Premium Format SSC Batman PF

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Re: Sideshow Batman PF?

Lol I could go with a Blue Variant of the one I have as long as its a super limited release. Like less than 200

Sent from the **** Pit of the Millenium Falcon

With that ES, you better hope you can even get one.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Limited release for all the products please, then there will be less QC problems cause companies refuse to understand what does "high-end" collectible mean nowadays! 500 is a good number in my opinion. Also I want certificate for all products like if I purchase a Neal Adams Batman, a signature certificate of him would be cool. Yeah I know it is a simple paper maybe but we are all collectors, right so in reality we should ask for more from companies rather than expecting less QC problems. Today $550+shipping for a product deserves more features! All the printing materials in China are very cheap like human-labor!!! I even don't like their packaging designs except Hot Toys...
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

yea guys I never said that it wouldn't well aware it would..nonetheless the sales figures don't mean would still be freakin awful in terms of what could be offered…as i said theres a TON of potential for different batman poses/bases…and honestly I think they'll redo it anyway just cuz of how the pits turned out and all that…the QC errors on this piece were nuts to begin with..take that crap and then just change the colors and ship it out is beyond lame imo…batman deserves better…
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

most likely the variant will be, a new costume, new head, possible new arm and reg arm, don't know why they would change the base other than to help with the leaning issues some had, but all they would have to do is reposition the bottom tags. And es is going to be high, maybe not as much as the original but they know people will buy it, personally I have no interest in the Neal adams blue, the original is already blue enough, still like the MC headsculpt the best.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Limited release for all the products please, then there will be less QC problems cause companies refuse to understand what does "high-end" collectible mean nowadays! 500 is a good number in my opinion. Also I want certificate for all products like if I purchase a Neal Adams Batman, a signature certificate of him would be cool. Yeah I know it is a simple paper maybe but we are all collectors, right so in reality we should ask for more from companies rather than expecting less QC problems. Today $550+shipping for a product deserves more features! All the printing materials in China are very cheap like human-labor!!! I even don't like their packaging designs except Hot Toys...

Sounds like you need to find a different company to buy from.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Limited release for all the products please, then there will be less QC problems cause companies refuse to understand what does "high-end" collectible mean nowadays! 500 is a good number in my opinion. Also I want certificate for all products like if I purchase a Neal Adams Batman, a signature certificate of him would be cool. Yeah I know it is a simple paper maybe but we are all collectors, right so in reality we should ask for more from companies rather than expecting less QC problems. Today $550+shipping for a product deserves more features! All the printing materials in China are very cheap like human-labor!!! I even don't like their packaging designs except Hot Toys...

Being that you're from outside the U.S. I don't expect you to know this but Neal Adams charges for his signature, $20 per I believe is the going rate. So if you want a signed Certificate tack on an additional charge to your statue.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Being that you're from outside the U.S. I don't expect you to know this but Neal Adams charges for his signature, $20 per I believe is the going rate. So if you want a signed Certificate tack on an additional charge to your statue.

Josh, please don't do that! We know SS charges for more with their Superman movie pf for donation to Chris Reeve. Cinemaquette gave certificate which was signed by Arnold for their T3 product. Look, I am not against to Sideshow, but why couldn't I expect more or we? Small details can make differences. I wonder if anyone wonders what SS is planning for the future of their company? Better QC, better packaging, better statues, higher prices...Is that it?
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

Josh, please don't do that! We know SS charges for more with their Superman movie pf for donation to Chris Reeve. Cinemaquette gave certificate which was signed by Arnold for their T3 product. Look, I am not against to Sideshow, but why couldn't I expect more or we? Small details can make differences. I wonder if anyone wonders what SS is planning for the future of their company? Better QC, better packaging, better statues, higher prices...Is that it?

Cinemaquette should also offer letters of apology for their horrendous actor's face sculpts and insane prices. A certificate is IMO completely useless and something I would leave in the box, speaking of boxes,their main purpose is making sure the statues arrives unbroken to you. I don't display the boxes so they could make them plain with no design as far as I'm concerned. Maybe that could save us a couple of bucks, I got a pile of boxes in my garage eating up room and the only ones who enjoy them being there are the bugs who made them their homes. The only thing I expect from SS is getting great statues at decent prices. I have been very happy with my recent purchases from them, Batman and Harley came out great. Superman looks just as good as the prototype.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

They usually make you destroy the piece they replace.

So I hear. Is it the head sculpts as well? I'm certain about the bodies. But it took a good two months to do it so maybe they were just understanding of the wait and were leanient? Beats me. All I know is I look forward to doing my first custom though I will be keeping it in my collection and not for resale as I think a bloody face version would be a cool thing to alternate between the other two.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

So I hear. Is it the head sculpts as well? I'm certain about the bodies. But it took a good two months to do it so maybe they were just understanding of the wait and were leanient? Beats me. All I know is I look forward to doing my first custom though I will be keeping it in my collection and not for resale as I think a bloody face version would be a cool thing to alternate between the other two.

Yeah, I have had to destroy heads in the past. They usually send a disclaimer that you have so many days to send them pictures of the destroyed piece or they will charge you for it. If you got away with one congrats, and hopefully you don't find a charge on your account somewhere down the line.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

This Batman is so popular, the thread is so active. Whereas I see DD statues which is upcoming, but the thread is already fading away.
Re: Official Sideshow Batman PF

This Batman is so popular, the thread is so active. Whereas I see DD statues which is upcoming, but the thread is already fading away.
