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Can somebody take some good macro focus close up shots of the heads. I'm really curious to see how they compare to what I remember doing to them. I'd appreciate it.

Not sure if SilentSurfer saw the other ones I posted, but here a couple more. I tried to get some of the texture of the sculpt and how smooth and natural the paint apps are. Its a FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR cry from what we got previous Joes.




Hope these were what you were looking for Silent.

Here is a link to the other pix in case you missed them....






A LOT of amazing detail in that sculpt!

Okay, I'll stop now. I promise. :monkey3
Okay, so I lied :lol

I futzed the color on these to really highlight the details in the sculpt....





Okay, NOW I'm done.
Great pics as always King! The eyebrows alone, tell the story of how good the sculpt/paint really are. This bodes very well for Zartan, and especially Rock and Roll with his hyper detailed beard.

Man, cant wait to get those two figs.

Once again, I have no issues with is release. Another job well done by SS
They have to have some picture to go off of. Other wise they would be just dreaming up a face. Great pics king. much better than the Dusty fiasco.
I remember reading the headsculpt was based on Redford...all the way down to the blemish next to his mouth


A very good choice of reference too. Steve McQueen would have been a nice one as well. Hope to see him used for someone. Maybe as Clutch driving the VAMP. :yess:

Still don't see why there was a issue with the Bana reference. :dunno
I definately see the resemblance now. I know he's been in a few military flix, but I never think of him as one of those characters. Always Roy Hobbs or Jeremeiah Johnson. :lol