SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne

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There is that scene in ROTJ where after the Emperor addresses Vader, the chair turns away....don't think the Emperor's feet are touching/dragging the floor in that instance, but we really can't see.

Not that the Sideshow Throne spins anyway...
Hey, guys. How did you modify those Vader helmets so quickly? Did you just trim down the ridges inside or did you also have to take down that post that goes into the top of the head?

I just trimmed the ridges with a dremel. Left the post untouched.

Odd. I had to remove my post to get it to sit low enough.

The one advantage to removing the entire post is that you can situate the helmet on the head in any direction you want: further back, further forward, further down -- without the post guiding the dome in a fixed place. The 'pinch' of the helmet is such on mine that I really have to force the helmet down on the head and it stays nice and tight -- I haven't even glued mine on and I won't. This way I can always make adjustments.

Sorry to derail this thread with Vader stuff -- but it was the EMPEROR that got me so excited to finally fix Vader as a companion piece.
I dunno. I think you lot are ruining your Vaders... :dunno

Serious? Ruining like devaluating the pristine item OR making the figure look worse?

I have to say, in hand, Vader looks a lot better.

Just so you know, I can put the body back to its configuration in about 10 minutes, And I don't need to reglue the helmet ( it holds tight as is) so I could alway reglue it in its original place. Unlike a repaint, this is completely reversible so I don't feel like I've hurt the figure in any way.

Course it's Vader. I'll never sell him. Nor the Emperor. Love these two.
Yeah, I left the helmet post in tact. I like that it still adds to the stability of it.

And as far as ruining our Vaders, hardly. I think anyone would be nuts to say that any of the mods haven't been an improvement to the overall look of the figure. An unmodded SS Vader is nice but far from screen accurate. I think now, after the mods, he looks really good next to Emps whereas before he dwarfed him.
A lot of the mods I have seen make him look out of proportion. I haven't seen any pics to convince me that the mods are worth it. Glad to hear your mods are reversible. That is the way to go I think if anyone is thinking about making mods to Vader..

Wednesday is taking too long. Me wants me Poopatine. :monkey2

@ Coco.. Call me nuts then I guess. I just haven't seen any mod that looked good. To each his own. etc.....

I wonder if the eventual RotJ Vader will have a more accurate height scale?
A lot of the mods I have seen make him look out of proportion. I haven't seen any pics to convince me that the mods are worth it. Glad to hear your mods are reversible. That is the way to go I think if anyone is thinking about making mods to Vader..

While I agree that usually I like to leave my figures pristine short of water treatment, etc, Vader's just too important for me not to fix him up.

Here's what I was trying to emulate: Darren Carnell's Vader. I think he really got his Vader to match the source, especially in this shot:


He did the helmet mod long ago and padded the shoulder armor to raise it up slightly, enough to close the gap and give Vader the right hunch.

With these few mods, it really will set this ANH Vader apart from the coming ESB or ROTJ Vader.
Yeah. Darren's looks really nice (I haven't seen it before now). Does it look as good in a full body shot?

(Darren is brilliant at this stuff... but we all knew that)
Wednesday :emperor Wednesday :emperor Wednesday :emperor Wednesday :emperor Wednesday :emperor Wednesday :emperor Wednesday :emperor Wednesday :emperor Wednesday :emperor Wednesday :emperor
Yeah. Darren's looks really nice (I haven't seen it before now). Does it look as good in a full body shot?

(Darren is brilliant at this stuff... but we all knew that)

Darren does amazing work. And you can get the same result with a minimum of effort (mine's in the middle):


Last post on this I promise....
about the emperor's feet not touching the ground, can't you just pull the foot pegs out of the legs a bit? just don't push the foot pegs all the way into the legs.
Isn't there a thread about this easy Vader Helmet mod? If it's as easy as you guys say it is, I might give it a try. As far as I remember, my Vader's dome was already loose when he arrived (yay for quality), but, before I dremel, saw, file, hammer or worse, I want to know exactly how to do it.

From the "best way to shorten..." thread:
Thanks for the tips. I used a scissor to crack the glue, then it popped off simple. I don't have a dremmel so removing the dome ridges was a bit of a chore -- pliers and exacto! But I got it and it's fairly easy. But man oh man does it make a HUGE difference.
Thanks to whomever originated the helmet mod too!
Dome ridges?