SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne

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Re: SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne - PPO 12/18 @ 10am PT

Misunderstood you, I don't follow the dead so I didn't realize Sidshow made a unique neck piece for that figure.

I think Palpatine is and should be a solid neck and head, with his wrinkling flowing from his jaw into his neck, a jointed one would leave things misalinged, it wouldn't be a smooth transition, same with like a Tarkin. Even if necks have anatomy and texture or anything sculpted in them, if the particular face has distinct features that run from the face into the neck, there shouldn't be a separation of any kind.

I don't think the punk's neck is necessarily unique. I think it might be a re-used Palps neck, considering one aspect of that line is reusing aspects of others. As for the look, I don't think it'll look bad at all. Sideshow did a 2-part neck for their Frankenstein's monsters back in the day and those turned out awesome, arguably better than the sculpted 1-piece necks:

Re: SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne - PPO 12/18 @ 10am PT

Good point Nam. I had forgotten about that. ;)
Re: SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne - PPO 12/18 @ 10am PT

The Pro has a v1 and v2 body style?

Hard to keep up with you guys.

There was an article on SSC around May that outlined the first two variant Pro body styles, the 1.1 and 1.2. The 1.1 will be used for the first time (I think) on Firefly and the 1.2 on Duke.

As far as the height goes, I can see your point, Maul. To me the original Pro would give more of that feeble, hunched old man look. I'm not positive but I think the 1.1 will be close to the TT Narrow with the 1.2 more in line with the Standard TT... We can only hope they're half as sturdy now. :D
Re: SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne - PPO 12/18 @ 10am PT

The Pro has a v1 and v2 body style?

Hard to keep up with you guys.

Actually there are now 3 versions of the Pro.

V 1.1 / V 1.0 / V 1.2


V 1.0 = Original
V 1.1 = Taller
V 1.2 = Taller and Bulkier

I don't think the punk's neck is necessarily unique. I think it might be a re-used Palps neck, considering one aspect of that line is reusing aspects of others. As for the look, I don't think it'll look bad at all. Sideshow did a 2-part neck for their Frankenstein's monsters back in the day and those turned out awesome, arguably better than the sculpted 1-piece necks:


That doesn't look bad, but that falls into what I was getting at, there's no significant anatomical features that run from his face into his neck.

Something like the wrinkles in Palpatine, where they run from his cheek and down his jaw and into his neck, I think it wouldn't look as good to cut those lines for an articulated neck as it would to just leave the neck and head as one piece.
Re: SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne - PPO 12/18 @ 10am PT

There was an article on SSC around May that outlined the first two variant Pro body styles, the 1.1 and 1.2. The 1.1 will be used for the first time (I think) on Firefly and the 1.2 on Duke.

As far as the height goes, I can see your point, Maul. To me the original Pro would give more of that feeble, hunched old man look. I'm not positive but I think the 1.1 will be close to the TT Narrow with the 1.2 more in line with the Standard TT... We can only hope they're half as sturdy now. :D

1.0 would be perfect for the little old man look, I just remember taking shots of Sidious next to Vader this past summer :monkey2 Ultimately, with Palpatine sitting on his throne, which I think I'd have him doing 90% of the time, the height difference won't be noticable. The chair will look plenty big enough next to Vader.
Re: SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne - PPO 12/18 @ 10am PT

I wasn't aware they had sculpted a special neck for the Punk zombie either. I would imagine that will be the case with Palpatine as well then.
Re: SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne - PPO 12/18 @ 10am PT

That doesn't look bad, but that falls into what I was getting at, there's no significant anatomical features that run from his face into his neck.

Something like the wrinkles in Palpatine, where they run from his cheek and down his jaw and into his neck, I think it wouldn't look as good to cut those lines for an articulated neck as it would to just leave the neck and head as one piece.

I dig what you're saying, Maul... I agree. The flesh under his neck will look better if there's no joint breaks present.

So with the Punk, is the neck molded to the head? or is this an independent piece, similar to the standard pro neck only with sculpted detail?
Re: SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne - PPO 12/18 @ 10am PT

The neck on the Punk is a seperate piece from the head.. but its not the generic neck piece either (as we got on the Harbinger and the Butcher).
Re: SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne - PPO 12/18 @ 10am PT

1.0 would be perfect for the little old man look, I just remember taking shots of Sidious next to Vader this past summer :monkey2 Ultimately, with Palpatine sitting on his throne, which I think I'd have him doing 90% of the time, the height difference won't be noticable. The chair will look plenty big enough next to Vader.

Yeah, the throne will help eliminate any height disparity, thankfully.
Re: SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne - PPO 12/18 @ 10am PT

I dig what you're saying, Maul... I agree. The flesh under his neck will look better if there's no joint breaks present.

So with the Punk, is the neck molded to the head? or is this an independent piece, similar to the standard pro neck only with sculpted detail?

The neck is a sculpted atlernate to the usual Pro neck.
Re: SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne - PPO 12/18 @ 10am PT

My money's on a one piece solid neck, no articulation.
Re: SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne - PPO 12/18 @ 10am PT

Oh yeah, that's almost certainly what we'll get for the Emperor. A one piece sculpted neck would look better, but with the hood on it will hardly be noticeable.

Thats what I am thinking too... Also the PRO 1.0 will be the right height and will be better at recreating the old man hunch Palps has.

But yea, my money is also betting on a one piece. :D
Re: SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne - PPO 12/18 @ 10am PT

I'd actually be a bit let down if the neck was jointed at the jawline, I think it's aesthetically wrong for this character and I think the articulation you gain with it is unnecessary for the character.
Re: SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne - PPO 12/18 @ 10am PT

I'd actually be a bit let down if the neck was jointed at the jawline, I think it's aesthetically wrong for this character and I think the articulation you gain with it is unnecessary for the character.

I disagree. Having him hunching AND looking forward would need the use of articulation under the chin and is something that can easily be disguised with wrinkles. Otherwise, he'll always be looking at the ground while hunching. Might be fine if you only plan to display him slouching in the chair, but to utilize other poses like standing, he'll look awkward with hunched shoulders and a stiff neck.
Re: SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne - PPO 12/18 @ 10am PT

I disagree, if you hunch the figure's back and tilt the whole neck head up, the same effect will be achieved and look fine. I find jointed necks only truly valuable for extreme neck posing scenarios like a character such as Darth Maul, the extra range you could achieve with him would be useful. For small, subtle manipulations like the Emperor would need, it's overkill.
Re: SSC 1/6 ROTJ Emperor and Throne - PPO 12/18 @ 10am PT

I disagree, if you hunch the figure's back and tilt the whole neck head up, the same effect will be achieved and look fine. I find jointed necks only truly valuable for extreme neck posing scenarios like a character such as Darth Maul, the extra range you could achieve with him would be useful. For small, subtle manipulations like the Emperor would need, it's overkill.

Well, if you prefer this look for your figure, fine, but I don't. It doesn't suit the Emperor who had a graceful arch, not a crane's neck:
