Premium Format SSC Batman PF

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Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Oh I am not upset... I just wondered if this had happened before is all.

always :s nothing to do about it, and be happy if you don't live in Europe, i live in Belgium and sometimes when it get's released in America, we still have to wait like 1-2 months more or even more! for example: Batman life size bust Sideshow, released in America, to be sold in Belgium somewhere between the end of february 2013 :( and let's not get started about the prices we pay for the items (a lot more expensive over here).
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Sigh... Guys I am not talking about if it will or will NOT ship on time...

I am talking about the fact that SSC has stopped giving us projected SPECIFIC MONTHS something will ship (I.e. June), to a new system that gives an estimated QUARTER of a YEAR (I.e. 3rd Quarter which could be July, August, or September). so you won't have a specific month to expect something.

Every statue I have been paying attention two has changed to this QUARTERS system.

Now again I am not angry. This just seems like a VERY different system then what I saw before.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

always :s nothing to do about it, and be happy if you don't live in Europe, i live in Belgium and sometimes when it get's released in America, we still have to wait like 1-2 months more or even more! for example: Batman life size bust Sideshow, released in America, to be sold in Belgium somewhere between the end of february 2013 :( and let's not get started about the prices we pay for the items (a lot more expensive over here).

You guys have no big companies like SS in Belgium?
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Sigh... Guys I am not talking about if it will or will NOT ship on time...

I am talking about the fact that SSC has stopped giving us projected SPECIFIC MONTHS something will ship (I.e. June), to a new system that gives an estimated QUARTER of a YEAR (I.e. 3rd Quarter which could be July, August, or September). so you won't have a specific month to expect something.

Every statue I have been paying attention two has changed to this QUARTERS system.

Now again I am not angry. This just seems like a VERY different system then what I saw before.

The first date is just a rough estimate
Sigh... Guys I am not talking about if it will or will NOT ship on time...

I am talking about the fact that SSC has stopped giving us projected SPECIFIC MONTHS something will ship (I.e. June), to a new system that gives an estimated QUARTER of a YEAR (I.e. 3rd Quarter which could be July, August, or September). so you won't have a specific month to expect something.

Every statue I have been paying attention two has changed to this QUARTERS system.

Now again I am not angry. This just seems like a VERY different system then what I saw before.

It's always been a mix as far as I can remember - sometimes they say a month sometimes they say a quarter.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Just sit back and enjoy the ride...... Is there an echo in here?
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Do you like thinking about not getting the EX?

You know ... If I am fine with missing out on all of the beautiful statues that came out before this one I guess I can be fine with missing out on the Ex. I am getting my regular for BELOW retail so that is pretty sweet. Plus then their be Spazzy...:yess:. It is what it is. Besides I may very well get me be someday. Just going to stay positive...:lol.