SSC G.I. Joe Baroness

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Sideshow Alex,

While I have you here on the board reading and online, can I make a light suggestion for the Con Exclusive? Or maybe it's an idea, if you like it, you can pass on to the powers that be.

How about a GI Joe / Cobra Weapon set?

Using preexisting molds, in which tooling and R&D are sunk costs already on your side and it's not as production intensive or possibly as risky as a full bore figure.

- Viper Magpul Masada rifle
- Viper classic laser rifle
- Zartan sniper rifle
- Crimson Guard Kriss Submachinegun
- Duke XCR with 40mm
- Beachhead crossbow with arrows
- Classic GI Joe laser rifle ( the one from classic Snowjob)
- And NEW WEAPON - Classic Cobra Trooper laser rifle (from the cartoon)


And to benefit the dealer side, you can distribute them as mass weapon packs or blind boxes, while the dealers can choose to sell as case form or as individual blind boxes.

A reduced weight compact exclusive with highly desirable parts, most of which are associated with sold out product now that could give you a profit margin higher than the normal Joe figure release but still hover around current MSRP to keep your pricing structure stable.

GI Joe unique weapons from your line are still generally the most consistent items that appreciate in value loose on the secondary market. I believe there is value in that for SSC.

Just a thought...

Thanks for your participation and feedback on these boards.

( P.S. if you like the idea, I'd be happy to trade it to SSC for a complimentary Baroness.... Ok.. had to try)
Sideshow Alex,

While I have you here on the board reading and online, can I make a light suggestion for the Con Exclusive? Or maybe it's an idea, if you like it, you can pass on to the powers that be.

How about a GI Joe / Cobra Weapon set?

Using preexisting molds, in which tooling and R&D are sunk costs already on your side and it's not as production intensive or possibly as risky as a full bore figure.

- Viper Magpul Masada rifle
- Viper classic laser rifle
- Zartan sniper rifle
- Crimson Guard Kriss Submachinegun
- Duke XCR with 40mm
- Beachhead crossbow with arrows
- Classic GI Joe laser rifle ( the one from classic Snowjob)
- And NEW WEAPON - Classic Cobra Trooper laser rifle (from the cartoon)


And to benefit the dealer side, you can distribute them as mass weapon packs or blind boxes, while the dealers can choose to sell as case form or as individual blind boxes.

A reduced weight compact exclusive with highly desirable parts, most of which are associated with sold out product now that could give you a profit margin higher than the normal Joe figure release but still hover around current MSRP to keep your pricing structure stable.

GI Joe unique weapons from your line are still generally the most consistent items that appreciate in value loose on the secondary market. I believe there is value in that for SSC.

Just a thought...

Thanks for your participation and feedback on these boards.

( P.S. if you like the idea, I'd be happy to trade it to SSC for a complimentary Baroness.... Ok.. had to try)

Hi Meathook!

Thanks for the suggestion! Actually the thought to do things such as weapon sets, accessory sets, and things in the same vein is brought up from time to time (G.I. Joe and Star Wars being two licenses where most talk has occurred for such an idea), so something like that may happen one day perhaps. Most likely such an idea would not be something used for con exclusives (good idea of course) though.

Destro, Roadblock, Scarlett (I would think a Joe female would be a gimmie)

not if they are fixing that too...Alex just said they had to fix the armor and now the female body

I'd say Scarlet just took a backseat too
Cheers for more updates Alex.
Baroness + 2 more before comic con (Scarlet and Destro is my bet)

Stinger Driver is a variant that would be so easy to make and would sell.

I wouldn't buy it... and matter of fact it would make me truly contemplate being finished with the entire line altogether.

want an idea Sideshow? ...make head sculpts. A new Duke, Flint, Stalker, Dusty portrait, now THAT would sell.