SSC Firefly

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cheapskate, with all its negative conotations is a pretty harsh word when we're talking about $100 collectible items which any of us can simply live without and probably be better for it. :lol

Comparitively speaking I do think pretty much all collectible companies overcharge. I don't think being price conscious is a bad thing.

Having worked in the transportation industry and understanding how much it costs to build roads, bridges, etc, I can tell you that real cheapskates are people that complain about the gasoline prices and the dumb asses that try to prevent increases to the gas tax while the state and national Highway User Trust Funds run dry due to more efficient vehicles. Consciously letting $50,000,000 bridges deteriorate until they fall into the river because you don't want to make your voters pay $50 more a year in gas tax is cheap. But I digress. :lol

I like Texas' solution for that. Their inmates build the highways. Here in CA, we could basically s**tcan Caltrans since most of the time they don't even work (usually one guy busting his ass while 4 watch him work), let alone do it correctly, take that money and use it toward our state's financial crisis and re-institute the funds stripped from education.

No, that is not what I was saying at all.

Do you even own any Joes from Sideshow? I notice you completely avoided that question.
inmates building the road would probably save alot, but no way would I want them constructing anything, especially a bridge.:lol
Yeah, wow! 500 is REALLY low! That is a classic exclusive edition size! Well before Star Wars bumped them over a 1,000 regularly. While I'm glad I have one, I hope this isn't a new trend or else PPOs will get really hairy :eek:
Guess that is why he sold out so fast lol.

Maybe the exclusive cost a bit more to make.\

And I hope it is a new trend. Make the exclusive limited.
Price had to have been affected by demand based on the number of people pre-ordering and getting on the waiting list. Its "selling out" quickly didn't mean much to me, because we have no idea how many they initially offered up. Could have been 300 or so.
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Seems like some funny business going on to me with the low edition size. SSC probably saw all the complaints and this is the way they'll keep everyone that preordered to keep their ex. when they don't fix the paint job. :lol :banghead
This is up for pre order over here in the UK on for £99. £30-50 cheaper than the majority of the hot toys figures on the same site.

£99 for this is ridiculously good! Tempted.
Seems like some funny business going on to me with the low edition size. SSC probably saw all the complaints and this is the way they'll keep everyone that preordered to keep their ex. when they don't fix the paint job. :lol :banghead

wow ,..... yaa i think thats the plan .........
Question, do they annouce how many regular edition figs are made?

I think how thats sells is more telling of complaints.
Seems like some funny business going on to me with the low edition size. SSC probably saw all the complaints and this is the way they'll keep everyone that preordered to keep their ex. when they don't fix the paint job. :lol :banghead

I don't know if it's that, or miscalculated interest in the figure itself. Besides, what does it matter? If there's more demand, they'll just pump it up by a couple hundred anyway (PZ & Talon PFs). :huh
When Cobra attacks the Broadcast Energy Transmitter in the snowy mountains toward the beginning of the 1987 movie Firefly is copiloting a STUN and wearing a winter coat with his bandolier over it. So for those who feel that SSC's version is a little too "cold weather" for their tastes at least there's a vintage ARAH precedent for the jacket.
When Cobra attacks the Broadcast Energy Transmitter in the snowy mountains toward the beginning of the 1987 movie Firefly is copiloting a STUN and wearing a winter coat with his bandolier over it. So for those who feel that SSC's version is a little too "cold weather" for their tastes at least there's a vintage ARAH precedent for the jacket.

:lecture :lecture :lecture tru I do remember that now, awesome :lol

Was Major Bludd riding/driving with him as well? and I think Cobra Commander yes at him on his driving :lol
Was Major Bludd riding/driving with him as well?

Actually it was CC and Dr. Mindbender riding with him. Mindbender had a coat on too which would be an option for SSC to include if they ever make him and can't do a proper bare-chested base body for him. Of course we don't want them to get too crazy with the winter gear but at least its a way to keep them reasonably "vintage" if they don't plan on giving us a shirtless version anyway.
When Cobra attacks the Broadcast Energy Transmitter in the snowy mountains toward the beginning of the 1987 movie Firefly is copiloting a STUN and wearing a winter coat with his bandolier over it. So for those who feel that SSC's version is a little too "cold weather" for their tastes at least there's a vintage ARAH precedent for the jacket.

You could just as easily justify Boy George Snake Eyes. :rolleyes: ...FAIL!