There are a couple of things you could give Obi to fill the AOTC Exclusive. There is the slug from Padme's room, the flying slug transport from Zam that he hung onto, the drink from the cantina, one of the holographic pieces from the younglings training room, one of the holographic transmissions to the Jedi Temple, his Geonosis Lightsaber but the best idea I've heard is an exclusive wethead sculpt so a Kamino fight recreation could be done.
That's the only reason I wish this figure weren't sort of rushed, if it'd been a long planned out, more in depth offering, I imagine we might have seen Zam's droid ala the Mynok, though I guess there's still a chance we get it as a pack like Maul's balls with the droid and the 2 worms loose and maybe the worms in a canister like when Jango first gave them to Zam.