SSC Firefly

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Re: Firefly?

we all aired our opinions on this one to the fullest. i like the exclusive accessory enough to preorder. if I didn't like the ex, I would definately be passing until I found him on clearance like I just did for SS.
Re: Firefly?

I'm feeling compelled to buy, though ultimately I, too, will probably only use the head and accessories if I do. I think the eyes look great and are a terrific nod to the card art of the original, though the Cobra Trooper heads have pretty much the same expression and could serve the same purpose.

I keep wondering why I'm doing this though, when I could essentially kit-bash a Firefly that works just as well for much cheaper. Guns, grenades, walkie talkie, backpack could all be found elsewhere of course. I have no real use for the nuke, suitcase bomb, or goggles. I might end up not buying the guy at all, when the time comes to pay. Again, he looks pretty good, but I'm not interested in keeping a completely revamped and unrecognizable Firefly in my collection. If I do get him, he will receive some serious modifications.

Progmatinee, are you saying you found Storm Shadow on "clearance" somewhere? Or does "SS" refer to something else?
Re: Firefly?

It will be interesting to see how fast it sells out for various reason, 1 being the problems with the redesign and 2 the price, which I doubt will have that great an affect as people can order and cancel.
Re: Firefly?

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Re: Firefly?
