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Re: Rogue

Given the choice between the old and new heads, I would imagine people would choose the newer ones. While this may not be the a huge improvement people hopes or expected, this is as good as it is going to get. Keep it, sell it, return it, or ask Skimoomoo to paint one for you. What's done is done. Let's just pray this factory got the message and that they don't screw up the Joker PF.

Yes, plz don't screw up Joker PF. But then again can a man put on make-up properly? And I mean he does look messed up as is? :monkey1
Re: Rogue

I think the new heads look better. Not Skiman-great, but better than what we originally got. The EX head especially looks better because they aligned her eyes to be looking up and to the left, which gets rid of that deer in the headlight look the EX head had. Eye shadow still looks pretty bad up close.

That being said, I will have to wait until I get my replacements in hand before making a final decision on this piece. I've got Skiman on speed dial. :lol

Yeah the eye shadow still looks pretty bad, nothing changed. I don't think they will change the eye shadow, they all gonna be like that, but the eyes are definetly an improvement.
Re: Rogue

It's weird, they did not ask me to destroy the old ones. The email does not mention it, so I called Mike the manager to confirm it, he said it would be great if I can destroy the old ones, but they don't ask for photos. Anyone else got a replacement? What do you do with your old one?

Save it for possible custom in da future.
Re: Rogue

Doesn't surprise me but I will be happy if the eyes are pointing in the same direction on the replacements I get.
It's weird, they did not ask me to destroy the old ones. The email does not mention it, so I called Mike the manager to confirm it, he said it would be great if I can destroy the old ones, but they don't ask for photos. Anyone else got a replacement? What do you do with your old one?

I was also told not to return it or even destroy it. I guess they understand the annoyance customers who own this pf have gone through with the lack of craftsmanship they dont want to annoy us anymore. Just keep it for future customs or smash it up
Re: Rogue

Oh, please forgive my display of displeasure, Sir ink.
I was hoping to see some marked improvement with these replacements, but I guess I should just keep my negative opinions to myself. Heaven forbid anyone state anything against a SS piece. Give me a break, man. Can we not express displeasure for pieces we spent hundreds of dollars on? You know, I purchased this piece myself, therefore I suppose I just need to worship it then? No way. I won't be coming back. You can just keep on reading positives and deleting negatives. Have fun!!! :wave

You just keep speaking the truth Bro. There are more than enough of us around here that appreciate your straight talk. Keep calling it like you see it. If there's one thing I can't stand it's people who constantly back SSC all the time. It's as if they can do NO wrong. That's BS. Every company has issues from time to time. Pointing them out doesn't make you less of a fan of SSC. We are all here because we enjoy their products. Discussing both the good and bad is what a forum should be all about. EVERYONE should be able to keep it real/state their opinion or go home. Every forum would be useless without different points of view from its members.
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Re: Rogue

You just keep speaking the truth Bro. There are more than enough of us around here that appreciate your straight talk. Keep calling it like you see it. If there's one thing I can't stand it's people who constantly back SSC all the time. It's as if they can do NO wrong. That's BS. Every company has issues from time to time. Pointing them out doesn't make you less of a fan of SSC. We are all here because we enjoy their products. Discussing both the good and bad is what a forum should be all about. EVERYONE should be able to keep it real/state their opinion or go home. Every forum would be useless without different points of view from its members.


there's a fine line between criticism & bashing. and I love the witch hunters that have popped up...blaming sideshow for the sun coming up in the morning. Love the lame jokes over and over too. That's classy
Re: Rogue

I hear what Ink is saying, maybe not expressed thoroughly but you can't blame the guy for getting fustrated whenever a few certain people come into this thread and start the bashing on SSC piece.

I think we all should of expected the worse, I was actually quite surprised that many put or almost put all the eggs in one basket on this coming back looking even remotely close to the prototype.

I had a feeling that this was going to happen and I didn't want to start a flame argument with most of the members that were hopeful on replacing their Rogue's and getting something better. I didn't want to diminish the hopes of those fellow collectors out there.

but IMHO, I think this was quite a long shot on getting these heads corrected, some will settle, some will return the piece, those that have bought the piece and have been disappointed have a right to be angry, those who HAVE NOT bought the piece can really have no place in here to add fuel to the flames.

Long story short, it is what it is...they tried, if your are not satisfied I don't believe you are losing $300+ on this piece as they stand ground on the satisfied guaranteed policy, not many companies are even remotely close to the customer service even if the quality is lack there of.

Re: Rogue

Those replacements fail to impressive me. I've already asked for refund :(
I'd say lose out more than $100 USD altogether (shipping, custom tax and shi%)
Re: Rogue

Well thought out post, obviously not written by Ski.

The cat that paints for him probably wrote that.
Re: Rogue


there's a fine line between criticism & bashing. and I love the witch hunters that have popped up...blaming sideshow for the sun coming up in the morning. Love the lame jokes over and over too. That's classy

Barbarian purchased this piece. The QC on it is an EPIC cluster____ Numerous collectors came here to voice their displeasure. SSC tried to resolve the problem with replacement heads that are obviously not up to snuff. These replacements just arrived. Barb, along with others, were not happy with them. They came here to voice their opinion. This is relevant and timely discussion. It is not bashing. In the end, whoever purchased this piece will have to make the decision to keep it as is or return it and move on. A kick ass Ski custom would also be another route to take. However, it sucks to have to pay more money on a piece that should have been done correctly from the start.

Ink, I really had doubts about you as a Mod. I have been pleasantly surprised by how well you have adjusted to the role for the most part. However, your dismissal of members who have complaints about SSC merch takes away from your credibility as a whole. No company gets it right ALL the time. Surely even you can see that.

For the record.....I already know this is a cool story.
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Re: Rogue

Hello filip. How are the kids. I am good. How are you? Cool. Good day sir!



Kids are good and growing brother Ski. I'm glad to hear you are doing well. I have to say, those custom Rogue heads look real damn good. SSC should have just hired you to fix the problem and everyone would have been happy. Problem solved.

Good talking to ya Ski!:wave
Re: Rogue

Hello filip. How are the kids. I am good. How are you? Cool. Good day sir!



Kids are good and growing brother Ski. I'm glad to hear you are doing well. I have to say, those custom Rogue heads look real damn good. SSC should have just hired you to fix the problem and everyone would have been happy. Problem solved.

Good talking to ya Ski!:wave

Get a room you two :monkey3:lol
I own this controversial pf like most of the users in this forum. I will keep it even though it didn't come out like it was presented to us in comic con and the SSC website. My reason for keeping it is simple I need rogue for my Xmen collection (w/ gambit) and aside from the disappointing paint job it's really a nice PF (pose and face sculpts). Yes it sucks it's not great and for some reason SSC dropped the ball on this one but let's hope this debacle will stay in the back of SSC executives mind on how important QC is to the collecting community. We pay top dollar for these Collectibles so we expect superior quality and I don't mean perfection bc there is no perfect collectible.

I respectfully disagree with Ink. As for the forum issues this is a place where people who share common interest can come and openly discuss and express their opinions without having to worry about having their post deleted because their is only one proper opinion. Like flip states we have the right to give our feedback on what we purchase it's not right to censor or give a warning on our opinions just bc you disagree with our comment. SSC already does that on their website with feedback scores. As a moderator one should not come off as bias a moderator is neutral and logical putting aside their personal opinions. Bashing should be allowed that's just a negative review, what is not acceptable is trolling. A forum thread is not a thread when a moderator does not allowed for open dialogue. Go ahead and censor and warn profanity, trolling and explicit content but please don't hinder the ability for a user to openly express thier negative thoughts on a product just bc it's sideshow. We have the right to analyze, critic and opine on governments and religion why should we not be allowed to do the same with a sideshow product?
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