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Re: Rogue

I own this controversial pf like most of the users in this forum. I will keep it even though it didn't come out like it was presented to us in comic con and the SSC website. My reason for keeping it is simple I need rogue for my Xmen collection (w/ gambit) and aside from the disappointing paint job it's really a nice PF (pose and face sculpts). Yes it sucks it's not great and for some reason SSC dropped the ball on this one but let's hope this debacle will stay in the back of SSC executives mind on how important QC is to the collecting community. We pay top dollar for these Collectibles so we expect superior quality and I don't mean perfection bc there is no perfect collectible.

I respectfully disagree with Ink. As for the forum issues this is a place where people who share common interest can come and openly discuss and express their opinions without having to worry about having their post deleted because their is only one proper opinion. Like flip states we have the right to give our feedback on what we purchase it's not right to censor or give a warning on our opinions just bc you disagree with our comment. SSC already does that on their website with feedback scores. As a moderator one should not come off as bias a moderator is neutral and logical putting aside their personal opinions. Bashing should be allowed that's just a negative review, what is not acceptable is trolling. A forum thread is not a thread when a moderator does not allowed for open dialogue. Go ahead and censor and warn profanity, trolling and explicit content but please don't hinder the ability for a user to openly express thier negative thoughts on a product just bc it's sideshow. We have the right to analyze, critic and opine on governments and religion why should we not be allowed to do the same with a sideshow product?

:bow Amen :bow
Re: Rogue

I own this controversial pf like most of the users in this forum. I will keep it even though it didn't come out like it was presented to us in comic con and the SSC website. My reason for keeping it is simple I need rogue for my Xmen collection (w/ gambit) and aside from the disappointing paint job it's really a nice PF (pose and face sculpts). Yes it sucks it's not great and for some reason SSC dropped the ball on this one but let's hope this debacle will stay in the back of SSC executives mind on how important QC is to the collecting community. We pay top dollar for these Collectibles so we expect superior quality and I don't mean perfection bc there is no perfect collectible.

I respectfully disagree with Ink. As for the forum issues this is a place where people who share common interest can come and openly discuss and express their opinions without having to worry about having their post deleted because their is only one proper opinion. Like flip states we have the right to give our feedback on what we purchase it's not right to censor or give a warning on our opinions just bc you disagree with our comment. SSC already does that on their website with feedback scores. As a moderator one should not come off as bias a moderator is neutral and logical putting aside their personal opinions. Bashing should be allowed that's just a negative review, what is not acceptable is trolling. A forum thread is not a thread when a moderator does not allowed for open dialogue. Go ahead and censor and warn profanity, trolling and explicit content but please don't hinder the ability for a user to openly express thier negative thoughts on a product just bc it's sideshow. We have the right to analyze, critic and opine on governments and religion why should we not be allowed to do the same with a sideshow product?

Ecanes, very well said! I think you hit the nail right on the head. However, to be fair, the only thing I would like to point out is that Ink never deleted or censored any comments made by myself. At least not to my knowledge.

Being a Mod is tricky business. Too often I've seen members jump on them for sharing their opinions. It almost seems like one of those damned if you do, damned if you don't type things.

That all being said, Mods shouldn't be biased and blindly support SSC. Nor should they be condescending, dismissive, or ridicule any member who doesn't share their point of view. It's childish when this happens and it makes me question a Mods credibility.

This forum and its Mods should foster discussion. We don't always have to agree with one another, but we should always respect each others point of view.
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Re: Rogue

Thank the Sideshow gods I liked mine. :pray:

Ditto, bro. :yess:

I think the new heads look better. Not Skiman-great, but better than what we originally got. The EX head especially looks better because they aligned her eyes to be looking up and to the left, which gets rid of that deer in the headlight look the EX head had. Eye shadow still looks pretty bad up close.

I agree. They look better to least the eyes look better. :D

I hear what Ink is saying, maybe not expressed thoroughly but you can't blame the guy for getting fustrated whenever a few certain people come into this thread and start the bashing on SSC piece.

I think we all should of expected the worse, I was actually quite surprised that many put or almost put all the eggs in one basket on this coming back looking even remotely close to the prototype.

I had a feeling that this was going to happen and I didn't want to start a flame argument with most of the members that were hopeful on replacing their Rogue's and getting something better. I didn't want to diminish the hopes of those fellow collectors out there.

but IMHO, I think this was quite a long shot on getting these heads corrected, some will settle, some will return the piece, those that have bought the piece and have been disappointed have a right to be angry, those who HAVE NOT bought the piece can really have no place in here to add fuel to the flames.

Long story short, it is what it is...they tried, if your are not satisfied I don't believe you are losing $300+ on this piece as they stand ground on the satisfied guaranteed policy, not many companies are even remotely close to the customer service even if the quality is lack there of.


:goodpost: :exactly:

I think it's okay for people to give their opinions as long as it follows the

Also as many artists, both amateur and professional post here, criticism should be constructive and not "it looks like crap." Ignoring these rules will result in your posts being edited or deleted and your membership being banned.


Well thought out post, obviously not written by Ski.

The cat that paints for him probably wrote that.

:lol :lol :lol
Re: Rogue

That all being said, Mods shouldn't be biased and blindly support SSC. Nor should they be condescending, dismissive, or ridicule any member who doesn't share their point of view. It's childish when this happens and it makes me question a Mods credibility.

Exactly, that was my point in my latest post, which now I see isn't here anymore. All right, if it was deleted by some mod other than the one I was addressing I can understand if it was considered kind of flaming, or at least somewhat out of topic, even if it was quite reasoned. I would have liked to have been PM'd, but hey.

Now, if it was deleted by the mod in question without telling me anything or trying to refute what I said -not an easy task-, that's just sad and proves my point. I just hope my comments were duly noted and taken into consideration by that someone so that we don't see that kind of behavior in the future.

That's the end of it for me. Now let's just discuss the wonderful, wonderful Rogue PF.
Re: Rogue

That's an improvement? :monkey2:monkey2

The paint lines and application seems a little cleaner. The detail and method didn't change one bit.

So, it's a slightly cleaner version of the original batch.

It would be fun to try to repaint one of those that were replaced, assuming SSC didn't have you bash them up to get a new one. I wonder if these will start popping up on ebay...
Re: Rogue

anymore pics of replacements? SS still hasnt responded to the email i sent last week about getting pictures before hand.
Re: Rogue

Hey guys,

So i'm a little late to the party. I ordered and received my Rogue about a week before Christmas.

She has the lazy eye, yellow paint on the bangs, and the non fitting head that leaves a gap at the neck.

With this being my first statue (Colossus, and Psylocke on order) I contacted SCC CS and here is an excerpt from their e-mail:

"Thank you for your pictures. Currently we have a waitlist for replacements for this piece. I can place you on the waitlist, but because replacements are provided on a first come first served basis unfortunately at this time I cannot guarantee a replacement will be available. I apologize for any disappointment this may cause you."

Does this mean I may not get a replacement?

Also if anyone out there has an extra EX I am looking. Send me a PM.
Re: Rogue

Hey guys,

So i'm a little late to the party. I ordered and received my Rogue about a week before Christmas.

She has the lazy eye, yellow paint on the bangs, and the non fitting head that leaves a gap at the neck.

With this being my first statue (Colossus, and Psylocke on order) I contacted SCC CS and here is an excerpt from their e-mail:

"Thank you for your pictures. Currently we have a waitlist for replacements for this piece. I can place you on the waitlist, but because replacements are provided on a first come first served basis unfortunately at this time I cannot guarantee a replacement will be available. I apologize for any disappointment this may cause you."

Does this mean I may not get a replacement?

Also if anyone out there has an extra EX I am looking. Send me a PM.

umm...judging by that email, It means you MAY not get a replacement. It seems to me that the majority of us are in the dark currently to the amount of replacements they have, so you might as well get on the list...but don't hold your breath waiting for that slightly improved head.
Re: Rogue

umm...judging by that email, It means you MAY not get a replacement. It seems to me that the majority of us are in the dark currently to the amount of replacements they have, so you might as well get on the list...but don't hold your breath waiting for that slightly improved head.

yea, I agree, cause if they will, you will received a different email then that one. you must wait or you won't have a head for her:lecture
Re: Rogue

I am surprised I havent heard yet about my replacement and I did call them more than a week ago.
Re: Rogue

I talked to Mike yesterday and inquired about my replacement.
In my case it's not just the heads. The body paint app on mine blows, so I was having the whole thing replaced. He told me that full replacements are shipping later and separately than just head replacements.

The implication is that the full replacements have not been shipped/frieghted to the states yet.

I flat out said that I didn't want to waste Sideshow's time or mine and asked if what I was going to be getting as a replacement is just a recycled version of what I already have, because it's unacceptable.

He claimed he has seen some of the replacements and thinks they "look great"

I specifically asked him about the disgusting face paint application, and the fact that the brown paint on the hair looks like it was watered down. In other words you can see spots where the brown is thin, and polystone is starting to show through.

He said these were both specific issues that were addressed for the replacements.

I made it clear that if I get my new statue and it's still junk that I will want a full refund and he said it wouldn't be a problem.

He wouldn't give me a hard date on when full replacements would arrive, but I kinda got the vibe that they were another month or two away.
Re: Rogue


I am in the same boat as you Corrose. Based on pictures of replacement heads posted so far, they look better but still not close to the prototype pictures that Sideshow pulled from their site.

I hope I am wrong, but I am not hopefully that the replacement heads are going to be acceptable. They are painted a little better, but the eye shadow is still pretty bad looking.
Re: Rogue

I just wished the eye makeup wasnt some blotchy, dark grey drybrushing, wished they had done a subtle airbrush gradient, a quick PS of my thought.
Not so much how the eyes themselves should look, just the bad eyeshadow paint app they did.

Re: Rogue

Same here when I called last week on Wednesday i was told I should get an email no later than last Friday. Still waiting

Same thing happened to me. I called later last Wednesday, talked to Daniel, who said he looked up my name and saw I was coming up on their list, and to look for my notification by Thursday or Friday.

Then Tuesday, I call again since I didn't get anything, and he says I'm showing as completed and to call him back again yesterday if I haven't heard. Well, yesterday came and went and I tried multiple times and just got their returns voicemail. Tried this morning as well, and still getting the returns dept. voicemail.
Re: Rogue

I got my confirmation email about being on the waitlist for both heads and new prints on 10/20...I still haven't heard anything from Sideshow. Do you guys think I should call them at this point, or should I just wait given that it seems a lot of people with more then just the heads on the waitlist haven't been contacted yet.
Re: Rogue

I was also officially on the list as of October 20th, and I just got my email confirmation tonight. You should be anytime now!