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Well I figured Sideshow modified the head because Clone Obi is wearing the black jumpsuit that hugs the neck. Of course, until yesterday, I had assumed Obi's head was originally sculpted without a neck. Perhaps Trevor sculpted the neck when they were still deciding how to approach heads on the prometheus and armored bodies? After all, Hot Toys still releases figures like the Joker with a sculpted neck because I assume they realize this style looks more realistic when a bare neck is exposed.

What black jumpsuit? Armored Obi isn't wearing a black jumpsuit.
What black jumpsuit? Armored Obi isn't wearing a black jumpsuit.

Is our friend refering to the brown bodysuit? Speaking of which, I am concern about its durability. Its seem to be made of a leather-like material, such material is notorious for cracking after a while.

Edit: Oops. I got mixed up in the wrong thread. Hah hah. I was refering to Armoured Obi.
Is our friend refering to the brown bodysuit? Speaking of which, I am concern about its durability. Its seem to be made of a leather-like material, such material is notorious for cracking after a while.

Edit: Oops. I got mixed up in the wrong thread. Hah hah. I was refering to Armoured Obi.

Possibly, but who knows. :lol As for the brown bodysuit, I think it'll be fine. The only Vader I had do that was one well over 10 years old that'd been continuously posed back in art school and that could be equated to any number of chemicals, paints, etc. I had come into contact with throughout the day.
If its a choice between dropping any of these

Iron Man MK 1
Iron Man Mk 2
Iron Man Mk 3
Harvey 2-Face
Abe Sapien

Storm Excl
Storm Reg
Rebel Fleet
Rebel Comm
Han in Carb

or keeping Obi 2 and his 'Kamino dart' then Id have to say drop Obi 2

Ive passed on the Stormtrooper Decorator, (you know the one in blue) and the
Utapau Clone

so no problems passing over this rehash

Only one of these 3 that I would pay £30 - £50 for would be the Utapau clone, so Ill be waiting for the secondary market. I might have kept my pre-order if there had been a super cool Exclusive and no issues with incorrect helmet sculpts.

If Im that desperate for an EP2 Obi wan in the future then ill pop the head of my General Kenobi as Ive the rest of the parts lying around from previous bashes, personally I think Gen Kenobi is more interesting looking than this one, so Im happy to keep it, plus historically it was the first figure launched on the prometheus.
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I never bothered with the armoured version so this is a definite buy for me, think it looks well bang tidy. :D

EDIT: Then again! Went on how much they charging!? £60! Not a chance mate!
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I don't mean to be a fan boy, but is this really a rehash? I guess that sounds more negative than it's meant to be taken. The way I see it, it's way better than the KISS trooper (from TFU) and it's an awesome sculpt! SSC isn't really making this a big release and I think it's Obi-Wan is the reason AOTC is even watchable. It's on the cheap side ($69.99 is cheap now :lol), it's a small run, so I see it as a way to do a cool figure that celebrates that kickass sculpt.
I don't mean to be a fan boy, but is this really a rehash? I guess that sounds more negative than it's meant to be taken. The way I see it, it's way better than the KISS trooper (from TFU) and it's an awesome sculpt! SSC isn't really making this a big release and I think it's Obi-Wan is the reason AOTC is even watchable. It's on the cheap side ($69.99 is cheap now :lol), it's a small run, so I see it as a way to do a cool figure that celebrates that kickass sculpt.

Don't be fooled. Most everyone who's whining about it will be right there on Friday, December 5th, to ensure Sideshow's site slows down as they score their Obi during the PPO.
Well I figured Sideshow modified the head because Clone Obi is wearing the black jumpsuit that hugs the neck. Of course, until yesterday, I had assumed Obi's head was originally sculpted without a neck. Perhaps Trevor sculpted the neck when they were still deciding how to approach heads on the prometheus and armored bodies? After all, Hot Toys still releases figures like the Joker with a sculpted neck because I assume they realize this style looks more realistic when a bare neck is exposed.

Indiana Jones and Clone Obi-Wan were both sculpted with necks originally. My guess is, SSC wasn't sure the status of their new bodies when they assigned the sculpts to Trev, maybe even figured taking the neck off if the new bodies are ready in time was easy enough, and had him start out making heads for Bucks. I'm guessing AOTC Obi-Wan was their original plan, but when the armor and body were ready in time, they had the idea to make a Clone Wars Obi-Wan.
Not only is Obi, one of my favorite characters fromthe prequel, but I love the head sculpt. SSC didn't realy have to do this one, like someone else said, but I'm real glad they did! I was worried that since the General Obi came out they would put this guy off for a while.
Okay, a serious WTF if this is on the Buck since the newest DEAD figure was announced today... and it's on the Prometheus (the DEAD figure might be the only line where continuing to use the Buck makes sense).
There's still a chance it's a Pro figure, if the prototype images were done before Clonobi and this figure really is shipping shortly after PPO, then it could be on the Pro with the Clonobi head and given that the costuming is pretty standard and folks have seen the Clonobi production head, there's little need to show off update images of the AOTC figure.

No telling for sure until Friday.
Okay, a serious WTF if this is on the Buck since the newest DEAD figure was announced today... and it's on the Prometheus (the DEAD figure might be the only line where continuing to use the Buck makes sense).

Actually it makes perfect sense. The floppy neck and loose ankles add realism to the zombie!
Pro would make sense, if they're going to recycle a sculpt, why mold 2 different versions instead of just 1 and having the same painters keep going for another 3000 or so.