SSC Firefly

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Re: Firefly?

I was never a big shipwreck fan, but SS should use the Firefly fabric and "tan" it up and make Dusty. The have a similar camouflage style.
Re: Firefly?

I would say they are.

But Firefly is still a hired gun.

I wouldn't say that contradicts the filecard. While I agree Firefly is not someone who was trained by COBRA like a soldier or a viper the filecards and backer cards would say he is a member of COBRA Command like the Baroness, Storm Shadow, Scrap Iron, Copperhead & Wild Weasel - man did 1984 have a great lineup of villains.

You are dead on with DML and DiD. I would love to see what Dragon could do with G.I.Joe and COBRA; the COBRA troopers and officers would probably have a more WWII German feel. The metal weapons and attention to detail would be incredible. When it comes to military figures both Dragons are at the top.
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Re: Firefly?

these so called "updates" worry me cuz if sideshow ever does a shipwreck( and hope they do) i want him to look exactly like this:

and not like this:

a gay sailor:confused:
we all knew ahead of time sideshow was trying to mix old with new, and all you guys are getting mad because you want straight old?
ill admit firefly has more "NEW" than most would like, But you all need to accept you wont get all original joes just made in to 1/6, not from sideshow, and not at this point in time, yes we can demand certain elements to be kept true, and the "feel" of the characters, but someone will always be let down on some level
Re: Firefly?

these so called "updates" worry me cuz if sideshow ever does a shipwreck( and hope they do) i want him to look exactly like this:

and not like this:

Then I think you'll be disappointed.

...and a peacoat would be awesome!
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Re: Firefly?

I think it'd be pretty stupid for SSC to do a Devil's Due Shipwreck. Virtually NO ONE recognizes that version, and I'm sure even less would care.
Re: Firefly?

If you consider that the comics were based on the toy and the file cards came first. The file cards seem to deserve the credit for being canon.

True, but the file cards were written by Larry Hama...who also wrote the comic. Anything written in the comic supercedes what Mr. Hama wrote for the file cards.
Re: Firefly?

I think it'd be pretty stupid for SSC to do a Devil's Due Shipwreck. Virtually NO ONE recognizes that version, and I'm sure even less would care.

Well, I suppose they could do it with the sweater over a blue button-down shirt, and include the sailor hat as part of the accessories. Then all you'd have to do is take off the sweater and switch the hats and voila - instant '85-style Shipwreck.

It'd be nice to have both options. They sort of did this with Cobra Commander, too.
Re: Firefly?

True, but the file cards were written by Larry Hama...who also wrote the comic. Anything written in the comic supercedes what Mr. Hama wrote for the file cards.

A good point, but I don't think it's necessarily true.

GI Joe is, first and foremost, an action figure. It is unlike Star Wars, for example, which was a series of action figures based on the movies. GI Joe was a series of comic books, cartoons, and other media based on, and primarily as a form of advertisement to sell, the toys themselves.

There is no universally agreed-upon "canon" with GI Joe like there is with Star Wars (and no, before anyone tries to get nitpicky with me about EU this and that, don't bother because I'm not getting into that discussion). Everyone's "Joe verse" is what they make of it.
Re: Firefly?

A good point, but I don't think it's necessarily true.

GI Joe is, first and foremost, an action figure. It is unlike Star Wars, for example, which was a series of action figures based on the movies. GI Joe was a series of comic books, cartoons, and other media based on, and primarily as a form of advertisement to sell, the toys themselves.

There is no universally agreed-upon "canon" with GI Joe like there is with Star Wars (and no, before anyone tries to get nitpicky with me about EU this and that, don't bother because I'm not getting into that discussion). Everyone's "Joe verse" is what they make of it.

Agreed on that point, but if the argument is whether the comic holds more weight than the file card, the comic wins. Hama was asked to write a few paragraphs in the file cards to flesh out each character, whereas he could expound on a character infinitesimally (hyperbole on my part, of course) along the course of a 100+ issues of the comic.



Nice and succinct. But what the file card can't tell you is that Ripcord dated Candy Appel (horrible name, Hama) who's father was a Crimson Guardsmen. Candy was killed along with the Soft Master by Scrap Iron (Billy, Cobra Commander's son, was thought to be killed as well but he survived, although he was maimed and in a coma for a while). In an effort to find Candy, Ripcord had the cojones to invade Cobra Island by himself, and stood toe to toe against Zartan.
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Re: Firefly?

That's not entirely accurate. Snake Eyes and Cobra Commander were based of the Reborn covers by Bradstreet:



I have never seen any of the covers for this particular series. Were any other individual characters featured in the covers? Might give some insight how other characters may look when done by Sideshow...
Re: Firefly?

I have never seen any of the covers for this particular series. Were any other individual characters featured in the covers? Might give some insight how other characters may look when done by Sideshow...

Not by Bradstreet, no. Those two are from a pair of prequel issues before the main series had come out. Pretty much anyone here will tell you the run was crap though. IIRC, Storm Shadow was dressed very similar to the movie version.

The series is actually called Reloaded, not "Reborn". Brain fart. :duh