SSC Firefly

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My favorite facial expression so far on a joe character.All Hail the return of The Great Andy B to his homeland...:rock
its funny cause Andy has also sculpted a Firefly for Palisades back in the days...


Duke is so amazing. I really can't wait to get my hands on him, looks like the best figure so far by a mile.

Firefly is a great figure and has totally grown on me. I still wish he was just a little more Firefly though.
There are a few very positive aspects on Firefly and one of them is I think the IED is maybe my favorite EX accessory, even cooler than CC's staff.

Anyone have any ideas yet on what type of aftermarket gear they're gonna use on him?

I'm a fan of the crossed bandoliers look, and am not entirely sold on the backpack either (especially since Duke has the same one). I was never big into 1/6th military stuff until the Sideshow Joes came out, so I have no idea where to start for this kind of stuff...

Anyone have any ideas yet on what type of aftermarket gear they're gonna use on him?

I'm a fan of the crossed bandoliers look, and am not entirely sold on the backpack either (especially since Duke has the same one). I was never big into 1/6th military stuff until the Sideshow Joes came out, so I have no idea where to start for this kind of stuff...

The only thing I'm planning is a cammo swap, a weapon trade (for the K), and a potential repaint of the head. Everything else is fine.
The hoodie on Firefly makes him look like he's going to go out tagging graffiti all over the hood. :lol
Re: Firefly?


Yea, after the initial letdown, the look of the figure is starting to grow on me more. I'll still tweak him and maybe look for a jumpsuit to mod.

Agreed. He'll still get modded but the accessories are pretty sweet.

This is really a cool bust. Proabably my favrorite of the Cobra ones.
How was Firefly in the Marvel Comics? Did he get his ass kicked alot or he did the ass kicking? Or was he a stealth agent?
we'll have to see how much they changed them, but it doesn't say much if people can hardly tell. :lol If they were going to change them they should have added a lot of detail like hair, not just a slight definition tweak. Can't really understand why the normal pro arms didn't have detailed muscles. Laziness? Its not like these Duke forearms are super buff.
we'll have to see how much they changed them, but it doesn't say much if people can hardly tell. :lol If they were going to change them they should have added a lot of detail like hair, not just a slight definition tweak. Can't really understand why the normal pro arms didn't have detailed muscles. Laziness? Its not like these Duke forearms are super buff.

It's more than just the forearms. I think he's on the larger buck which means the complete arms and new waist. Additionally, how many companies actually sculpt muscle detail on figures? Your remark there is silly.
silly to think a company investing time and money into a product could build in normal human details while they are at it? I don;t think so. Hasbro's sculpts are all sorts of wrong, but they tried to do it. So did 21st century. So does HT now. Tell me why you wouldn't because no one else does? That seems silly. And thanks for finding yet another post of mine to try to contradict for your own personal pleasure or something. :lol are you stalking me? :lol