SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne

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I think this is still a must... adds a lot to the character...

Yeah, but not at that price. It'd cost me about $160 with shipping. I picked up the T-800 for $165 shipped. When you put those two on the scale, the T-800 wins. And I can only afford one. :(

Like others have said, I hope I can pick it up somewhere down the road a lot cheaper.
I'll take it if you don't want it...

:lol I'm just going to find a new spot for it honestly... I do like it, but too many pieces like this will eventually take up too much room. It's almost counter to a few of the reasons I prefer 1/6th to statues.

If I find a good deal on the throne later I may pick it up. The Emperor is EX or FAIL for sure. ;)

Thinking the same.... on both accounts.

I'm with you, but this may be the only "environment" I ever buy. I just feel that the throne is such a huge part of the character and look. I got the exclusive for the heck of it, but I think the throne display really presents the character as the "overseer" that he is, doubt I'll feel the urge to display him otherwise too often.

I definitely see the throne being far more important than the Cantina booth to Greedo or the Cobra throne to CC. It's about as essential as a piece like this could be.
My exclusive Palps waitlist came through a while ago so I'm joining the "cancelled & will pick up later" club regarding the throne. I really do want it but just couldn't justify the price. Maybe later, when there's nothing else derailing the funds.
Is Palps coming out soon then? He's been my grail of this series from the start. And I'm ALL in on the Ex and the throne.


Still listed as 3rd Q, but not on the 30 day list. You would've thought they'd release Palpy first so people would be more excited about picking up the throne. But I guess that doesn't play into their release strategy.
If I find a good deal on the throne later I may pick it up. The Emperor is EX or FAIL for sure. ;)

I'm getting the EX Emperor but don't think the extra head is such an important accessory - though it is cool nevertheless. As for the throne I'm getting it for sure, from Razor's, the throne is a must for my Emperor
Still listed as 3rd Q, but not on the 30 day list. You would've thought they'd release Palpy first so people would be more excited about picking up the throne. But I guess that doesn't play into their release strategy.

Not that it's our job to question SS's business strategy but you really have to wonder sometimes.... Even a simultaneous release date would make more sense.
Not that it's our job to question SS's business strategy but you really have to wonder sometimes.... Even a simultaneous release date would make more sense.

That's what was nice about Jabba. Can you imagine if we had the throne but had to wait months before we got Jabba? :panic:
I am so looking forward to the Emperor and the throne. I ordered the exclusive version. When it arrives . . . I'm going to refer to it as my 1:6 Karl Rove figure and have the HT "Obama" figure standing by it's side along with my BBI "W" pilot figure.

The 1:6 circle will soon be complete.

Exactly :slap Which begs the question...

What strategy? :dunno

True. :lol

Or for those who already have the T-800, the T-1000.... :hi5: I'm super hyped for that line. :yess:

I'd say the T-800 has my vote for figure of the year... whatever that entails. :lol

I should have my T-800 by the end of the week, and I have the T-1000 on order. :yess:

I am so looking forward to the Emperor and the throne. I ordered the exclusive version. When it arrives . . . I'm going to refer to it as my 1:6 Karl Rove figure and have the HT "Obama" figure standing by it's side along with my BBI "W" pilot figure.

The 1:6 circle will soon be complete.


That I can't wait to see! :lol
I should have my T-800 by the end of the week, and I have the T-1000 on order. :yess:

You'll dig him Batty! Very well produced figure.

Sarah is coming to me this week :rock

I'm still siding with passing on both Ski.... She looks nice, but there's just something about her that I don't dig. Sean said the arms have limited very possibility.... LMK whatchu think when you have her in hand. Cool?
I'm still siding with passing on both Ski.... She looks nice, but there's just something about her that I don't dig. Sean said the arms have limited very possibility.... LMK whatchu think when you have her in hand. Cool?
