SSC Firefly

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Are they 100% on par, no. But there is still a big gap in price. SS has improved their figures greatly since Ventress came out. Sure a German Indy pops up here and there, but their GI Joe kicks ass all around.

Exactly. There is at minimum, a 60% increase in price between Sideshow and HotToys products. Quality-wise, that gap is, at worst, 20%. So IMO, that make HT figures overpriced.

To be fair though, as cool as Vader is, what HT did with the Godfather, and what they're doing with Terminator Salvation is right up there. I'd have to say that in my book, they're both neck-and-neck right now, but agree that if there was an edge to be had, it would be for Sideshow due to the quality of what they're offering at the lower price point.
i don't see anyone doing a better job than sideshow did with storm shadow.

and yah, godfather, john connor are well as dx joker
Yeah I guess it could be worse. He could look like he's into airsoft guns. :monkey1

...and that's the best you could do. :clap:clap:clap

If you had any inkling of what you were talking about, you'd know that if that were the case, he would've looked more like the Firefly you're whining about Sideshow's not looking like. :lol
:lecture :lecture

There are three options: Buy through SS or another retailer and love it, wait for it to pop up on at a cheaper price on eBay to save a few bucks, or just don't buy SS products at all.

See, you're post is failing to account for all the mafioso Guidos Sideshow's hired to sneak into all these collectors' houses, garroting them with one hand, putting the dangerous end of a .22 to their temples with the other while motioning at the keyboards, forcing them to order.
I just want to say, in defense of us who are complaining about the GI Joe line, it's because we do really want to like them. We're complaining because we care or at the very least I am.

No one is forcing anyone to buy anything but it always sucks to see something you want done in a way that makes you no longer want it.
I just want to say, in defense of us who are complaining about the GI Joe line, it's because we do really want to like them. We're complaining because we care or at the very least I am.

No one is forcing anyone to buy anything but it always sucks to see something you want done in a way that makes you no longer want it.

Complaining about the price (unless you're Prog who's admitted he's cheap and kudos to him for that), is pretty petty considering the quality of the figure you're getting. I've noticed it's usually either two extremes. Some compare him to the low-end Dragon figures and DiD who don't have the more popular licensing fees, or the extreme of HT without using common sense in the HT comparison. There's no doubt HT is king of the mountain when it comes to figures, but be a bit more realistic. Look what they offer, how non-thorough they are with the lines they produce and look at their prices. Based on those three things alone, I'm glad SS has the Joe line and are using it to improve the quality of their 1:6 releases. Comparing them to what we get from HT, and being realistic about it, Sideshow's giving us more for every dollar spent.
:rock Glad to see Andy back doing stuff with Sideshow!

My favorite facial expression so far on a joe character.All Hail the return of The Great Andy B to his homeland...:rock

The face sculpt is the best part of this figure, and it makes perfect sense if Bergoltz did it. If it was someone else, congratulations to them because it is what makes me most want to like the figure.
Complaining about the price (unless you're Prog who's admitted he's cheap and kudos to him for that), is pretty petty considering the quality of the figure you're getting. I've noticed it's usually either two extremes. Some compare him to the low-end Dragon figures and DiD who don't have the more popular licensing fees, or the extreme of HT without using common sense in the HT comparison. There's no doubt HT is king of the mountain when it comes to figures, but be a bit more realistic. Look what they offer, how non-thorough they are with the lines they produce and look at their prices. Based on those three things alone, I'm glad SS has the Joe line and are using it to improve the quality of their 1:6 releases. Comparing them to what we get from HT, and being realistic about it, Sideshow's giving us more for every dollar spent.

See no, not in my opinion. I'm personally not complaining about the price. I don't care about the price as long as it's within the sort of broad range of the market. Sideshow just simply isn't making figures I would ever buy and what is crushing to me is that they're figures of characters I would buy, they're just done badly enough that I have no interest.

Starting to get way off topic here but in a similar vein I would be so happy to have a Edward Scissorhands figure in 1/6 and Hot Toys made an amazing Edward figure... from the neck down. Them not getting the likeness rights or the whatever the problem was ruined the figure for me.
And Hot Toys quality as well

This is true I've bought them all except for the Officer, so far (and I may eventually pick him up, since his price is dropping on EBay). I've thrown them all on TT bodies, so in truth I am paying HT prices and I'm getting an emalgimation of a SS and HT figure.
See no, not in my opinion. I'm personally not complaining about the price. I don't care about the price as long as it's within the sort of broad range of the market. Sideshow just simply isn't making figures I would ever buy and what is crushing to me is that they're figures of characters I would buy, they're just done badly enough that I have no interest.

Starting to get way off topic here but in a similar vein I would be so happy to have a Edward Scissorhands figure in 1/6 and Hot Toys made an amazing Edward figure... from the neck down. Them not getting the likeness rights or the whatever the problem was ruined the figure for me.

So, please correct me if I'm wrong, but what I'm getting from your post, quoted, is that you don't own a single Joe. And if that's the case, your whole entire string of posts here griping is nothing more than one big....

Oh man, that made me laugh

Im glad SS has teh line and not HT, just wish they would pump out more figures and stick to the script.
See no, not in my opinion. I'm personally not complaining about the price. I don't care about the price as long as it's within the sort of broad range of the market. Sideshow just simply isn't making figures I would ever buy and what is crushing to me is that they're figures of characters I would buy, they're just done badly enough that I have no interest.

Is that just another fancy/verbose way of saying . . . "If it's not cheap enough, then I don't care for it or want to buy . . . even though I want to if it's cheap enough for me."?

The one definitive thing I learned about the 1:6 hobby is that we're ALL cheap@$$ collectors (i.e. wanting to pay the absolute least amount possible) for stuff we want, but the majority of us will buckle down and pay a fair and reasonable amount for items we truly want, but there will always be those who claim they would get if it was cheap enough and/or find ways to justify their purchasing principle on why they will not buy it (i.e. it's not cheap enough, it's not good enough for my $, etc.), but simply . . . far and few will ever readily admit to being a cheapskate by coming up with other reasons.
cheapskate, with all its negative conotations is a pretty harsh word when we're talking about $100 collectible items which any of us can simply live without and probably be better for it. :lol

Comparitively speaking I do think pretty much all collectible companies overcharge. I don't think being price conscious is a bad thing.

Having worked in the transportation industry and understanding how much it costs to build roads, bridges, etc, I can tell you that real cheapskates are people that complain about the gasoline prices and the dumb asses that try to prevent increases to the gas tax while the state and national Highway User Trust Funds run dry due to more efficient vehicles. Consciously letting $50,000,000 bridges deteriorate until they fall into the river because you don't want to make your voters pay $50 more a year in gas tax is cheap. But I digress. :lol

Is that just another fancy/verbose way of saying . . . "If it's not cheap enough, then I don't care for it or want to buy . . . even though I want to if it's cheap enough for me."?

No, that is not what I was saying at all.