SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne

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I'm pretty sure the 1/6 Gandalf was also Miller.

Trevor might have done the PF or maybe the maquette :huh

EDIT: Yep, looking at the product specs Miller did the 1/6 and Grove the PF.

Tim's a very good sculptor, I hate when people comment like everything should be Trev or no one, Tim's very good too and so are others at Sideshow.
I have to laugh every time anyone assumes as awesome sculpt is Trev's. :cuckoo:

I based that on this picture from his deviantart page.

<object width="450" height="405"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="flashvars" value="id=152019685&width=1337" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="450" flashvars="id=152019685&width=1337" height="405" allowscriptaccess="always"></embed></object><br /><a href="">Sideshow Gandalf 2</a> by *<a class="u" href="">trev-solo</a> on <a href="">deviant</a><a href="">ART</a>

It didn't specify what scale. My mistake.
Hm. Looks like my Emperor is doing a EU tour... Currently he's in the Netherlands. Before that he was in Paris, France. What do you know. Reminds me of that other dictator, that didn't live "too long ago", and not so "far far" away".
Mine's waiting for me at the UPS location... I'll get him after work :rock :rock :rock

Really wish I had a spare clone body so I could do the chest swap. Guess I need to order one from TA.
I wonder how many Ex Emps they had, considering once pictures started being posted he sold out really fast -- like in 4 days.

Also, what the heck is the free gift? Anyone reorder and receive yet?
The bags okay. Don't know why they would even consider charging extra shipping. They just opened my box and slide it between the outer and inner box.
I've decided to sell my throne, since I'm not displaying Palpatine with it. If anyone is interested, I put made a thread in the Commerce For Sale/Trade section.
I put in a bid for a throne on ebay 20 second before I saw ag's FS thread. :crying

Still $130 shipped is ok. I am just worried about it getting to me in one piece. :horror
My Palpatine just arrived and he is totally awesome! Futzing with him now and trying a few different poses. The only thing I don't like is the way his sash on the inner robe is tied, does anyone have any suggestions for a better looking way to tie it so both ends hang down? Maybe I should wet it and fold it?
I just received mine as well--however, it was sitting outside in the heat for quite some time and the boots appear to be too flimsy and soft to hold the figure's weight. If the boots remain soft, is there a safe way of rectifying this quandary, or would it be optimal to inform Sideshow?