SSC Firefly

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Re: Firefly?

Not necessarily. How many Alien(s) figures have they made? The bigger/older licenses they have made a bunch of stuff from. It's just that they seem to tend to grab niche licenses which can't really carry a whole line.

If they had something like GI Joe or Star Wars I'd bet they'd carry it on for awhile. As far as cost goes for me personally the $150 or so (NOT $180+) most HT figures cost is worth it especially compared to Sideshow which require a body swap (+$20-40) and additional work to get into ship shape (time=money).

That's kinda off subject though... back on topic... I think seeing all the Joe/Cobra releases thus far Firefly does tend to sick out. All of the releases so far have a slight comic book/cartoon/unreality to them (which I think they should have) but which Firefly lacks.

If you take the Aliens line "as a whole" and not specific to each movie, then yeah, they've made a lot. Then again, I think Sideshow has already surpassed (or close to it, anyway) the movie they made the most figures for (Aliens - though I may be mistaken).

And I think you're fooling yourself if you think HT wouldn't charge $180 or more for these. Prices seem to be going up at both companies, from what I can see.

Don't get me wrong, I love HT for certain licenses, but the sheer mass of characters in GI Joe doesn't seem like a fit for them. Sure, you can bet they'd carry on a line all you want, but they haven't yet showed any inclination to do so with any line in the past, so I remain unconvinced.

But yeah, this is all off topic, so I'll just end with saying I still love this figure!
Re: Firefly?

If you take the Aliens line "as a whole" and not specific to each movie, then yeah, they've made a lot. Then again, I think Sideshow has already surpassed (or close to it, anyway) the movie they made the most figures for (Aliens - though I may be mistaken).

And I think you're fooling yourself if you think HT wouldn't charge $180 or more for these. Prices seem to be going up at both companies, from what I can see.

Don't get me wrong, I love HT for certain licenses, but the sheer mass of characters in GI Joe doesn't seem like a fit for them. Sure, you can bet they'd carry on a line all you want, but they haven't yet showed any inclination to do so with any line in the past, so I remain unconvinced.

But yeah, this is all off topic, so I'll just end with saying I still love this figure!

Let's also not forget that HT doesn't have the resources, nor do they pump out near the amount of products Sideshow does. We'd be lucky to see two figures a year and likely one would be great (Dutch) while the 2nd offer mediocre (Billy).
Re: Firefly?

Well I won't say Hot toys should have the license but I will honestly say I'd be excited to see a HT storm shadow. For example, I'd say Storm shadow is probably Sideshow's best figure in the line so far and he's great but when I compare him to the goemon figures. its easy to imagine him with a nicer, better tailored outfit, more detailed metal swords and throwing stars, a slightly better masked sculpt perhaps, and much better unmasked sculpt. Also I doubt any would argue that the the truetype doesn't beat out the pro so thats a given and I really think we could get it for $149. But its a pipe dream
Re: Firefly?

So long as we don't any of this ???? I'm good. :lol


:yuck :yuck :yuck
Re: Firefly?

What the hell is that ??!!:mad: Is that real or sombody's custom???:confused:
Re: Firefly?

Well in the extreme offchance that Hot Toys did make GI Joe it would likely be movie crap.

Outside of that ruby red monstrosity months back I think the Joe line is some of SSCs best work.
Re: Firefly?

He's not. Re-read the file card. It makes him sound more like a contractor, NOT a Cobra recruit. Especially with how he's paid, and CC's lack of knowledge as to his identity. Tells me he comes and goes as he pleases. The paragraph at the bottom is a big clue. Additionally, in the comics - which most of us consider canon, he was mentioned as an associate (and appeared pretty much the same time as Zartan) and not a recruit. This would be the one case where I say the Cobra logo on the card and file card isn't really accurate as it's a contradiction to itself and not at all necessary for the figure.

What it says on his filecard IMO doesn't contradict being a member of COBRA Command since I'm sure the Baroness was probably paid thru Swiss Bank account and you wouldn't say she was a merc. What Firefly has that no other contractor has is the COBRA insignia on his uniform. I have the first comic were Firefly shows up and he was introduced at the same moment as Zartan. They shook hands and Zartan absorbed some of Firefly's camo. I can see how you would make the mistake since he was introduced at the same time as someone who isn't part of COBRA but the logo on his right arm makes him a member of COBRA. Can't really debate that fact.
Re: Firefly?

So long as we don't any of this ???? I'm good. :lol


:yuck :yuck :yuck

I actually have grown to like the movie Neo-Vipers, though they're a poor substitute for '86 style Vipers, CGs or even plain ol' Blueshirts, but I kind of like them as an additional, different kind of trooper. They remind me of these guys:


Mind you, I seriously doubt I'd plunk down the dough for a high end 1/6th movie Neo-Viper (I might for Army of Two though!).
Re: Firefly?

Well, here ya go bub. Link to purchase each wave is at the bottom, enjoy!:, I don't like any of them at all. I don't think they look good.

I actually have grown to like the movie Neo-Vipers, though they're a poor substitute for '86 style Vipers, CGs or even plain ol' Blueshirts, but I kind of like them as an additional, different kind of trooper.
Mind you, I seriously doubt I'd plunk down the dough for a high end 1/6th movie Neo-Viper.

Yeah, somehow I doubt I would fork out for one either to be honest...
Just thought it looked quite menacing.
Re: Firefly?

If you take the Aliens line "as a whole" and not specific to each movie, then yeah, they've made a lot. Then again, I think Sideshow has already surpassed (or close to it, anyway) the movie they made the most figures for (Aliens - though I may be mistaken).

And I think you're fooling yourself if you think HT wouldn't charge $180 or more for these. Prices seem to be going up at both companies, from what I can see.

I'm not "fooling myself" I'm simply looking at what their products currently go for.
Re: Firefly?

Again, this is a cool looking figure that resembles Firefly, but standing alone, you wouldnt know he was a GI JOE figure.
Re: Firefly?

I actually have grown to like the movie Neo-Vipers, though they're a poor substitute for '86 style Vipers, CGs or even plain ol' Blueshirts, but I kind of like them as an additional, different kind of trooper. They remind me of these guys:

Mind you, I seriously doubt I'd plunk down the dough for a high end 1/6th movie Neo-Viper (I might for Army of Two though!).

I'm with you there, I thought the Neo-Vipers in the movie were pretty cool. They were competent villains to a degree.