SSC Beachhead

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G.I. JOE>Platoon, also FMJ>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Platoon. I bet half those suckas ordering Chris Taylor haven't even seen the movie, probably just like it because it's HT and the guy from 2 and a Half Men. And that is my EvilFace post for the day! :lol
"That's hot."


I love the Buffalo Bill stare from slick Willy. "You look like you're about a size 10." And that is my K1421 post of the day! :panic:
So who's gonna be the first to display BH with his unmasked portrait???
I've actually got a photo i wanna take of flint, BH, and snake eyes.

speaking of platoon, with a repainted bandanna, and the "no helmet" hair, the Charlie sheen figure from Platoon would make a good Solid snake.
If anyone ever wants to sell the unmasked head after getting the exclusive version, send me a pm and I'll be glad to buy it from you.

Just throwing it out there...
holy cow on RB3! You must have picked up the pro instruments?

I already had the Ion drums with a pearl pedal and roland kick pad sensor. I just bought three new boom arms and 3 pintech cymbals. I also bought a new rock band 3 guitar because I was still using some old beat up plastic guitars from years ago and sometimes I care about my guests. Sometimes haha. It also has the auto calibration feature which worked better than I hoped.

Then I bought the game and keyboard bundle. After that is was $50 on microsoft points to buy the export for RB2 and a bunch of songs most notably all the Doors songs and the R.E.M. pack. Up to 480 songs now and still don't have all I want.

Soonish I am getting a Roland mesh head snare to replace my red pad on the drums and will be placing a pre-order for the Fender Stratocaster Squier guitar come January 1st. Rock Band has been really good times for me and the friends so I seem to be able to justify the mad money for it. I have parties with 6 - 12 people 3 to 4 times a month.

Bleh anywho.. kinda bummed about Beach Head but truly I can just never see him being displayed with that head so it was an easy exclusive to pass on. Red Ninja on the other hand... keeping that one.
G.I. JOE>Platoon, also FMJ>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Platoon. I bet half those suckas ordering Chris Taylor haven't even seen the movie, probably just like it because it's HT and the guy from 2 and a Half Men. And that is my EvilFace post for the day! :lol

i'm just baffled by the fact that Platoon is a popular enough movie to need 12 inch figures........twice.:lol

i forgot the movie even existed til i became a sideshow collector and saw that sideshow once made Platoon figures. and even then i thought it was odd.
Small detail, but I love the shin guards on his combat boots. Attention to mior details like this make the line.

No knee pads, though? (Although he looks great without them).

Slaps Khev just for the fun of getting in line to slap someone like the movie "Airplane".

Edit - *SLAP*

Throws one in for Auel for beating me to the punch with the first pics. You took all the fun out of what I was going to do.