anyone stuck in a rut, too scared to act and grab whatever thin thread of chance is dangled before him, "I'm Thinking Of Ending Things" is a very good wake-up call I think.

If you adopt a defeatist mindset and negative attitude you will. But if you try hard and learn from your mistakes you will win. Many people have crawled out from the pit of despair.

amazing quote. The road to paradise starts in hell.
I'm not talking about defeatist mindsets, I'm talking about lost causes. A healthy mettle will do you good, of course. I've met many who gave up when injury knocked at their door and they perished. Others fought and got out of death's door. But that's a different talk. When you look at yourself, examine your strengths and weaknesses, with the latter far outweighing the former, and your present condition being one of failure, some consider the uphill battle a waste for the rewards would not be worth the effort. How that's judged is up to the individual, but my case is that there are people whose lives are such that an act like that would be most logical.

also people put virginity so high on the list. Sex is great but it’s not everything. It doesn’t change ur life like movies say. The only time sex is amazing is if your with someone you love. Imo lol
Eh, I doubt anyone cares about BENIS IN VANGINA XDDDD that much. It's mostly about the societal and pesonal validation.

younger people (and 30 is quite young by today's standards) don't realize how much life -- and people -- can change.

Life is utterly unpredictable and forces changes upon you, yes. But I don't believe people themselves can change. Only in very rare instances. Maybe I'm wrong. But I've never met a single person that changed. Even after chances and forgiveness. People are what they are. Sometimes they hide it but it always surfaces. At least in my experience. I don't know, maybe you've been luckier in that regard.

Man, this thread has really been derailed. And that's after the trailer was finally posted. Maybe Spider-Man's greatest enemy was the Supreme Gentleman, able to derail the world with just a picture!