SSC Beachhead

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Re: Beach Head Teaser/Preview

$90-$120 is fine thanks. :wave

I got onto the waitlists for SE, SS, and the Cobra Trooper months after they were sold out and they all converted, so I think you have a good chance.

I got on the list for Ex. Storm Shadow 3 weeks after, and it never converted.
Re: Beach Head Teaser/Preview

Yeah, why waitlist a regular when you can still pre-order them from most retailers, and for cheaper no less.
Re: Beach Head Teaser/Preview

Yup, you can still buy regulars from vendors and EBay. The EXs are the ones that are hard to convert.
Re: Beach Head Teaser/Preview

I knew there was a reason it seemed strange, but even the regular Storm Shadow was an ebay-only purchase very shortly (relative to most figures) after he shipped.
Re: Beach Head Teaser/Preview

wow really? So the SS EX will just be that normal looking head? No skin tone etc?
Re: Beach Head Teaser/Preview

so i guess changes to get the beachhead exclusives are zero :thud:

My opinion was about the exclusives and has not changed. I think your waitlist order for the exclusive has a good chance of converting.
Re: Beach Head Teaser/Preview

so i guess changes to get the beachhead exclusives are zero :thud:

Jump on it quickly and you might have a good chance of converting. If you wait until after they start shipping, that's where you'll probably miss out. SS converts the cancellations to orders when the figures start to ship, so all the folks who canceled last minute orders are then filled by people on the waitlists.
Re: Beach Head Teaser/Preview

I missed something. What's the deal with the repainted BH sculpt? Is SS painting their heads like that now?

:slap No. If you had gone back a few pages you would have found the following posts:


I love this headsculpt.​

I like the tones on that repaint by why is he so wet looking.

Sweet Jesus in a daisy patch! Dude, it is about time you finished my repaint! Get this thing to me as fast as you can. I have been waited long enough! Vamanos!

Josh (small_studios) painted the prototype of this figure ie. the images of the figure used for the official specs.
I think the headsculpt (possibly the whole figure) has somehow found it's way into Darth Cruel's possession and been repainted by Doktor Von Evil. Hope that clears it up a bit.
Re: Beach Head Teaser/Preview

:slap No. If you had gone back a few pages you would have found the following posts:

Josh (small_studios) painted the prototype of this figure ie. the images of the figure used for the official specs.
I think the headsculpt (possibly the whole figure) has somehow found it's way into Darth Cruel's possession and been repainted by Doktor Von Evil. Hope that clears it up a bit.

Thanks, I saw that. I know Josh painted the proto type. I thought DC was just kidding. What I missed is the part That DVE had repainted it. My question now is how did DC get Beach Head in his possession?