SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne

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Despite the polystone/ABS controversy, the Emperor's throne is nicely made. The finishing off is surprisingly good. In those regards, I even have the impression that this throne is an improvement over Thrawn's lounge filler.

I just opened mine this morning, and, umm... yup, it certainly is a chair. A nice chair, to be fair, but did such a simple design really call for such an expensive material? I guess if Sideshow Star Wars was the only thing I collected it would be a little easier to swallow. Maybe. But I have to say I'm finding myself passing on more and more environments these days due to needless cost/brittle materials used. I'd love the cantina tables/chairs, for instance, but the rational side of me has to wonder why Sideshow treats accessories for their dolls like fragile/high end statues?

This one, like the Jabba throne and Carbonite Han before, won out due to pure nostalgia and associations with the characters. But I winced even more than usual this time. I don't care that the Emperor isn't here yet (I have the EP3 figure as a nice stand-in), but I am almost embarrassed that I'm staring at a very basic design molded in $140 worth of polystone. It's getting harder and harder to justify this stuff. And that sucks, because this is the line that got me into 1/6 collecting and made me fall in love with Sideshow/Hot Toys/etc. in the first place.
Cancelled the throne. I may even cancel the emperor too. Thinking of dropping the 12" inch line altogether for premium formats.
I can't decide on the Throne, I cancelled it in the end. I know the scale's right but it looks small with the figure in it. I dunno. Plus it'll cost a quarter of the price of the Throne to ship it here, heavy.
Cancelled the throne. I may even cancel the emperor too. Thinking of dropping the 12" inch line altogether for premium formats.

Great choice! I did that many time ago... actually always bought PFs since day one but even 12" figures so i had to stop with 12" to focus on Premium Format! It's the best choice In my opinion and as i live in Europe, I almost have to pay a 12" figure like 150 dollars with shipping and taxes so i said well... two 12" = 1 PF and you know I did the best choice.



At the end of the trilogy, Frodo turned to the dark side.....

" your fellowship...are now...mine....."

I can't decide on the Throne, I cancelled it in the end. I know the scale's right but it looks small with the figure in it. I dunno. Plus it'll cost a quarter of the price of the Throne to ship it here, heavy.

GO for it CaptnRex it's great piece $shipping was $46
I received my Throne on Thursday. The boxes were in great shape I opened it up. The Styrofoam inserts were taped together with a big yellow QC note. I thought I heard some rattling but everything looked fine. I pulled the throne out of the foam only to hear something inside of it. This was very troubling and even my mom who was there asked why is it rattling? I sat it down and it seemed ok except that it seemed to be a recliner, very slight but noticeable. Then I picked it up again and the base fell right off.

I am actually really concerned about the price I paid for this and getting to see how fragile and brittle it really is. After really looking at how it fell apart it seems these can not be very sturdy at this connection of base and throne. I noticed some one on Rebelscum has had the same problem too. I caution you to check this area and open yours up if you are waiting to open it for Palpatine to arrive.



