SSC Firefly

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Re: Firefly?

If so they why didn't they just send them in to assassinate Bin Laden? :huh

Point is, G.I. Joe has ALWAYS been about military "fantasy."
Re: Firefly?

i meant it isnt the same ARAH that all you guys grew up with, sorry for not including that, ive said it before and wont repeat it, their just doing it differently, ive begun to understand your guys arguments and agree with you on some levels, but if they were to do a full fledged FF from the 80's, it would look dumb, it wouldnt fit in any real world senario, and thats what sideshow is going for.

Granted that they're not doing exact copies of RAH figures, but exactly how does a guy in urban camo and a balaclava look "dumb" or unrealistic? :confused:

You might be able to make that argument about several GI Joe characters and Cobra villains, but '84 Firefly was never, and still isn't, unrealistic.
Re: Firefly?

To this day I do not understand all the hate for the XM8 combat system. Every GI I spoke to who had the opportunity to test one out, either on the range, or in the field absolutely LOVED them, and terribly lameted the fact that the project was dropped.

Hell, my city alone ( Columbus, Georgia) suffered a massive economical hit when they dcided to stick with the m4, due to the closing of the HK plant.

Seemed good all around.

so why all the hate on that gun Nam?
Re: Firefly?

To this day I do not understand all the hate for the XM8 combat system. Every GI I spoke to who had the opportunity to test one out, either on the range, or in the field absolutely LOVED them, and terribly lameted the fact that the project was dropped.

Hell, my city alone ( Columbus, Georgia) suffered a massive economical hit when they dcided to stick with the m4, due to the closing of the HK plant.

Seemed good all around.

so why all the hate on that gun Nam?

Weren't there only like 7 of them made? I read somewhere that congress would not 'fess up the money for the large-scale field test.
Re: Firefly?

To this day I do not understand all the hate for the XM8 combat system. Every GI I spoke to who had the opportunity to test one out, either on the range, or in the field absolutely LOVED them, and terribly lameted the fact that the project was dropped.

Hell, my city alone ( Columbus, Georgia) suffered a massive economical hit when they dcided to stick with the m4, due to the closing of the HK plant.

Seemed good all around.

so why all the hate on that gun Nam?

There were a bunch of reasons. The military isn't the best for making certain everything gets issued at once, so likely you'd have soldiers with no guns or guns but no magazines, SAWs with no LMG conversions, grenadiers with no 203 attachment, etc. Everything about that gun was proprietary so you'd also have detrimental issues like the inability to mag-swap during heavy engagements, use sights/scopes as well. Now add to that the billions it would cost to manufacture and issue let alone train the soldiers on. That's millions they could use better toward armor (beit personal or vehicular), furthering the Predator technology, etc. Then there's the issue that the guns not only got too hot during prolonged periods of fire while under trials by SF (which ultimately led to it being nixed - not congress), but the LMG aspect actually began melting. The Barrett 416 was a considerably more sensible replacement seeing as how it not only provided a larger round, but utilized the same magazines, the same attachments, etc.

To get back on the "current topic" though, the art of the Ninja is espionage. Similar tactics are being used around the globe today by pretty much every country's Special Forces. Additionally, the look Firefly employs is not dissimilar from a uniform commonly utilized by the Spetsnaz during urban operations. Tried to find some bigger pictures, but were unable to:

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Re: Firefly?

There were a bunch of reasons. The military isn't the best for making certain everything gets issued at once, so likely you'd have soldiers with no guns or guns but no magazines, SAWs with no LMG conversions, grenadiers with no 203 attachment, etc. Everything about that gun was proprietary so you'd also have detrimental issues like the inability to mag-swap during heavy engagements, use sights/scopes as well. Now add to that the billions it would cost to manufacture and issue let alone train the soldiers on. That's millions they could use better toward armor (beit personal or vehicular), furthering the Predator technology, etc. Then there's the issue that the guns not only got too hot during prolonged periods of fire while under trials by SF (which ultimately led to it being nixed - not congress), but the LMG aspect actually began melting. The Barrett 416 was a considerably more sensible replacement seeing as how it not only provided a larger round, but utilized the same magazines, the same attachments, etc.

To get back on the "current topic" though, the art of the Ninja is espionage. Similar tactics are being used around the globe today by pretty much every country's Special Forces. Additionally, the look Firefly employs is not dissimilar from a uniform commonly utilized by the Spetsnaz during urban operations. Tried to find some bigger pictures, but were unable to:

Man you have so much knowledge, :horror i love the design of the xm8, really clean looking, but my all time favorite gun is G36 :D
so all the hate aside, who wants to go for a beer?:duff
Re: Firefly?

Man you have so much knowledge, :horror i love the design of the xm8, really clean looking, but my all time favorite gun is G36 :D
so all the hate aside, who wants to go for a beer?:duff

I wouldn't say it's so much hate as it is a complete lack of common sense. Updating for the sake of updating, especially when lives are on the line, is foolish and a waste of resources. Right now we have soldiers in the field, victims of this very issue, who look like beacons because their cammo doesn't blend with ****, but some ****tard General felt the need to fatten his pockets and get his name stamped in the military annals for approving ACUs. :rolleyes:

Too many soldiers were killed during the onset of the Vietnam War because the M16 hadn't been properly tested, found KIA while in the process of dealing with inoperable guns due to malfunctions, mag jams, etc. The wrong place to see if something works is during a war. A lesson we seem to fail at remembering. :(
Re: Firefly?

I wouldn't say it's so much hate as it is a complete lack of common sense. Updating for the sake of updating, especially when lives are on the line, is foolish and a waste of resources. Right now we have soldiers in the field, victims of this very issue, who look like beacons because their cammo doesn't blend with ****, but some ****tard General felt the need to fatten his pockets and get his name stamped in the military annals for approving ACUs. :rolleyes:

Too many soldiers were killed during the onset of the Vietnam War because the M16 hadn't been properly tested, found KIA while in the process of dealing with inoperable guns due to malfunctions, mag jams, etc. The wrong place to see if something works is during a war. A lesson we seem to fail at remembering. :(

As far as the XM8, I dont know all that much about it, but I do know it didnt make the cut. I know Spec Ops are actually testing SCARs right now if Im not mistaken. Ive read so many things about the M16's and M4's currently having heating issues. Barrels getting to hot and jamming not being able to even hold your rifle during heavy fire fights.

I also read an article about lots of soldiers carrying AKs as secondarys because 5.56 ammo is scarce for M16s and M4's, but this is causing a problem also because higher ranking officers are saying they dont want to see there troops carrying enemy weapons... I think the person on the battlefield should make that decision not some high ranking officer who stops in town every now and then and doesnt like the way the AK looks on US troops. If 5.56 ammo is scarce and 7.62 is plentiful then you better believe I'd be carrying an AK as well as a backup just in case I ran out of 5.56.

Yeah sorry to get off topic as well.
Re: Firefly?

As far as the XM8, I dont know all that much about it, but I do know it didnt make the cut. I know Spec Ops are actually testing SCARs right now if Im not mistaken. Ive read so many things about the M16's and M4's currently having heating issues. Barrels getting to hot and jamming not being able to even hold your rifle during heavy fire fights.

I also read an article about lots of soldiers carrying AKs as secondarys because 5.56 ammo is scarce for M16s and M4's, but this is causing a problem also because higher ranking officers are saying they dont want to see there troops carrying enemy weapons... I think the person on the battlefield should make that decision not some high ranking officer who stops in town every now and then and doesnt like the way the AK looks on US troops. If 5.56 ammo is scarce and 7.62 is plentiful then you better believe I'd be carrying an AK as well as a backup just in case I ran out of 5.56.

Yeah sorry to get off topic as well.

dont be sorry, its a better more friendly discussion than anything else talked about in this thread :lol
Re: Firefly?

[off topic post]I went to Ireland a few years ago, and after that trip I can no longer drink Guinness here in the states. I got spoiled drinking Guinness by those who knew how to store and prepare it.[/off topic post]

Yeah, I was so used to having it here, I was surprised when they served it warm. :lol