Premium Format SSC Batman PF

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Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

200 and you pay shipping costs but Raf could tell you better than I could..a steal if you see what some people charge…quality work too I highly recommend it

That's the TRUTH! some people's prices are just ridiculous.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

A2 that is a really nice custom Dude... Rad does do AMAZING work.

As promised to a few folks here is an update on my own custom



Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

I like the all black look. Just not the highlights on the material. Congrats though. It is well done.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Looks amazing in black. I like it as is, but the black look makes it a nice cross between comics and animated show.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Wow, the muscle pops out more... Can you take more foto to share with us in natural bright light :). It would make Batman look even nicer

I most def will try thing about this is that it is a BlTCH to freaking move, heavy as well and a lot of pieces that Im paranoid about that will get damaged
Very cool custom job. Looks great. Congrats!

Many thanks- I wish i had a better camera/lighting tho

Very cool custom job. Looks great. Congrats!

Thank you sir!
A2 that is a really nice custom Dude... Rad does do AMAZING work.
Thank you man I was patient and knew what I wanted and I'm glad I could find someone awesome enough to do it!
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Also btw in some pics it looks like the cape has highlights, but it is solid black and as I said it looks much better, dare I say amazing in person!--also this thing is officially the bulkiest/biggest damn pf I have..It makes my lion-o PF look normal now (and that thing is freakin huge muscle tone/bulk wise) --granted tho Ive only been at it a year.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF I want mine repainted :lol congrats...and thanks a lot

lmao Im sorry :1-1: … dude I LOVEEE it to when I saw the original PF to me, it had a lot wrong with it so I didn't buy it..this was when I was new to the hobby and had no idea you could customize it, etc. Once I saw Raf's video, I went out asap in hunt of getting this piece so I can get it fixed..when I bought it I shipped it straight to him without even looking at it first..To me, the stock piece had a lot of little things that I know would nag me…and thats not to disparage anyone else's piece but it was my view of batman and how I expected or wanted him to look. The all black matches that pose 100%…at night, on the gargoyle, surveying what is his…Again, without Raf it seriously couldn't have happened because theres no way, especially after having to pay a little extra to get it, could I have afforded some of these other ppls pricing to custom it, so I owe him a ton!
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Makes me wish their was an expert painter in my area, I dread shipping him across country with the risk of his cape breaking, not to mention the $100+ in shipping fees time you get done.... So anyone with painting skills in Southern California :)
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Makes me wish their was an expert painter in my area, I dread shipping him across country with the risk of his cape breaking, not to mention the $100+ in shipping fees time you get done.... So anyone with painting skills in Southern California :)

No kidding...if I ever decide to sell mine, it'll be a local sale only. I'd be a nervous wreck while the thing was in transit!
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

As promised I tried to take some pics in natural light, unfortunately in that room there isn't any really…again if someone wants to rotate them lol bcz I have no idea how, feel free!20140510_155510.jpg20140510_155525.jpg20140510_155620.jpg20140510_155638.jpg
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Here is an update on my alternate head for my Batman PF.

This is my first pull from my first mold ever and.... not good. I may have not mixed the resin enough but the the ears and the back of the head are kind of gooey and not drying. If I cant get the goo out of the mold I may have to mold him again, but it is fun to learn and the parts that came out good look really good so I'm happy about that.
