SSC Firefly

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Re: Firefly?

Re: Firefly?

these are modern interpretations.. if you don't like it go home kind of crap.
Re: Firefly?

:D this is no different then all the complaints about previous figures.

Oh, B.S. With the exception of Crimson Cobra Commander and maybe the last Trooper variant all of the JOE figures so far have been extremely well-received. Even Cobra Commander with his crap trench coat is a cool figure that JOE fans/collectors here overall love.

Firefly is wholly different. Sideshow took creative liberties with the look of the character that are completely unnecessary and make no sense, especially since it's different than the concept art they already showed that everyone was happy with. :duh
Re: Firefly?


Yep. Now, THAT's Firefly. And this is Sideshow's own concept design!!!

Re: Firefly?

Only douchebags take my sarcastic posts seriously. :p

Or people who have had a couple of drinks and shouldn't be posting from bed on their iphone. Sarcasm detector was broken =P

Still disappointed in this figure. It is all the harder to swallow with Duke being the last figure. He is soo perfect. It seemed like they were just getting better and better and now we have taken a decent step backwards.
Re: Firefly?

Think and then type. :duh

There are those of us who are not willing to settle on whatever is thrown at us simply because it's marketed as "GI Joe".

oh I'm with you on this... but I've also been called out on this for complaining about the CCC and Sniper Trooper.
Re: Firefly?

Or people who have had a couple of drinks and shouldn't be posting from bed on their iphone. Sarcasm detector was broken =P

Still disappointed in this figure. It is all the harder to swallow with Duke being the last figure. He is soo perfect. It seemed like they were just getting better and better and now we have taken a decent step backwards.

That is just the normal trend in SSC figures.
Re: Firefly?



Going back and forth between the SSC pics and the vintage figure I'm starting to think that all is not necessarily lost.

If its true that his mask and turtleneck are actually grey and not black as some pics suggest then removing his hooded coat might give us a MUCH closer FF to the classic 1984 design. I'll take a grey shirt/mask with grey camo pants instead of the overcoat. We just need to see pics of him in proper light (if we haven't already) without the jacket on.
Re: Firefly?

oh I'm with you on this... but I've also been called out on this for complaining about the CCC and Sniper Trooper.

Given the choice between this and the Sniper I'm buying the Sniper. Of course I'll likely not get neither and just cherry pick parts from both figures anyway. :D

I do apologize for snapping. :duff

What's funny is we can have post after post debating the curvature of Storm Trooper armor and the width/length of Vader's helmet but the Joe board is the subject of ridicule based on the fact that it was only a comic book or a cartoon.

Which again I make this point:

Imagine for a second that SSC showed you the concept art for Lando Calrissian in his ESB Bespin attire complete with all his blissful Disco era attributes. Now imagine that when the product was revealed he was not wearing that costume at all but in the smugglers costume he wore at the end of the film.
Re: Firefly?

Does sideshow even care if you complain??? Have they ever taken note and changed something??????
Re: Firefly?



Going back and forth between the SSC pics and the vintage figure I'm starting to think that all is not necessarily lost.

If its true that his mask and turtleneck are actually grey and not black as some pics suggest then removing his hooded coat might give us a MUCH closer FF to the classic 1984 design. I'll take a grey shirt/mask with grey camo pants instead of the overcoat. We just need to see pics of him in proper light (if we haven't already) without the jacket on.

The one-color mask is still an utter FAIL.

And I'm not paying $125 for a figure that demands a repaint before I'll even display it, sorry.
Re: Firefly?

Does sideshow even care if you complain??? Have they ever taken note and changed something??????

They probably won't listen. And then it'll happen a couple more times. Then the line will start to fizzle. Then they'll put it on "pause"... and it'll be our fault. :rolleyes:
Re: Firefly?

Does sideshow even care if you complain??? Have they ever taken note and changed something??????

Yes they have. We complained that Plo Koon's green lightsaber they showed him with (after he was ordering even) was the wrong color. He uses a blue saber. So they fixed it. They stated well in advance they were and they actually followed through. Considering all we are asking for is some additional paint on his mask, it really isn't out of the realm of possibility that it could happen. As long as the mask gets the camo pattern and the clothing's coloring comes out right, most of us will be a lot happier with the figure. VERY simple changes that would please a LOT of people here.
Re: Firefly?

It's gray, more specifically a charcoal color, not black. It's closer to the color of his sweater. You can actually seen the difference in contrast between the mask and knee pads which are black. And I'm surprised to see they gave him a murse (those annoying Go-bags like Duke has). :lol

Military style go bags are incredibly practical.
Re: Firefly?

I wouldn't be content to see just the mask changed. Those patches need to go, and it would be really great if the jacket could be removed to reveal a gray camo shirt. Without the bulk that the jacket adds, there couldn't be room for a second bandolier, and I want one. I don't like the machine gun either.

This figure makes me really grumpy. The green weapons are great. The volume of accessories is great too. I even like the backpack. So close, but there are miles to go.

So, I guess you won't be pre-ordering on Monday?
Re: Firefly?

Too similar. When I saw the turtleneck and grey mask, Beachhead was the first thing I thought off. Not Firefly.

But Beachhead should be pretty easy to get right, right? Green masked head with those vertical lines (like the turtle neck), a green turtle neck, and dark camo pants? I mean that is the very basics of his uniform right? And then just add a bunch of crazy gear like Duke and Snake Eyes. I don't think Beachhead should be a problem to come out with the right amount of classic and modern. I'm still not sure how they managed to mess up on Firefly when their concept art was right on the money. :confused:
Re: Firefly?

Military style go bags are incredibly practical.

Get back to me when you've used one in the field. They're great for bikers, students, transvestites, etc. As a military app? Not so much. The bag doesn't stay put and likes to shimmy around with the major bulk of it resting just below the bracing arm so that it bugs the **** out of your elbow if you're aiming your rifle. Additionally, the shifting weight makes it extremely uncomfortable when running. Also, if that's the sole area where you store your magazines, reaching them becomes more time consuming and cumbersome when switching them out which, under fire, can result in meeting the little lead slug with your name on it, face to face. ;)
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