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Re: Rogue

I'm not even gonna bother going through with the exchange. Whats the point?

the point is that you have a chance to get something that is slightly better, it doesn't hurt to embrace the lesser of two evils, so you might as well do it...unless of course your planning on getting a full refund, then there is obviously no point...
Re: Rogue

is there someone who got a email from ssc saying they don't need to destroy their heads and willing to send me the text from it?
Re: Rogue

is there someone who got a email from ssc saying they don't need to destroy their heads and willing to send me the text from it?

Here is mine:

Thank you very much for your patience. We wanted to follow up with you today to confirm that your waitlist has cleared and a replacement order, #R0010xxx has been booked for your custom Rogue replacement heads. Please allow 7 to 10 business days for your replacement order to ship at no cost to you.

Please make sure your replacement part is undamaged upon receipt.

We thank you for your cooperation during our returns process. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any further questions or concerns.

Best Regards,

Michael Tolentino
Customer Service Manager
Re: Rogue

My replacements head just arrived today. I think they are definitely better, but they are not perfect of course.






Re: Rogue

well, those do look slightly better. the EX head is a def improvement with the eyes looking in the right direction. if my EX head improves to that extent, i guess it won't be a complete wash. thanks for the pics!
Re: Rogue

Still looks like hell, brother! :gah:

It's different kind of hell I guess :)

It's better, not perfect, the eye shadow is still too thick.

Overall, I personally still like this statue though. Gambit needs his lady :)

Re: Rogue


So's ok Barb, breathe... breath.... :D
:lol:lol:lol This statue is dead to me!
It's different kind of hell I guess :)

It's better, not perfect, the eye shadow is still too thick.

Overall, I personally still like this statue though. Gambit needs his lady :)

I reckon if you gotta have a companion for Gamby, she's about the best around. Still, though...
Re: Rogue

then by all means, move on :wave
Oh, please forgive my display of displeasure, Sir ink.
I was hoping to see some marked improvement with these replacements, but I guess I should just keep my negative opinions to myself. Heaven forbid anyone state anything against a SS piece. Give me a break, man. Can we not express displeasure for pieces we spent hundreds of dollars on? You know, I purchased this piece myself, therefore I suppose I just need to worship it then? No way. I won't be coming back. You can just keep on reading positives and deleting negatives. Have fun!!! :wave
Re: Rogue

I think the new heads look better. Not Skiman-great, but better than what we originally got. The EX head especially looks better because they aligned her eyes to be looking up and to the left, which gets rid of that deer in the headlight look the EX head had. Eye shadow still looks pretty bad up close.

That being said, I will have to wait until I get my replacements in hand before making a final decision on this piece. I've got Skiman on speed dial. :lol
Re: Rogue

Given the choice between the old and new heads, I would imagine people would choose the newer ones. While this may not be the a huge improvement people hopes or expected, this is as good as it is going to get. Keep it, sell it, return it, or ask Skimoomoo to paint one for you. What's done is done. Let's just pray this factory got the message and that they don't screw up the Joker PF.
Re: Rogue

It's weird, they did not ask me to destroy the old ones. The email does not mention it, so I called Mike the manager to confirm it, he said it would be great if I can destroy the old ones, but they don't ask for photos. Anyone else got a replacement? What do you do with your old one?