SSC Firefly

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Re: Firefly?

Where is the COBRA logo? Shouldn't the COBRA Saboteur have a COBRA logo somewhere? The original had one. While this is a nice figure it just isn't Firefly to me. The Resolute Firefly was a really cool update of the character; the SSC concept art looked like they had him down. What happened?

Agreed. The missing Cobra insignia was the one thing that was bugging me about this figure. How else do you differentiate his allegiance? His stand's base?
Re: Firefly?

I would have preferred the logo somewhere, because it was on the original toy, and it would help to further distinguish this guy from any other generic "terrorist" figure. In my opinion, he needs all the help he can get in the latter department--I can imagine people coming over to the house who are familiar with GI Joe seeing him and asking me--who the hell is this guy you posed with the GI Joes?
Re: Firefly?

Agreed. The missing Cobra insignia was the one thing that was bugging me about this figure. How else do you differentiate his allegiance? His stand's base?

I can understand the logic in not including it, since he's technically a saboteur-for-hire and not committed to the "Cobra cause".

I think it would have been nice to include anyway, though. As long as he's in their employ, you can justify it.
Re: Firefly?

Looks good to me!


Re: Firefly?

I love how this line is looking. My only gripe, that I'm not getting across well, is that Firefly by himself, is not truly identifiable.

If I displayed him on a shelf diorama style, surrounded by a S.W.A.T team you wouldn't necessarily associate him with the GI JOE license. I'm not sure I like that.

don't get me wrong, this guy looks cool, it just doesn't say FireFly enough.

I hope all that get him, truly enjoy this guy. :peace
Re: Firefly?

Here is what will solve the problem

just Give the G.I.Joe RAH license to HotToys

*No more having to switch out the bodies and get tighter joints
*Better Sculpts
*no re-use of parts
*characters look like their original 80's interpretations
Re: Firefly?

Here is what will solve the problem

just Give the G.I.Joe RAH license to HotToys

*No more having to switch out the bodies and get tighter joints
*Better Sculpts
*no re-use of parts
*characters look like their original 80's interpretations

*We only get 5-6 characters max
*Each costs $180+

Frankly, I've found the Sideshow sculpts to be excellent, and I've never felt the need to switch out bodies/parts. I don't need detail-for-detail reproductions of the original figures, either. I like the modern touches (this coming from a hard-core GI Joe collector, btw!).
Re: Firefly?

Hot Toys sucks if you have any interest in more than 3 characters with 10 variants.
Re: Firefly?

*We only get 5-6 characters max
*Each costs $180+

Frankly, I've found the Sideshow sculpts to be excellent, and I've never felt the need to switch out bodies/parts. I don't need detail-for-detail reproductions of the original figures, either. I like the modern touches (this coming from a hard-core GI Joe collector, btw!).

But unlike the HT fanboy comparison, that makes too much sense! :tap

I'd much rather pay $200 for a figure whose right knee joint is gonna crack and become floppy and whose wrist pegs are gonna snap (both sets) and come with two left arms. Also the line would be done now with the figures announced. Doesn't everybody else want this too? :huh
Re: Firefly?

*We only get 5-6 characters max
*Each costs $180+

Frankly, I've found the Sideshow sculpts to be excellent, and I've never felt the need to switch out bodies/parts. I don't need detail-for-detail reproductions of the original figures, either. I like the modern touches (this coming from a hard-core GI Joe collector, btw!).

I concur. The line is great. The few people who insist on complaining about it should just walk away and enjoy the Hasbro figures.


Re: Firefly?

That Snowjob wouldn't be too bad if you through a jacket on him. That's about the only decent one though. :yuck
Re: Firefly?

*We only get 5-6 characters max
*Each costs $180+

Frankly, I've found the Sideshow sculpts to be excellent, and I've never felt the need to switch out bodies/parts. I don't need detail-for-detail reproductions of the original figures, either. I like the modern touches (this coming from a hard-core GI Joe collector, btw!).

Not necessarily. How many Alien(s) figures have they made? The bigger/older licenses they have made a bunch of stuff from. It's just that they seem to tend to grab niche licenses which can't really carry a whole line.

If they had something like GI Joe or Star Wars I'd bet they'd carry it on for awhile. As far as cost goes for me personally the $150 or so (NOT $180+) most HT figures cost is worth it especially compared to Sideshow which require a body swap (+$20-40) and additional work to get into ship shape (time=money).

That's kinda off subject though... back on topic... I think seeing all the Joe/Cobra releases thus far Firefly does tend to sick out. All of the releases so far have a slight comic book/cartoon/unreality to them (which I think they should have) but which Firefly lacks.
Re: Firefly?

I don't see that as a issue.

Well technically Firefly is a mercenary like Major Bludd, so a Cobra logo shouldn't be on him.

Firefly was not a mercenary, he was an operative for COBRA like the Baroness, Scrap Iron and Storm Shadow, hence the logo on his right arm. The people who were mercs or contractors were Destro, Zartan and the Drednoks and as you mentioned Major Bludd. None of them sported any COBRA logos or insignias.
Take for example Destro, he was the Enemy Weapons Supplier, not COBRA Weapons Supplier while the Baroness is the COBRA Intelligence Offier. Firefly is the COBRA Saboteur, not the Enemy Saboteur.
Also the packaging made a differentiation on the front and the back. Members of COBRA had COBRA ENEMY on the front like Baroness and Firefly whereas Destro and Zartan had DESTRO THE ENEMY and ZARTAN THE ENEMY respectively.

Under their profile pics on the filecard if they were a member of COBRA they had the COBRA logo, if they just worked with COBRA they had the G.I.Joe logo under their profiles.

Where did this idea come from that Firefly was a mercenary and not a member of COBRA? He is no more a merc than Storm Shadow or the Baroness.
Re: Firefly?

Firefly was not a mercenary, he was an operative for COBRA like the Baroness, Scrap Iron and Storm Shadow, hence the logo on his right arm. The people who were mercs or contractors were Destro, Zartan and the Drednoks and as you mentioned Major Bludd. None of them sported any COBRA logos or insignias.
Take for example Destro, he was the Enemy Weapons Supplier, not COBRA Weapons Supplier while the Baroness is the COBRA Intelligence Offier. Firefly is the COBRA Saboteur, not the Enemy Saboteur.
Also the packaging made a differentiation on the front and the back. Members of COBRA had COBRA ENEMY on the front like Baroness and Firefly whereas Destro and Zartan had DESTRO THE ENEMY and ZARTAN THE ENEMY respectively.

Under their profile pics on the filecard if they were a member of COBRA they had the COBRA logo, if they just worked with COBRA they had the G.I.Joe logo under their profiles.

Where did this idea come from that Firefly was a mercenary and not a member of COBRA? He is no more a merc than Storm Shadow or the Baroness.

He's not. Re-read the file card. It makes him sound more like a contractor, NOT a Cobra recruit. Especially with how he's paid, and CC's lack of knowledge as to his identity. Tells me he comes and goes as he pleases. The paragraph at the bottom is a big clue. Additionally, in the comics - which most of us consider canon, he was mentioned as an associate (and appeared pretty much the same time as Zartan) and not a recruit. This would be the one case where I say the Cobra logo on the card and file card isn't really accurate as it's a contradiction to itself and not at all necessary for the figure.
Re: Firefly?

reminds me a lot of MGS snake. Perhaps thats why I like this. Good job SSC. The first joe/cobra figure I am seriously consider getting.

Same, but it reminded me more of The Pain, or the standard mgs3 troops (green hooded camo/black balaclava.)

But then again any character with mask/hood/camo is gonna remind me of this (or the otherway round). I guess that's the complaint mainly.

I am into GI Joe, and this firefly although somewhat generic in those ways, does have enough allusions to the source material for me (I do agree on the camo mask alteration though). Equally though, it looks like a great figure and those 2 elements result in a 'sold' to me.
Re: Firefly?

He's not. Re-read the file card. It makes him sound more like a contractor, NOT a Cobra recruit. Especially with how he's paid, and CC's lack of knowledge as to his identity. Tells me he comes and goes as he pleases. The paragraph at the bottom is a big clue. Additionally, in the comics - which most of us consider canon, he was mentioned as an associate (and appeared pretty much the same time as Zartan) and not a recruit. This would be the one case where I say the Cobra logo on the card and file card isn't really accurate as it's a contradiction to itself and not at all necessary for the figure.

Well I guess there's different ways to interpet the info. The way it says "EVEN Cobra Commander doesn't know.." kind of stresses the mystery of the character's identity when I read it... and as far as how he's paid, it could be just an added measure to protect that identity allowing him to secretly give his loyalty to cobra. But going back to the comics, I do remember the other backstory ... Heh ethier way I guess.:cool: