the impulse control issue brought the NRDs into being in the first place 

Sideshow is basically using these fake sellouts to play with collectors' emotions..its basic human psychology here..a fake SOLD OUT gives an illusion of scarcity and scarcity always adds value to any collectable which is so important to collectors, thus the need to act urgently and get on the WL
I found a fundamental flaw in your "theory." If I'm going to buy a product and it's Wait Listed on Sideshow's website, as a collector with years of experience, that only tells me I have one option. I can jump on the Wait List with a wing and a prayer that it'll actually convert, or I can go pick up the regular version from an online retailer for a 10%+ discount before it's sold out and hits ebay at ridiculous prices. Now given that's actually detouring me from purchasing via Sideshow's website, how the hell is that an encouragement (or by your accusation: a shady marketing ploy) to order from them?![]()
I think the "impulse control issue" bullseyed the reason for this rant.![]()
Let it be known I don't buy reg statues. I'm not accusing SSC of shady practice. I just find it quite a coincidence that I can go on WL months later and it converts so easily especially that I tested & went on the WL again. Imo when NRDs are place there should be less conversion. IMO, when an item may be put on a WL soldout, it maybe due to low sales. By putting it on, it hind sights tells the potential buyer to go on the WL right away do they don't risk missing out on it. This would dramatically increase orders from what it wasn't before.
Again, not really. If anything, the Wait List is a detourant, sending customers toward other means in acquiring a piece. Remember, the Wait List is not a guarantee, and you're acting like it is. Also, your insistence upon exclusives only narrows the marketing base your theorized "scheme" advertises to.
But since, essentially, you're just bashing Sideshow for the sake of doing so, perhaps you just need to change the thread title to something more appropriate like, "Sideshow libeling free for all!"
First of all, I am not bashing SSC. Over half my collection are from SSC. If I didn't like the products, I wouldn't have been a customers of there's for the last few years. I am just making a point how I feel about the coincidence of WL soldouts converting so easily.
the impulse control issue brought the NRDs into being in the first place![]() does the same thing for MOTU Classics and other brands,only the same product that was sold then shows up later for sale![]()
I like grape Now And Laters.
Oh my god. Some people find the strangest things to complain about. Would you rather they show it on waitlist status and convert, or show it in stock and not be able to fill your order?
The fact that sideshow realizes they can make money without actually selling a product is what brought nrd, they prolly looked at how much they made off of cancelled flexpays and found another way to cash in on such items... similarly thats why most items convert so quickly after getting the waitlist conversion email often earlier then stated to get that money as well. Hey guys they are in the business of making money get used to it.
These fake SOLD OUTS are a great way to create an illusion of scarcity and increase perceived value of the collectable. They're fully aware of the collectors love of owning things that are "rare" and "hard to find" and they manipulate that by blatantly lying about the "SOLD OUTS"
I've sadly had to cancel a couple items that had an NRD, so I wouldn't be surprised if it happens more than you think. It sucks losing the money, but I knew what I was getting into when I PO'd the product.
I'm also a little confused by this thread. IF Sideshow is purposely putting items on a WL to lure more buyers to purchase the item under the pretense that the item is in demand and may no longer be available (and that's a BIG IF), what does it matter if you actually want the piece for your collection? No one is pressuring you to buy anything and like I said, if it's actually something you did want to buy, you should be happy that the WL converted so quickly.