SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne

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Hows the robe? Does the exclusive neck sit alright on the post with neck showing? (guess that was a problem with the other guy) Do you think it needs a lot of futzing or minimal?

thx looks good.

And they couldn't do this for Han Solo?
Marf, thanks for posting these pics, especially this last set. That exclusive portrait ROCKS on the seated Emperor much more than I thought it would.

Also, on behalf of the rest of us here on this thread, do thank your wife for allowing you the chance to post these photos when you made plans with her. Let her know that whenever a new figure ships out, it's a pretty time-honored tradition -- nay, a duty! -- for the first recipients to post pics here to alleviate the agonizing wait the rest of us have to endure. ;-)

You guys are most welcome!

I'm glad to know that the pics are appreciated, and I'll make sure my wife knows as well :wink1:
He looks excellent! I, for one, never really thought he'd look bad grimacing on the throne. A lot of personality in that head. Glad they did it! Wednesday can't come soon enough. AND it's my son's 1st birthday!!
I have to believe that they will re-do Bespin Han and Jedi Luke.

We will get that pointy finger before this line is done.

No to the first, no to the second, likely for the third.

With such a wealth of characters and looks to pick from, I seriously doubt we'll see re-dos. However, I could see the Ford Finger being added to an Endor Han.
The pointy finger also goes with his 'determined' face. I wonder if it will look right with a neutral expression.
And they couldn't do this for Han Solo?

We will get that pointy finger before this line is done.

No kidding. Where is the Ford Finger of Doom? Three Indys, 3 Hans and still no Ford Finger of Doom! :slap

I could see the Ford Finger being added to an Endor Han.

Recyclability. We don't get a Ford hand because they use the same hand molds over and over for numerous characters. With Palpatine, we get lucky, he's essentially an alien so we get unique hands for him, at least in his deformed state like this or the Sidious figure, but then the Chancellor Palpatine figure used the same old Buck hands.
It's nice, but no where near the best.
I do believe the level of detail on this sculpt is superlative to even the likes of Old Ben, which was afflicted by glossy paint applications and skin textures that were far too smooth.
If you're referring to the fine sculpted lines, you really can't compare Palpatine to other human portraits, it's a far more detailed portrait period, so to be remotely right as a figure, it has to look more detailed than a standard human sculpt.