1/6 SSC Dengar Sixth Scale Figure

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True this. I could never comprehend why they don't release a movie-based figure closer to the release date? Releasing a figure months (even a year) after a movie's hype dies down seems ridiculous.
Well Dengar was from ESB, so the movie was released more than 35 years ago! I dont mind waiting another 12 months for the figure as long as the final production version is worth the wait. I just hope they dont ruin the head sculpt with a crappy paint app like they did with X-wing Luke.
I agree with you but Also this delay in realasing the figures,along with the sneek peaks, gives you the option of planing which toys you will buy and which ones you wont for example some months ago i was about to buy the first order stormtrooper as i wanted a new star wars figure and when they told us denegar was coming along with all the other things they revealed on sdcc i decided to save my money for the upcoming figures instad of buying something i really didnt care

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I am. Passing on 4-LOM and Zuckuss too (when he goes up 18 months from now). The luster's worn off for me.

I do believe extended delays can fade interest.

I am with you. I have canceled all Star Wars pre-orders I had and have stopped ordering new ones. SDCC was so exciting and there were so many different properties to look at and anticipate and then I came home, looked at my already awesome collection and made some hard decisions about what I really want to add and what I don't.

Bounty Hunters are awesome but Dengar is the only one of the three that I got excited about seeing and even he is not getting me that excited for Sideshow's stuff these days.

Asmus for example is showing stuff, putting it up for pre-order, and delivering on LOTR stuff faster than Sideshow goes from screen grab teaser to first proto pics. There are too many properties, too many companies, too many options in today's market for this type of stuff. Sideshow is still operating on their old model from 5-10 years ago (even though they have gotten wise and carry many of those said figures now).
If Dengar was $160, grabbing him and the other hunters would be a no-brainer. But everyone knows he's going to be in the $230+ region, only about $20 cheaper than a fully furred Chewy from HT. Out of all the problems with SSC, and there are many, the price just emerges as the real deal breaker - it's gone from high to too-high to insane to insulting.

Everyone on here always used to say "well don't buy then" (with the inference "you and most will just buy it anyway.") But... that now seems to be happening in a very major way.
I'd love to have a set of bounty hunters yet somehow it just feels like a chore to collect them.
Yeah, these aren't custom-built cars - they're mass-produced figures, at the very least 500-700, most are well above that. Why can't they just judge demand (it's not like it's an unknown property,) manufacture accordingly, and then show/announce a figure 3-4 months before it's available?

Sideshow is carpet bombing its own support base with the quadruple killer of skyrocketing prices (above HT,) consistent QC/CS issues, a stream of re-releases of old "limited" stuff, and delays of well over 12 months between preview and in-hand (in some cases even re-releases are over a year.)

Who wants to see a figure then wait nearly a year and a half to get it?

What they don't understand is there's so much great stuff coming these days, you wait 18 months to deliver and your customer is no longer excited and has already blown the cash on something else.

Quadruple killer, well put and so true
I think Dengar looks great but not $320 CAN ($220 US) great . As a result I don't think he will be in my collection. If theses were $150 yes no brainer.
..there's so much great stuff coming these days, you wait 18 months to deliver and your customer is no longer excited and has already blown the cash on something else.
There is that.

These companies do seem to take a step forward & two back a lot of the time. They over commit, then half the time a lot of these things don't even happen - or get back logged, as mentioned earlier. I'm still miffed about HT not doing the Prometheus figures.
Zuckuss needs some serious tweaks to be a decent figure. What they shown so far looks like a mold.
They havent even listed Zuckuss for preorder yet have they? I've got 4-LOM preordered though. Hopefully they list Zuckuss and Dengar soon. Looking forward to seeing more at NYCC if Sideshow exhibit there?

I hope so, excited to see updates on these figures.
He looks like a 1970's guitarist playing after a car accident in brace and bandages.