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Re: Firefly?

[off topic post]I went to Ireland a few years ago, and after that trip I can no longer drink Guinness here in the states. I got spoiled drinking Guinness by those who knew how to store and prepare it.[/off topic post]

They stopped shipping the real stuff to North America about 10 years ago and this domestically brew stuff is ass. Guinness from anywhere outside Ireland is crap.
Re: Firefly?

I went to Belfast, Northern Ireland on that trip, and the Guinness there tasted like garbage, but as soon as you crossed the border back out of the "UK" it was fantastic. I thought that was a bit strange, but chalked it up to Guinness restricting their good stuff and secrets to the home country. They have quality control-type people who drive around Ireland, supposedly making sure that the pubs are properly storing and serving the stuff.

This picture summed up my trip:

Re: Firefly?

Wow, I agree with this guy!!! :horror

Guinness is my favorite stout/beer!

btw I just bought Innis and Gunn and boy is it good. They age the beer in oak barrels. :google

Like wine.

What'd you think of the Anny edition? I didn't like it, well, better than other beers, yes, than Guinness Stout, no. :lol
Re: Firefly?

I love that I come here Monday morning, expecting everyone to be excited about pre-ordering Firefly today, and all I see are a bunch of new posts about Guinness!

I like it from time to time, never been inside the Republic of Ireland though, so maybe I don't know what I've been missing. I'll have to make it down sometime...

Canadian beer is good, but like American beer, the only real good stuff comes from the smaller breweries and microbrews, with very few exceptions. I'm more of a Heinecken guy lately, though.
Re: Firefly?

Who knows? People will place a pre-order on anything if it has an exclusive sticker on the box when there is essentially no cost in doing so. But even if it does sell out quickly, there will be "epic cancellations," in my opinion. I could be misjudging the market for this, but I don't see it approaching the popularity of Storm Shadow, Snake Eyes, or Duke due to the issues discussed ad nauseum in this thread. And Firefly is arguably as popular as any Cobra in terms of fan support.

I think the lack of discussion here so far on the day of the pre-order says something.
Re: Firefly?

:rolleyes: Not a fan of chick beers. Guinness or fail.

Guinness is great and I love it (heck, I named my cat after it :lol)... but Murphy's Stout is actually better. It's just a damn shame you can't find it anywhere. Guinness is so huge it's like the Wal-Mart of Irish Stouts. Okay, bad analogy as Wal-Mart blows. But you get my drift. They've created a monopoly with the brand. There are actually other great Irish beers (and stouts) out there. But good luck finding them. :(

Re: Firefly?

I drank a pitcher of Guinness over the course of a 2 hour meeting because no one else at the meeting liked it. I can only drink it occassionally ever since and certainly not as a mass consumption beer.
Re: Firefly?

I'm generally the type to drink anything you put in front of me beerwise. With wine I won't do that, I've had one too many that tasted like straight up vinegar.:yuck
Re: Firefly?

Good luck with this everyone. I think even with all of the bellyaching this will sell out quickly. The accessories are top notch, even if his mask isn't. :rock