Super Freak
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF
So freakin' awesome! Love it! Can not wait for these 2 years to pass.
So freakin' awesome! Love it! Can not wait for these 2 years to pass.
That's a pic taken from the director himself
I love everything about the suit except the symbol, as I hated the dark knight returns.
If you think there won't be a Nolan PF your smoking something. It will happen. Heck, People are still getting their Comic PFs still.
I am sure there will be, but still surprised the line did not start years ago. We are just now getting sneak peaks with actual product years away.
I am sure there will be, but still surprised the line did not start years ago. We are just now getting sneak peaks with actual product years away.
I'm not, I mean, if you think about it they want to hit as many Batman fans as possible. Some will only buy comic PF's, some only movie PF's but there's that crazy bunch that will buy all three and more if they're spaced out to give room for the price. So figure comic goes first, then Keaton, then Bale then maybe Batfleck if the BvS movie gets enough people going.
Hell they can do Game/Comic/Movie editions of him from now until the end of time if they space them right.
I am sure there will be, but still surprised the line did not start years ago. We are just now getting sneak peaks with actual product years away.
Everyday I look at this pf, and everyday I want it more and more.
Push the button!
Push the button!
How did you guys fit this on your besta with the tombo doors? I cant seem to get it to work. The door height is getting in the way.