SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne

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Basically by replacing the abdominal pieces of the Vader body with those on an armored Prometheus body, like the ones on any of the Stormtroopers (my first Trooper body was really loose, so I used the parts on that one when I got a replacement).

I was so surprised by the results, I snapped some pics of the process & posted them here:

Also, be sure to pad Vader's waist with some electrical tape, which I also describe on the next page as well as how to get some better shoulder articulation on the Stormtrooper figures by doing some simple reassembly.

Thanks; I'll check this out when I get hom today..............
jsjedi. you really need to get some clear glass doors for that cabinet so you can see your figures.

Frosted floral designer doors don't work well at all with displaying your figures.
Here's the Emperor compared to Vader (who has been torso modded and helmet modded):



My Emperor is hunched over for the cane so he'll give a little more height.

You don't gain much height diff with the helmet mod, but the mod does make the helmet look more to scale and not so big and clunky (besides looking world's better and much more mean).
it would be nice if SST takes a cue from the Emperor's robe fabric quality and trickles it over to the next Vader (his cape looks like a bed sheet in comparison).
Yep, I didn't realize the Vader's cape and robe are that same crazy material like Lando's cape... no way to shape it. Water treatment has minimal effect. It looks nice to the eye on the shelf but very difficult to work with. Witht eh height mod it helps a little that his cape hits the floor so you can use that resistance to shape a bit.
Looks good, Wor-Gar! How did you get the helmet off and what did you do to it?

EDIT: Nevermind. I just rocked it back and forth a bit and broke the glue joint. I just did the mod and it looks MUCH better.
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Looks good, Wor-Gar! How did you get the helmet off and what did you do to it?

EDIT: Nevermind. I just rocked it back and forth a bit and broke the glue joint. I jus did the mod. looks MUCH better.

Post pics! Love to see how yours came out too.

I love mine now. Really makes a big difference, more so that I thought.
Hey, guys. How did you modify those Vader helmets so quickly? Did you just trim down the ridges inside or did you also have to take down that post that goes into the top of the head?
Damn... a lot of great shots of this figure. Can't wait to have him on Tuesday. I'm now 100% convinced the Throne is a "must have".

Sean, this is one of my favorites from you... great shot :rock

Damn... a lot of great shots of this figure. Can't wait to have him on Tuesday. I'm now 100% convinced the Throne is a "must have".

Sean, this is one of my favorites from you... great shot :rock

Thanks, and really, I know at the retail price, the throne's an iffy thing for a lot of folks, but man, when I sit the figure in it and there he is, it's so cool, it's everything I wanted when this line started, I wanted the Emperor made and the throne was a must make item too, they did a great job on the Emperor figure, the throne looks great, I'm really happy with how this all turned out.
I love this new Emperor figure. Haven't bought a sideshow 12 inch SW fig for a long time, but Palpatine and throne was always on my wish list. Maybe I'm hooked again!? The official photos just don't do it justice. You guys are much better photographers!!
Thanks, and really, I know at the retail price, the throne's an iffy thing for a lot of folks, but man, when I sit the figure in it and there he is, it's so cool, it's everything I wanted when this line started, I wanted the Emperor made and the throne was a must make item too, they did a great job on the Emperor figure, the throne looks great, I'm really happy with how this all turned out.

I'm glad you dig it, Sean. Really. :rock And your pics of the whole kit and kaboodle are quite convincing. But I still haven't seen any evidence that the Emperor can do anything more than dangle in his throne like a kid in a booster seat at a restaurant. :( Has anyone been able to make him sit in the thing like an adult? Feet on the ground and all? Or is the dangling-feet look the only option?

If someone can show me that the Emperor and the throne fit together appropriately, then I'm all over it :wave
The feet won't touch the ground with him fully back in it, but I don't find them to be rediculously off the ground, there's like 1/4 inch if that between his feet and the surface.
Man... :( I just feel like that would be too obvious for me. I'd love to have it work perfectly, but even a quarter inch seems like too much in my mind.

Does the robe hide most of the discrepancy? If the cloth were to hide the fact that his feet don't touch the ground, such a thing might be easy to overlook in the long run, especially if displayed properly. But I have a hard time reconciling the image of a proud and sinister despot like Palpatine dangling his feet over the edge of this throne like a five-year-old in a booster seat at Pizza Hut.
mine arrived in Sydney this morning-still another 2 hr trip til it makes it to my house!!!hopefully within the next few hrs.The wait is killing me :p