SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne

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Been out all day,so even once this bad boy arrived i didnt have time to take pics til now.It is night time here in OZ....more pics tomorrow when the lighting is better....
Does anyone else have stability problems with theirs?

Oh, yes. You see, the Emperor was always kind of unstable. Even when he was a Senator. That lead to his embracing the Dark Side early on during the developement of his powers. And his instability was only made worse with the strengthening of his powers. So the two sort of fed on each other. The more powerful he got, the more unstable he got and the more unstable he got, the more powerful he got. And this vicious cylcle eventually allowed the power and instability to completely consumed his persona and now, as a norm, his character is defined by instability...and power.

Or did you mean the mannequin that Sideshow used for the figure? If

My exclusive Emperor has arrived.

Just took a quick look at it, inside the box, and I really like the heads and hands sculpts and paint apps. The figure does look good.

The exclusive headsculpt is a must-have and that's why I bought it now.

But with that in mind...

There is no way that it should cost so much. This is such a bare-bones release that there's just no way to justify the price. Period.

I used $20.00 worth of reward points on it and I still feel that I over-paid.
LOL. I think the instability is really from the boots being soft and the heels being hollow. Just use the stand. It looks nice!
LOL. I think the instability is really from the boots being soft and the heels being hollow. Just use the stand. It looks nice!
Well, unfortunately not all poses can be supported by the stand--particularly more dramatic stances. If this issue is endemic to most of these figures, then I am quite disappointed. Perhaps a TrueType base body is the ideal alternative then.
Well, unfortunately not all poses can be supported by the stand--particularly more dramatic stances. If this issue is endemic to most of these figures, then I am quite disappointed. Perhaps a TrueType base body is the ideal alternative then.

Did you order from Sideshow?

Request a replacement if you aren't happy with it.
So..... any suggestions for replacing Palpy's boots along with getting him a pair of pants? Darth Maul?
Well, if the boots are a major problem then I am uncertain as to how to rectify it. As for pants, I just used the pair that came with the Hasbro Sidious. I figured this figure needed them more than he did.
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Yeah the foot pegs are a problem without getting some of those Cobra Commander feet to slide into conventional boots.
My impression of my Empy:

1) Great sculpts
2) Could care less about the lack pants
3) Wish there were more accessories... More hands would have been nice
4) Should are fine.
5) Shoulders are difficult to move forward.

All in all. 4/5
I just could have sworn I saw a picture of him with hand similar sculpt to the one on the far left:
