SSC General Hawk

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Yeah, sorry I meant to imply protos.

I'd imagine the overseas labor part causes the majority of the hiccups in the paint issues people sometimes receive.
How bad were the ones you originally got?

My reg Hawk head has a small unpainted spot on his hair; I mean, if we pay full price for something, we should get the best piece possible, but it seems a little ticky tacky to me. The helmet obviously covers it, and it's not a huge spot.
1)agree it should have arrived perfect.
2)agree its pretty ticky tack to complain about such a small detail.

too bad these small errors end up costing the company (thus customers)money. have to tidy up the processes a bit better. maybe wrap all the heads in plastic before stuffing them into the box.
They were fine except the regular head and a glossy scratch on the chin and the elite was missing the rubber joint that the neck attaches too.
^^^ holster was broken as well, light scratches on the boots, wrong tint on color of camo pants, also knife strap down on the leg is a little ruffled. :lecture
I just fixed the paint rubs in the hair on my Hawk head myself. I just had to mix up a little black with some burnt umber and you can't even tell the rubs were there.
I just fixed the paint rubs in the hair on my Hawk head myself. I just had to mix up a little black with some burnt umber and you can't even tell the rubs were there.

Hair I would've taken care of myself. The scratch on the face, eh SS's problem. :yess:

You actually painted Hawk?

Not much royalty posts in this section, but I did want to say a big thank you without sounding too much like an ass kisser.

Just checked out your thread... then had a seizure. Awesome work.

:lol Thanks! I can't wait for you all to see some of the stuff I've worked on since SDCC. My current project is mind-blowing, but you can't force me to tell you what it is, so don't try. You don't understand the power of the Sideshow. It would be unwise for you to try to lower my defenses.:nono
:lol Thanks! I can't wait for you all to see some of the stuff I've worked on since SDCC. My current project is mind-blowing, but you can't force me to tell you what it is, so don't try. You don't understand the power of the Sideshow. It would be unwise for you to try to lower my defenses.:nono

TEASE!! I can't wait to see that!
My current project is mind-blowing, but you can't force me to tell you what it is, so don't try. You don't understand the power of the Sideshow. It would be unwise for you to try to lower my defenses.:nono

Of course not.
I just so happen to work in a field where confidentiality and secrecy is of the utmost importance, and can appreciate a good surprise.

......Wouldn't happen to slightly rhyme with Cobra Manifesto would it? :lol:pray::lol
Cause Evilface > Buttmunch.

And have spent lots of $$$ with em since they went direct so they better give me some nice treatment. :lol