SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne

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Its as easy as it seems.

1: Remove dome

2: Grind ridges & post

3: Replace dome

4: Touch ween

Simple. Having a dremel helps a lot though.
I say it makes a huge difference and its a quick 15 minute job.​

Just as a footnote: My comments were mostly towards the height mods to the body which people seem to be wild about doing lately rather than the dome mod.

Just as a footnote: My comments were mostly towards the height mods to the body which people seem to be wild about doing lately rather than the dome mod.


And I would agree with you, while I'm sure it makes some difference, none of the photos posted have demonstrated enough of one to make me want to source the parts and go for it.
Came out perfect WG :hi5:

Thank you :bow

Its as easy as it seems.

1: Remove dome

2: Grind ridges & post

3: Replace dome

4: Touch ween

Simple. Having a dremel helps a lot though.

:lol You always do that when you're happy.

Alice -- there's a cross shaped ridge inside the helmet, you'll see it. That needs to be destroyed for the helmet to sit lower. I ripped mine out with a pair of pliers because I have no fancy dremmel. Then I smoothed it down with an exacto blade. Took about 10 minutes tops. The helmet remains tight and you can simply place it back on the head and push it down in place where you want.
So you just cut the ridges down but leave the peg?

Me? No, I ripped the peg out too. Cocoboloboy left his though, so I guess it works either way.

If you want the helmet really low you should take out the peg. Also, without the peg you have more latitude with positioning the helmet how you like (tilting it back further).

Nice mod Wor-Gar :hi5:
did you sand it? which part?

EDIT: ops nevermind

No sanding. Not sure I could get sandpaper in there anyway and I wouldn't want the paper to rub the edges of the dome. Nope, I just used an exacto to shave down any remaining 'bumps' from the removed plastic ridges.

It's really easy guys, honest. Seems scary until you actually do it and then see the results. If I wasn't happy I would say so, AND I wouldn't be posting so excitedly about this trick.
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Wednesday :emperor Wednesday :emperor Wednesday :emperor Wednesday :emperor Wednesday :emperor Wednesday :emperor Wednesday :emperor Wednesday :emperor Wednesday

:rock ME TOO!!!

Darth Vader & the Emperor together at last:


Great shot! What and where is that death star display from?? Looks fantastic.
Yes thanks for the tips guys. I've seen many awesome modifications and customs here over the years, but since I prefer to keep my collectibles as they come, I never contemplated to do a modification myself. This dome modification how ever is both, very easy do to (it seems), and utterly effective. I'm sold.