Spooktacular Survival Kit

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Well, I am Supreme Ruler of the Known Universe, after all! :D

But seriously, sorry if I got under your skin. It's just that there have been quite a few posts in the thread trying to assert that the swag IS a collectible and that the matter cannot even be debated. I was only trying to point out that it IS a matter of opinion, and that I am having a REALLY hard time understanding the motivation behind "the other side" of the debate.

And a big thanks to Dusty for stating in an official capacity what I've been trying to say since this whole thing started.
My point was I thought it was obvious that just about anything anyone ever posts is their opinion, so I don't think it needs to be pointed out. I really don't think this stuff is a collectible either. I just think that Sideshow made it a "collectible" by giving it an edition size and understand why some people are mad that they just upped an edition size like that. Personally I don't care. I plan on wearing my T-shirts. I plan on giving the mugs to people in my family who actually drink coffee. Now I may put the pins on ebay or just give them away since I could care less about those items. This post is of course Bannister's opinion.:D
Well, I am Supreme Ruler of the Known Universe, after all! :D

But seriously, sorry if I got under your skin. It's just that there have been quite a few posts in the thread trying to assert that the swag IS a collectible and that the matter cannot even be debated. I was only trying to point out that it IS a matter of opinion, and that I am having a REALLY hard time understanding the motivation behind "the other side" of the debate.

And a big thanks to Dusty for stating in an official capacity what I've been trying to say since this whole thing started.

I will chime in here and say that just because something is a pin, a keychain or a t-shirt (swag, junk, whatever you want to call it) does not mean it's not a collectible in someone's eyes. SDCC is a perfect example of how all the free stuff that is given out is sought after by people who didn't go to the event -- even if it's only a short-term interest. Anybody recall the V for Vendetta mask from last year, or this year's 300 shield, Iron-man t-shirt and Scholastic Harry Potter bag?

The fact that this is the first time that Sideshow has done something like this and that the items represent an event that only comes around once a year, I can easily understand how that might be considered a collectible for some people.

That being said, I could care less how many Sideshow makes. It's a neat package and I'm happy to be getting one. Perhaps we should be thanking Sideshow for thinking of their customers enough to offer something like this, rather than debating about edition sizes. JMO.
My point was I thought it was obvious that just about anything anyone ever posts is their opinion, so I don't think it needs to be pointed out. I really don't think this stuff is a collectible either. I just think that Sideshow made it a "collectible" by giving it an edition size and understand why some people are mad that they just upped an edition size like that. Personally I don't care. I plan on wearing my T-shirts. I plan on giving the mugs to people in my family who actually drink coffee. Now I may put the pins on ebay or just give them away since I could care less about those items. This post is of course Bannister's opinion.:D

I really think we are more in agreement than not in all of this (except I do plan to keep the pins:D). :duff
Didn't the original announcement say that they would ship around the 15th? They need to have them in our grubby little hands before the 26th!

BTW, is anyone else getting a bit nostalgic (and excited for this year!) by looking down at the 'Similar Threads' box? All of those past Spooktacular threads bring back some great memories.
Wow, some of you guys are paranoid. Do you really think that because they made more of these "promo kits" they are going to turn around and say Hey lets make 5000 more grey Hulks? They are not that stupid.

No, maybe just say 29 or so. :monkey5 :monkey3 :D

While I respect the opinions of you guys, that is what they are, just opinions, as you say mine is. I do think that this kit, as well as the DVD's, catalogs, hats and t-shirts are collectibles, and I think just about anyone would agree who has tried to track down and had to pay for a #1 or #3 catalog, or the first DVD released, or one of the hard to get Star Wars t-shirts that were only given away...

I understand what you're saying and I don't dispute it. I just don't agree. All the items you mentioned are 'swag' to me and I don't value them as 'collectibles'. You obviously do (as do many others) so I can't debate you. We are both right based on our own perspectives.

The thing that gets me is Sideshow made it limited in the first place...

Agreed. If an ES wasn't put on it in the first place like everything else (ie. TBA) there wouldn't have been an issue.

You shouldn't. I just don't worship/stalk Dusty like the rest of you.:lol

Would covet be the same as worship? Also, would you consider sucking up in the hope of getting free stuff as borderline stalking or would that be a separate category?
I dunno, but that mug is going to be filled with Jack n' Coke during the week of Spooktacular, while I wear my t-shirt!

Ooooo, a new direction for the thread! Outstanding!

I'm a teetotaler myself, and I try to stay a way from carbonated drinks as much as possible, so here's my current favorite drink, which will be filling my mug:


It's deeee-licious!
Ooooo, a new direction for the thread! Outstanding!

I'm a teetotaler myself, and I try to stay a way from carbonated drinks as much as possible, so here's my current favorite drink, which will be filling my mug:


It's deeee-licious!

I like their OJ. Never tried the limeade.