Premium Format SSC Batman PF

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Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

here I'll make it simple for you guys, post me a picture showing actual shirts that have their armpits that sit that low and I'll admit I was wrong all along. and no photoshoping :)

But it's so much easier to say I don't care about your opinion, and I am more then happy with how my Batman looks. Thrilled actually. :wink1:

Even with the pit issues it still looks 100X better then the Keaton proto they showed.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Only people arguing the point with me is you and spidey.... secondly a forum member asked a question and I answered it, with it being a freely open internet forum and all... but spidey took issue with my reply to the OP and here we are..

BTW, my use of the word midsection was to describe the middle of the torso, far as I know that's between the shoulders and waist. Here's a definition from the internet dictionary - Noun 1. midsection - the middle area of the human torso (usually in front)

Actually you took issue with KingB saying it was in the eye of beholder. Then when Spidey got involved you started saying your statements were facts. Then decided that anyone who openly disagreed with you was Biased.

I get it, you have an opinion. As does everyone who owns it. Just don't think for one second that just because you stated something everyone is going to agree. You can think what you like, say what you like, but no one here owes you or your opinion anything. So don't assume that your can post on open forum and people will just take it gospel.

And look I can google definitions too

(plural midsections)

The middle section of something.
The midriff; the section of the human torso, from below the chest to above the waist.

noun: midriff; plural noun: midriffs

the region of the front of the body between the chest and the waist.
synonyms: stomach, belly, midsection, waist, middle, abdomen, tummy
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

here I'll make it simple for you guys, post me a picture showing actual shirts that have their armpits that sit that low and I'll admit I was wrong all along. and no photoshoping :)

I think it's safe to say that everyone should see this in person to make an accurate decision as to the severity of the pit issue. I saw the pictures at first and about lost my ****ing mind. Got him home as was like WTF. Your an idiot Brian.....
Should it be like that? No. Should it stop you from purchasing, receiving and then making a determination as to how bad pit gate is in hand I say NO!
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

The pit is easily fix, so that shouldn't stop people. But still SS, you should have qc it!!!
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Damn! it all comes back to SS. If they can pull off some good quality QC this place would be all :grouphug :peace and :duff and stuff

:rotfl who am I kidding!
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

I think it's safe to say that everyone should see this in person to make an accurate decision as to the severity of the pit issue. I saw the pictures at first and about lost my ****ing mind. Got him home as was like WTF. Your an idiot Brian.....
Should it be like that? No. Should it stop you from purchasing, receiving and then making a determination as to how bad pit gate is in hand I say NO!

Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Waite, waite, waite.... All of these very PERSONAL attacks....

It's not an opinion it is a FACT that his armpits are down by his mid section you can see it with your own eyes, if you don't give a **** that's fine, but he asked for an honest opinion about the statue and I gave him one. What is getting old is you defending EVERY statue SS makes... You want to be a SS cheerleader that's fine but maybe you should put that under your name so people know your bias in your opinions.

And of course Josh jumps in like he always does, I think him and Spidey are part of a tag-team... I really don't give a **** what you and Spidey think, I replied honestly to the guy, if you want to give him your own opinion then go ahead and reply to him....

Only people arguing the point with me is you and spidey.... secondly a forum member asked a question and I answered it, with it being a freely open internet forum and all... but spidey took issue with my reply to the OP and here we are..

BTW, my use of the word midsection was to describe the middle of the torso, far as I know that's between the shoulders and waist. Here's a definition from the internet dictionary - Noun 1. midsection - the middle area of the human torso (usually in front)

because I said this..

That is your opinion, and others couldn't give a ****. Some things bother certain people, and not others.

Ummmm.... I gotta ask. What the heck is wrong with you Dude?????

Firstly, I see the issue, and it doesn't bother me at all, and that has always been my position. Photos make them look worse than they are in person IMHO, but if someone wants to try to fix them then a) they have more courage then I do, and b) they take the risk of things going horribly wrong as evident by the botched custom a few pages back. As for your assertion that I LOVE all things Sideshow well that is just wrong. Do I like MOST of their stuff?? Well most of us do right?? Just check out the name of the forum. However, there are many pieces that I look at, and I think they look like warmed up dog ****. However, since joining I learned a little something from guys like Josh, Snad, and csi, and it is pretty simple. I don't need to go into EVERY thread and attack a piece that others have gone out and spent their hard earned money on. I just don't need to, and I don't need to go ape **** EVERYTIME someone disagrees with me. Apparently you do.

Finally, Dan, your little "look my **** is bigger than yours" show doesn't make your opinion any more valid than the rest of ours. It just proves that you THINK it is, which honestly is your prerogative, but don't think that by puffing your chest out and pounding on it on an anonymous Internet forum that you are impressing anyone really. It kind of makes you look rather .... Small.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Whether or not it bothers you pretty much is in the eye of the beholder, but there is no denying it is a screw up, and that nobody on this board has a similarly talored shirt in their closet. Some people are so bothered by it that we got a badly customised Batman to make fun of, that came about as the result of someone trying to do the fix. Others love it as is.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Let's please move on from the arguments. If you insist on going on about it, please take it to PM.

lol i could see that as a way to pitch premium memberships: "Arguing via PM and just when you're about to win, someone runs out of space? Get the Premium Freaks membership, where the limitations of online message box space pose no threat to your opinion."
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Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

I haven't been on this thread for ages but I see the armpits debate is still going strong :lol

I should finally get my one in June after all this time :rock
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Whether or not it bothers you pretty much is in the eye of the beholder, but there is no denying it is a screw up, and that nobody on this board has a similarly talored shirt in their closet. Some people are so bothered by it that we got a badly customised Batman to make fun of, that came about as the result of someone trying to do the fix. Others love it as is.

I didn't catch this earlier TBolt.... This sums it all up perfectly.